Gottlieb Paludan Architects

Gottlieb Paludan Architects

Nordhavn, København


The City Bridge

Odense, the third largest city in Denmark, faced an increasing problem: The harbor district was expanding with homes, educational opportunities and workplaces but the connection to the city center was less than optimal due to the railway cutting off the northern part of the city. Now, with the construction of the new foot and cycle bridge, cyclists and pedestrians will soon be able to cross Odense in great style. Gottlieb Paludan Architects developed this project in cooperation with ES Consult, NIRAS, Bartenbach Lichtlabor, and lighting-design artist Anita Jørgensen.

Under the motto "The City in Motion", the team designed a simple and beautiful foot and cycle bridge based on the city's natural traffic patterns. The bridge design aims to create a beacon for Odense city and a celebration of non-motorized traffic. This basic functional quality translates into a bridge that will integrate art, lighting and construction, blending all these elements together into one exquisite, fluid design that will give the city an inspirational and efficient traffic solution, and at the same time create a striking landmark that will stand the test of time.

Connecting the urban quarters north and south of the railway by focusing on exactly that key function - the bridge is going to be a beautiful, practical and an organic part of Odense’s urban space, and easy to use for pedestrians and cyclists, and for the many people travelling to and from the city by train every day.

Along the bridge, there will be a number of well-defined spaces, a variety of views and impressions, and all in all, the components will come together into one cohesive and spectacular addition to the urban space of the city.

The bridge is expected to be finished in 2015.

Service: Buildings & Design
Client: Odense City Local Authority
Location: Odense, Denmark

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Status: Built
Location: Odense, DK
Firm Role: Building Desgin
Additional Credits: In cooperation with ES Consult, NIRAS, Bartenbach Lichtlabor, and lighting-design artist Anita Jørgensen