Ghalia Ajouz

Ghalia Ajouz

New Haven, CT, US


Rethinking Resettlement

Starting with the urban scale, The urban scale help not only resolve resettlement issues but also revitalizes unoccupied monuments around buffalo’s beltline. Targeting those monument one at a time, our proposal is to rehabilitate the beltline is preserved buildings into commercial, residential, or mixed-use facilities.
We drew analysis of the surrounding features and utilities of the beltline, integrating it with the existing buffalo’s plan. Buffalo is already looking towards a Transit-Oriented Development for its transportation plan rather than the less energy-efficient Conventional Suburban Development Plan. Since the city’s plan is to reestablish the freight-used line into a passenger oriented one, turning buffalo into a new hub for newcomers. We overlaid a green line, trees line, resettlement line and commute line.

On the smallest scale, our goal was to resolve two problems: the first problem is that all the resettlement agencies (denise) can’t control or anticipate the number or type of families they are expecting until a very short period of time ahead of the arrival, the second issue that we resolved is that  the newcomers have different backgrounds and various personal preferences to the layout of their habitat.
By pushing the utilities to the side, we created a big central area, and we designed flexible partition walls to divide that space.
The big space in the middle and the movable partition walls allows customization and utilization of what is typically a “corridor” space by adding it to the room area.

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Status: School Project
Location: Buffalo, NY, US
My Role: Refugee Resettlemet Housing
Additional Credits: Teammates: Salwa Alawneh, Leila Mirghaderi