
Most / least popular threads...OF ALL TIME!!!


Most popular:

"Name that Architect and Building!!!"

Among the least popular:

"Name that Architect and Aggressive Rash"


Apr 15, 09 12:44 pm

Seems like 3DH Threads were pretty reliable way back when.

Apr 15, 09 1:00 pm  · 

"2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!"

Like 35,000 views -- that's insane. (How many M.Arch-ers are there currently in school?)

Apr 15, 09 1:35 pm  · 

Popular: "2009 M.Arch 1 applicants, commiserate here!"

Unpopular: "2009 Chapter 7 applicants, commiserate here!"

Apr 15, 09 1:40 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

Popular: Layoffs... layoffs 1446 (30516)

Unpopular : Employment... employment 4 (472)

Apr 15, 09 1:53 pm  · 


Apr 15, 09 4:22 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i tried using a thread called yawn!!!! to chronicle some of the least popular threads...but i tired of it pretty quickly.

and, yeah, Hi all you fancy graphics lovers has to be the best thread of all time...well, at least in the modern era of archinect. there were some pretty good ones in the pre-registration days too. i even tried to resurrect some of them via vintage threads (part I...?) series...except i never got past the anti-best school post included in that thread. i also recall a great thread from the old days in which frank gehry asked for some wardrobe suggestions. and of course, who can forget the thread where a student named "houston" asked if she should take a job after sleeping with a visiting critic...speculation ran rampant with all kinds of innuendo and tschumi your tits = instant, unforgettable classic

Apr 15, 09 5:13 pm  · 

do u remember the one with corbu's ass? that was cool

Apr 16, 09 1:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

corb's ass? that does sound like a classic thread.

whatever happened to the poster named 'hot dog eating champ' who would occasionally show up but always post the same thing, i.e., "i can eat more hot dogs than you"...that was amusing.

Apr 16, 09 6:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

corb's ass? that does sound like a classic thread.

whatever happened to the poster named 'hot dog eating champ' who would occasionally show up but always post the same thing, i.e., "i can eat more hot dogs than you"...that was amusing.

Apr 16, 09 6:37 pm  · 

i miss prophet of doom myself, and queen of england, and abracadabra, and the list goes on.

The new rockandhill guy is showing promise though as a new troll/jester and i wish him the best.

Apr 16, 09 7:00 pm  · 

it's been awhile since i've seen Silent Disapproval Robot or Try Google also, though they sort of had the same thing going

Apr 16, 09 7:14 pm  · 

Try Google still has a special place in my heart.

Apr 18, 09 11:44 am  · 

Guess my foult was that I mean what I progressed with "Hi all you fancy graphics lovers". U agrea I was over my head, in sweet designs, and this time not only a good look with nothing underneath. I had to puyblish as simple drawings as poissible, knowing not everyone, understand a structure from it's compoments. Also ; you at thius site are one of average 3 to 5 sites-treads, I had during that periode -- if you gone to designcommunity, an even bigger diskurs was undergoing, and it succeed to gather new idears to build ontop, either I shuld compeed with another increadible issue or I suddenly accepted a particular one's oppinion of a detail, or more than a detail, But under the most of the time, I added more applications for 3dh, while finding out, why this beacme a social issue. 3DH will yet save the world, there are plenty of resons, beginning build new cheap houses.

Apr 18, 09 3:10 pm  · 

For one ; begin use the idiotic simple manufactoring, with sheet cutting.
--- To realise, that even equipment are avaible, then out of how few had the guts, -- no one. Beside, I started new treads, as soon I had something exiting to share, like the arts I made treads even groups about it, I even begun to paint and as useal I am allway's pleased, with each piece I make, just as allway's ; I has no scrap bin.

From my point of view, issues like such. --- how do a publishing of a new snart building method. With such many nice sideeffects as possible with 3dh, become an issue about what I think or what I am bound to do now. That my audience are a very silli question, and sometimes it ask what is called Humor, to realise things like real methods, and not what most is presant, images rather than structure, -- I was told that methods such as 3dh, require 20 years just to be realised, the feast only start then. Say I agrea that on the web, you can be evely promoting, that's allowed -- but as soon you start brag, someone who aswell would like even more to brag, start complain about you, and then it is again not an engenious little method, I only beg you to open your mind for, but there just are such much to win, changing one's perspective about how youy can put two things together, unless you think computers gurentie, that it will be four times more expensive, and a lot vorse ?
Why shuldn't computers work like any other tool, case I prefere them then the result has nothing to do with what I think.
I has 20 years more to once in a while fid the right discussion, and there claim my credits and suggest a much better idea, I told you then and I tell again, 3dh will come, and when it do, a lot of things do not need to stay at same high price.

Apr 18, 09 3:27 pm  · 

Painting I made that soon will go on my ArtWanted site.

Apr 18, 09 4:04 pm  · 

per, that looks like she put her ear where her mouth is. you include what warhol left out. IWanted!

Apr 18, 09 5:46 pm  · 

Sorry my foult, I keep forgetting to rezise ,yhis is the whole canvas :

Part of a serie with these :

All are painted acryl on masonit 120x60 cm.
This some 120x80 Cm ;

Apr 18, 09 6:40 pm  · 

phuyake, I think the powers that be may have banned all those. I remember I started one up for a while in similar spirit, can't even remember the name anymore, and was banned within two days.

Apr 18, 09 6:53 pm  · 

i'm the king of un-POP

if u click at my profile and u will discover that all my entries have 10 reply max. usually 1-2 reply and mostly me.

take this recent one for example that i was begging for a reply :(

Apr 19, 09 5:55 am  · 

Sorry, the first painting was not taken by day light, -- these are the colors in the painting more as they realy are ;

Also I made a few small adjustments to the image.

Apr 19, 09 2:24 pm  · 

aspect, thats just too long!!!!

Apr 19, 09 3:19 pm  · 

while we're at it,,

i can eat more hotdogs than you

Apr 19, 09 3:20 pm  · 

puddles! you dont remember the one with corbu's ass??? there was a black and white pic with corbu butt naked,,, it was a thread about funny architect names,, or architect portraits, one of those,, almost two years ago or maybe less

Apr 19, 09 3:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i have seen a photo of corb naked...but i don't recall anything about the thread.

oh...and i ate two hot dogs this weekend. beat that.

Apr 20, 09 10:46 am  · 

Try Google lives

Apr 20, 09 10:51 am  · 
brian buchalski

google is offering lives now? will they ever stop?! they're going to end up more hated than microsoft

Apr 20, 09 11:11 am  · 
job job

Per, I like your paintings

I like to think that I was partly responsible for that one day of 'in a landslide' threads that blew up archinect

Apr 20, 09 12:46 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I tried Google Lives... couldn't get it to sync up with my Outlook right. Went back to Microsoft Lives. Better compatibility, but more viruses.

Apr 20, 09 12:48 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Chili Davis is back!

Apr 20, 09 6:00 pm  · 

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