
salary in Scotland


Hi all,

How much would one expect to recieve as an annual salary here in Scotland as a newly qualified architect?



Nov 2, 08 5:10 pm

Why not check the RIBA or the BDonline salary surveys. I would imagine that in the current financial melt-down it migth well vary depending on the firm. Good luck.

Nov 3, 08 4:58 am  · 

Do you mean 'recently qualified pt.III' or pt.II? How many years experience do you have?
Once those questions are answered, there's likely to be a difference between which sort of practice you're applying for. Big commercial firms generally ('though not always) are more profitable and can hence pay more.
As an architect who graduated with a diploma at Edinburgh Uni in 1994 (and then went to Grad Design at the AA 'til 1996) I started on something like £15,000 per annum in London. I didn't get my pt.III until about 2004 and by that time I was being paid around £27,000 in Scotland (as the project architect on a £120M job...) and, when I stopped working full time in 2007, I was on £32,000.
Now I'm earning £60.50 per week (=£3146 p.a.) on unemployment benefit. In Glasgow.
So good luck :-)

Nov 3, 08 5:35 pm  · 

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