so, once again, the clients have been flip flopping (surprise surprise)
we have a double height wall that they would like to use for a light box for a blown up high res. image (of a field, or pasture)...but the subject doesn't really matter.
I am looking for examples of successful, or unsuccessful, attempts at using a large building surface as a canvas for graphics...projection, or otherwise.
ours will likely be laminated high quality prints in pieces....
there is this house in the middle of a forest, i think somewhere in scandinavia - but i could be totally off there. the house, in order to "blend" into its environment sits behind a vinyl mesh that has the surrounding forest printed on it. during the day you can't see the house at all and at night it looks as if the forest is glowing. without an image this doesn't help you, but perhaps someone else knows what im talking about. holz?
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wall supergraphics
so, once again, the clients have been flip flopping (surprise surprise)
we have a double height wall that they would like to use for a light box for a blown up high res. image (of a field, or pasture)...but the subject doesn't really matter.
I am looking for examples of successful, or unsuccessful, attempts at using a large building surface as a canvas for graphics...projection, or otherwise.
ours will likely be laminated high quality prints in pieces....
i hope i can post an image to start the convo!
thanks all!
oma @ illinois institute of technology
visit 2x4's site. 2x4
they did the graphics in OMA's IIT.
Comcast Center lobby - Philadelphia
World's largest 4mm LED screen (10 Million pixels)
i really like this... i believe its stenciled though im often wrong
stanley donwood
i used them in several large scale interior graphics installations--
have many options: wallpaper, 3M adhesion, anti-graffitti coatings, vehicle wrap
they also have several options for exterior applications
there is this house in the middle of a forest, i think somewhere in scandinavia - but i could be totally off there. the house, in order to "blend" into its environment sits behind a vinyl mesh that has the surrounding forest printed on it. during the day you can't see the house at all and at night it looks as if the forest is glowing. without an image this doesn't help you, but perhaps someone else knows what im talking about. holz?
sabbo i bow to you
again some examples of klein dytham architecture:
think i had posted this images way too many times in this forums
another kind of "WALL SUPERGRAPHICS" is what Enric Ruiz-Geli (cloud9) did at the VILLA BIO in Catalonia,M1
STAMPED CONCRETE supergraphic/texture
sorry here's more acurate info at ENRIC's website:
here's a few
Dietrich Untertrifaller:
Andrew Maynard:
Michael Maltzan
Dominique Perrault:
Neutelings Riedijk:
Mario Pani and Enrique del Moral:
Adrien Streich:
ah should have refreshed, mad beat me to klein dytham
isn't that the UNAM Library mural by juan o'gorman? (2 images above me)
ugh that's embarrassing. Pani & Moral did the campus design. i just failed arch history 101
yes HOLZ it is, u can also publish the Olympic stadium there (MEXICO 68) as part of the same unam complex, with murals in the facade by Diego Rivera
just a proposal.... but i really dig it.
Holz... it'd be even better if those boxes turned the corner along with the grey stairway? above it.
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