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CNN article about mass new testament burning in Isreal. Is this what we send $12 billion every year to support? Adding more fucking religious nut jobs to an already religious nut job stew?

May 28, 08 9:38 am

i am not touching this one

May 28, 08 10:09 am  · 

get some balls -

May 28, 08 10:11 am  · 

Only a nutjob would be offended by a nutjob burning a book.

May 28, 08 10:50 am  · 

lots of nutjobs the world over ... incidents like this no more defines the people of Israel as a whole than does Abu Ghraib define the people of the US.

May 28, 08 10:54 am  · 

I heard about this over two weeks ago. I find it absolutely hilarious how no one in America gets bent out of shape about this simply because it's Israel.

Heavens forbid that if either Obama or McCain (or any American politician really) condemned this, it would be the end of their political careers.

May 28, 08 11:09 am  · 

ff33 brings up a good point. It's a reflection of how increasingly rare it is for "mainstream" America (in terms of politicians, news outlets, and the religious establishment) are too affraid to condemn Israel for anything.

May 28, 08 11:12 am  · 

Thats why I posted this. I dont care much they burned books - but I do care we send $12 billion anullay - US taxpayer money not to mention the estimated 4 billion thats privately donated to settlement causes. Im very suspicious that some of our government money is going to religious causes. That is unAmerican.

I think its time for an American president to step up and say, "Look your out of your dam minds" to both Isreal and the Arab states.

May 28, 08 11:13 am  · 

archmed, i think its funny that you fail to realize that there are some bigger issues at stake in americas foreign agenda right the 500 trillion dollar war. im not condoning their actions, but as an architect it think you would understand something about scale.

no one gets bent out of shape because sensible people realize you can't judge an entire group of people by the actions of a few, like digger said above. would it be fair to say all americans are polygamists and pedophiles based on the actions of a select group? probably not.

your relentless antisemitism is so transparent. if you have such a problem with jews, why don't you boycott working for them and their supporters and stop spewing nonsense.

May 28, 08 11:29 am  · 

xacto the war is not $500 trillion. Thats like saying a billion jillion. Get your math straight and dont start the antisematism crutch argument here. This is straight up a question of forign aid. Why is it given to a country that doesnt need it? And what are they doing with it? Making us more enemies?

I think these are logical questions that have no antisemetic undertones.

May 28, 08 11:32 am  · 
History it seems is not without a sense of irony...

May 28, 08 11:41 am  · 


You are far too predictable. Go figure, criticize Israel and you are instantly an "anti-semite." This allegation is far too ridiculous to even address so I won't even entertain it.

If you want to talk about Iraq we can talk about Iraq (I know far more about it than you do anyway)

Anyone in the Middle East could have predicted what a catastrophe Iraq would be but America never listened. The 80%+ Americans who were for the war were far too disillusioned and fixated with violence and revenge in the aftermath of 9/11.

Xacto, you and all the other like-minded Americans out there made the decision and we are all paying the price now with an increasingly shitty economy, skyrocketing prices for everything, and soldiers coming home in body bags and missing limbs. War is hell and we of all people should have known this was not going to be easy.

Had Bush's head not been so far lodged up Ariel Sharon's ass, he could have listened to people who suggested that the invasion and post invasion transition could have been smooth had we kept the Iraqi army and some of the trusted senior military network in-tact. The next step would have been to put a civil administrator in for at least 5 years and then to a US-allied Iraqi military dictator (just until at least there are democratic institutions in place). In a county like that, you can't just leave security to 34,000 lightly armed police officers. It doesn't work like that. I assure you that the typical Iraqi household has at least one or two guns. You need a large military to keep people in line. This just the type of society it is. Bush had ambitions for a similar invasion of Iran after that. And therefore, he believed that (from the command of Jesus Christ) he had to completely neutralize Iraq, and probably Syria and Lebanon first. This was invariably in his masterplan for a disarmed, demilitarized, and defeated Middle East.

Could have been anymore wrong than he was.

As for your "anti-semitic" allegation, screw you. I was only pointing out how contradictory they were being. When something like this happens in an Islamic country, everyone totally loses their shit over it and cry foul.

May 28, 08 12:20 pm  · 

your right, you guys win.

May 28, 08 1:05 pm  · 

Don't call people anti-Semitic when they have never said or done anything considered anti-Semitic.

May 28, 08 1:26 pm  · 

yes father

May 28, 08 1:56 pm  · 

old testament vs. new testament...go figure.

May 28, 08 1:59 pm  · 

myth is the root of most problems, gosh darn it why are humans do creative to their own avail?

israel is one of the most segregated racist states on earth a solution must be found and it will involve allot of concessions by those who terrorized their neighbors for 60 years only to force them to do the same in turn but on a weaker puny similar religious lie level.

May 28, 08 2:00 pm  · 

The whole west is invested in Israel...location, location, location.

May 28, 08 2:02 pm  · 
you and all the other like-minded Americans out there made the decision and we are all paying the price now with an increasingly shitty economy, skyrocketing prices for everything, and soldiers coming home in body bags and missing limbs.

I'm getting sick of Iraq taking the blame for all that's wrong with America right now. Yes, it's a shame that people are paying for it with their lives. And yes, it's not cheap, but it's not crippling the US economy or the cause of all inflation.

Skyrocketing prices are partly the blame of a federal reserve easy money policy that is devaluing the US dollar. Partly because of idiotic ethanol mandates that are taking productive farmland out of the food business. And worldwide demand growth in commodities that supply cannot keep pace with.

Evilp does bring up a good point about sending aid money to people that don't need it. I'm all for a reduction in gov't spending. Foreign aid is a start but is peanuts. Iraq and Pentagon spending is a lot in sheer numbers, but percentages is still only a fraction. The real cuts can come from health and human services which are the lions share of gov't spending.

May 28, 08 3:52 pm  · 

its mismanagement on all levels by wannabe fascists.

they call them selfs the Neocons you can watch lots of documentaries on them i recommend the Adam Curtis ones.

as one by one defect we learn more, i just hope they put these criminals in jail and never let another right wing conservative into these positions of power again.

May 28, 08 4:12 pm  · 

I'll agree with you on the neocons but remember the bigger facists are on the Liberal side - they're even worse.

May 28, 08 4:18 pm  · 

2 peas in a pod.

May 28, 08 4:33 pm  · 

depends what mix of privatization and collusion with the corporate world you mean by who in government.

If gov.(people) could do something to reign in the corporatism like EU seems to be doing, not enough, maybe we would see some change.

May 28, 08 5:01 pm  · 

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