
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I'm from Chicago and would love to go see UIC's Johnston MarkLee lecture, but I'm out of town for the GSAPP/Penn Open Houses :\

Mar 26, 09 12:31 pm  · 

I live in the West Coast (San Francisco) and have still not heard anything back from GSD.... is anyone in a similar situation? Have all of the "acceptances" gone out already, since their open house sounds like it's next weekend??

Mar 26, 09 12:50 pm  · 

so far i'm 1 for 2, still waiting to hear back from 2 others.

Cinci: Out
UIC: still waiting
Kent: still waiting

Mar 26, 09 1:20 pm  · 

I emailed Harvard to find some information, since I have not heard anything. I got a reply saying that all decision letters were "mailed yesterday or will be mailed today."

Mar 26, 09 1:42 pm  · 

Seems a little last minute for them to be mailing out acceptances (given that their open house is next weekend), but oh well.... might as well hope for the best. Thanks for the info jimmyarch! Also, they only use written letters right, no acceptance/rejection letters via email??

Mar 26, 09 1:49 pm  · 

For those of you on Yale's waitlist, i just got an e-mail from them saying that we would hear by the week of April 20. Does anyone else think that's rather late in the game for them to admit someone? Many of the programs that actually accepted me want a decision by April should I handle this situation?

also this is my tally so far:

Rice - IN
UT-Austin - IN
Pratt - IN
Yale - Waitlisted
Berkeley - "App on hold til Apr. 3"
Columbia - Rejected

It sucks because the last three are the ones I really wanted to attend. Hopefully Yale or Berkeley comes through in the end...does anyone know about chances of getting into schools off of the waitlist?

Mar 26, 09 2:12 pm  · 

Just got wait-listed at UCLA :( although it does make things easier.

So here's my running tally, and I'll add in some stats

Texas A&M University
Bachelor of Environmental Design
GPA: 3.24
GRE - verbal: 490, quant: 650, writing: 4.5 i think

SCI-Arc - holding out for...
UCLA - wait-list
Pratt - In
Parsons - don't really care
USC - see parsons

Mar 26, 09 2:16 pm  · 

As much as it sucks, it makes sense it would be later than when schools require decisions to be made. Waitlists are determined by how many of their initial acceptances responded, plus a few days processing time. I also know some schools don't rank their initial waitlist; they completely re-evaluate the final waitlist when it comes time (probably due to ppl not wanting to be placed on the list if they are already accepting somewhere else, diversifying talent based on incoming class, etc).

I don't expect to hear from my last two schools until [around] then for their first round of notification... kind of at ease I didn't get accepted to my first two just so I don't have to play the "have to tell you I'm attending/not-attending before I even know my other results" game!

Best of luck! 8*)

Mar 26, 09 2:23 pm  · 

trying to decide between UC and UIC. currently living in chicago and wanting to stay but having trouble passing up UC. shouldn't let the ranks get the best of me but i can't help it.

Mar 26, 09 3:29 pm  · 

archprospect, when did you hear from UIC?

Mar 26, 09 3:30 pm  · 

actually, a while ago. first place i heard from. mid-feb-ish?

Mar 26, 09 3:35 pm  · 

inigojonesin, I'm in your boat. In at schools that was a decision by the 15th. I think I'll call Yale today... really annoying of them

Mar 26, 09 3:37 pm  · 

NotAnArchitect.yet, i live around chicago too but am not originally from the area. I was wondering if you could give any kind of sense of the reputation UIC has around the city?

Mar 26, 09 3:37 pm  · 

I like your portfolio a lot. I like seeing portfolios of straight-forward, well thought out and not necessarily 'trendy' work. Nicely done.

Mar 26, 09 4:11 pm  · 

I finally got an e-mail from UF, and with a scholarship! I was so sure of rejection (thinking all the acceptances already went out) that I convinced myself that I didn't want to be an architect after all and started studying for the actuarial licensing exam.

Mar 26, 09 6:03 pm  · 
Andreas AT

Thats awesome n400 - Congratulations!

Mar 26, 09 6:13 pm  · 

n400 - I also just got into UF, with a scholarship! Are you doing the M. Arch or the M. Arch Core program??

Mar 26, 09 6:43 pm  · 

yay! congrats n400!

Mar 26, 09 6:59 pm  · 

Is anyone else here currently completing their undergrad and applying for an M.Arch?
When I submitted my applications my transcripts only showed my first year to my third year marks. Should I resend a copy of my transcript to each school to show my marks for the first semester of 4th year and then a verification of graduation after?

Mar 26, 09 7:03 pm  · 

for those of you who have already been admitted to UCLA:

have you heard anything from the general graduate division regarding your admissions status?

or has your "decision status" page been updated to reflect the email/packet you got from the architecture department?

when i log into my decision status page it still says "to date, no decision has been made..." even though i got an acceptance (email and packet in the post) from the architecture department.

my acceptance letter from the arch dept said to accept my admissions offer online, but i can't because my "decision status" page hasn't been updated.

now i'm starting to get paranoid that the architecture department wants me but the general graduate division doesn't!?!?

Mar 26, 09 7:04 pm  · 

hobo, you should call the department and/or the graduate division, because when I was accepted (granted, a year ago) I got grad division acceptance first and heard from the school later. It's probably just a technical thing but you probably want to get it sorted.

Mar 26, 09 7:17 pm  · 

hobopj - i didnt have website access until last night at midnight pacific time; i imagine that they upload a certain batch of accepted students each day and it automatically notifies them at midnight. if it doesn't happen by friday, i'd probably give them a call to make sure. still, i wouldn't worry about it.

Mar 26, 09 8:02 pm  · 

has anyone heard any financial stuff from UCLA?

Mar 26, 09 8:18 pm  · 

I got into UCLA and have not heard any financial information from them... I am planning on asking about it at the open house this Sunday/Monday. In my acceptance package, there was no talk of scholarships, grants, etc.

Mar 26, 09 8:29 pm  · 

John Smith- I'm doing the core program. You? Are you going to attend? Please e-mail me through my profile.

Mar 26, 09 8:42 pm  · 

finally heard back from gsd!!!


Mar 26, 09 9:15 pm  · 

helvetica, what's is your location?

Mar 26, 09 9:40 pm  · 

the midwest (specifically milwaukee area)

Mar 26, 09 9:51 pm  · 

I could really use some advise. I have been accepted to UPenn's MARCH I program and I'm really excited because UPenn was my first choice. However, I didn't receive much funding and going to UPenn would mean $100k more in student loans than UBC which I have also been accepted in. Would the extra $100k be worth it? Will graduating from UPenn provide opportunities in my Career that would justify the addition loans? Or would UBC be a better option?

Mar 26, 09 10:24 pm  · 

ababab, the glow, et al:

I got into UCLA with a fellowship and was informed of this both in the initial email from the school and the package I received in the mail. However, no loan info was included in either.

Mar 26, 09 11:05 pm  · 


How did the GSD notify you? By mail or email?

Mar 26, 09 11:32 pm  · 

so, i checked my application status a few days ago at UT and i got this message:

"A requirement for admission to the Graduate School is a bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S. institution or proof of equivalent training from a foreign institution. Our records indicate that this requirement hasn't been satisfied. "

apparently a bachelors degree from a reputable australian university isn't enough.

Mar 27, 09 12:07 am  · 
CAD Mangler

Rejected from UW today (finally) by both email and paper [3+year program].

Mar 27, 09 1:57 am  · 

maxpower- that sucks... but it is also kind of funny. i hope you are calling them today to see what's up.

Mar 27, 09 7:26 am  · 

entasis79- by mail.

should i accept gsapp or wait for gsd? anyone else in a similar situation?

Mar 27, 09 7:56 am  · 

helvetica, isn't it just a matter of losing your deposit if GSD accepts you off waitlist? so you're out $500... a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of grad costs.

Mar 27, 09 11:53 am  · 


my two cents-

100k is an amazing amount of debt to exit graduate school with. It is not like other people do not do it, but you have to think about the fact it may take you 20 years or more to pay off 100k even if you have a great job with excellent opportunites.

My experience, with 5 years working, is employers generally care more about what you can do then where you went. This becomes more and more true further out from your graduation. Though, graduating from UPenn may help you get in the door with a more prestigous firm straight out of school. This may help to launch your career, though there are certainly other ways to get there.

Other thoughts - do you want to teach? If so, having UPenn on your CV would help (probably). Does UBC have a focus which fits your interests? If not, then it will not be the experience you want and while you'll get your piece of paper, you might not have the opportunity of really pushing your ideas to the next level.

That's how I would go about thinking about the whole thing. Congrats by the way, UPenn is a great school. I too would have a hard time turning that down - good luck with your decision.

Mar 27, 09 12:02 pm  · 

I received my GSD waitlist mailer yesterday as well (westcoast). They state specifically that you can remain on waitlist even if you accept another schools offer, so why not guarantee a spot somewhere while you wait?

Mar 27, 09 12:48 pm  · 

GSAPP total: 61,958 a year. After work study and loans - Total - 34,458. My EFC is 0. Fuck my life.

Mar 27, 09 1:12 pm  · 

where does that number come from. does that include housing, food, everything to survive?

Mar 27, 09 1:55 pm  · 

ok sci-arc / cal poly pomona,

waiting on you.......

here's my break down so far

SCI-Arc: waiting
Cal Poly Pomona: waiting

and the tap drips.....drip, drip, drip, drip

Mar 27, 09 1:55 pm  · 


yeah it includes all of that.

Mar 27, 09 2:23 pm  · 

lessermatters... that's hilarious. I'm sorry you are waiting so long.

Mar 27, 09 2:38 pm  · 

gsarch, not sure where you are but keep in mind dollar bills will just pour out of your pockets if you want a life style living nyc. you'll never be home, so be prepared!

Mar 27, 09 2:48 pm  · 

add to list of gripes with Sci-Arc:

Many hoops to jump through for financial aid

Upon filing out numerous forms/apps and sending taxes they have summarily lost all info except FASFA - "never recieved anything else"

USPS confirmed delivery via website!!! what's up wit that@!

Mar 27, 09 2:51 pm  · 

>USPS confirmed delivery via website!!! what's up wit that@!

Yale does the same thing, very common when you have a heavy application year it seems.

Mar 27, 09 3:01 pm  · 

just got mail: wait-listed at Hahhhhvard.

Final Tally:

IN: UW Seattle, UT Austin
OUT: Berkeley, MIT
Waitlisted: Yale and GSD

Mar 27, 09 4:37 pm  · 

waitlisted with GSD as well...
ah.. thought it finally came to an end when i saw the mail from GSD....

it just never ends does it....

Mar 27, 09 5:21 pm  · 

did anyone that applied to MIT not get accepted but not get the rejection email either?

Mar 27, 09 5:36 pm  · 

So I finally heard from all of the schools I applied to:


UIC - I called to ask and they told me - I will probably go there
VA Tech - They called me and then sent a letter
U of Toronto - They sent an email but they are a 3.5yr program yikes!


Wash U

What a stressful time!!

Here are my stats:

BS in Arch at Georgia Tech
3.6 gpa
gre: 530v 670q 4.0a(not sure what happened there!)

Had good references (gsapp, GSD and tech alums)

haha I thought my port was good but who knows..

Good luck everyone!

Mar 27, 09 7:05 pm  · 

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