
Where were you three years ago today?


I spent most of the day standing around a television in my office with co-workers worrying about family who were in DC in or near buildings that we later found out were potential targets of the Pennsylvania flight.

I've never seen a bluer sky than that day.

Sep 11, 04 8:41 pm

i was in my office, no tv, listening to various radio stations and i found out what was going on by listening to howard stern. it was bizarre, since i never actually saw how anything happened, or what was going on, i spent the entire night absorbed in the replays, i spent alot of time watching television trying to take it all in. i guess my mind had a hard with believing what i was seeing. when i left work that night, all i could remember how surreal the drive was, everything was silent, no birds chirpping, cars were non-existant, it almost felt like a blizzard and how everything is so eerily serene.

to think the day before i was in studio presenting my project idea for my final studio.....a hotel/hospital for victims of bioterrorism, located on the west side of nyc in the meat packing district. the site was directly across from pier where victims of the titanic were brought, so it had a direct view of the WTC site...

Sep 12, 04 12:09 am  · 
El Arki

I was getting ready to go early to studio, and my sister calls me and tells me about the first plane,. While I'm driving to school I hear about the second plane, and the pentagon. That whole day was so somber in studio, we all sat down and listened to NPR and talked about the towers and their impact on the architecture and engineering world. No one really did any work that day.

Sep 12, 04 12:42 am  · 

it seems a bit strange to talk this way, but we at ucla had the final presentation on the 12th, and all we could do was listen to the radio working our butts off..i remember not having slept the night of the 10th and wanting to go sleep at 9:00am when i heard this - but i have to say (and i hate to say it) - that we were thinking of the presentation the next day because all of us had so less work done. Oh the joys of summer session.
and i distinctly remember 1-2 a-holes in our studio replaying some webclips again and again as if it was a fucking video game - really awful

Sep 12, 04 5:07 am  · 

I had worked late in the studio the night before and gotten home around 4:00am. I was awakened by the phone, my father calling me telling me the Pentagon had been bombed and to turn on the tv. I woke up my wife and we both watched in utter disbelief - like it was a movie. I showered and dressed and went to design studio at 10:40am. Classes were cancelled and the university was shut down. All I could think about all day was the people inside who died or were dying and how their families or loved ones must have felt. Our daughter who was 1 year old at the time and our new born baby boy who was 3 months at the time recieved plenty of hugs & kisses that day. What a horrible day in the history of mankind - unimaginable.

Sep 12, 04 10:28 am  · 

after watching tv all morning, around 1pm I needed to go to the store to get milk for coffee. I drove to the brentwood whole foods. there, in the parking lot was a pink corvette and Angeline ... in a tight mini dress and blond hair... instructing the bag boys how to load the groceries into her trunk.

Sep 12, 04 4:25 pm  · 

I was driving to work... I heard on the radio that a plane had struck the first tower. The radio jock made it sound like a small Piper-Cub had hit the building. I mentioned it to my boss at work and he shrugged. Then I got to my station and the e-mails started pouring in... we spent the day glued to the computer... watching, waiting, mourning... no work was done that day. It still makes my mouth salivate like I am about to throw-up.

Sep 12, 04 4:39 pm  · 

got off grand central and saw a weird white cloud looking south. i had moved to nyc 10 days before, to a great deal of an apartment in front of city hall.

office let us go at around 11. all we had was radio, no internet, cell phones only accepting out of state calls. huge lines on public phones. all manhattan on foot except the buses going north. a woman walking in high heels filled with tissue paper and blood. the church bell tolling for the death. wondering around manhattan with office mates i'd known for one week. stopping at 5pm at a bar to use restrooms, eat something. heading south and being stopped at houston by soldiers and tanks. an empty lot filled with construction workers trying to get pumped up to go help. the soldier that stopped us told us he had been at the [army? reserve? whatever military thing] for just one week. he says, if you hurry up, you might beat the tanks and go through.

giving up on the silly hope of getting to a friend's place in soho. getting on the subway to brooklyn, not knowing where i'm going to sleep tonight. a girl is crying on her cell phone on the subway. she's speaking in spanish, she has spent 4 hours trapped underground during the day and she's only now reacting.

in brooklyn at an office mate's place. call a friend to pick me up, but he's in queens and all main roads are closed. he finally arrives at 2am [or was it 4?]. he gets on the lie, illegally, the roadblocks are there but no cops. we see the smoke from the empty highway.

Sep 12, 04 5:11 pm  · 

I remember that I spent that morning in the gym. I listen to my headphones, and the radio wasn't on in the gym, so I am pretty sure that none of us had any idea what was going on outside.

The moment I found out about the towers attacks I was walking through the Dragon cafe, thinking about how glad I was I worked out that morning and not in the evening. I noticed that people were gathered around the counter listening to the radio, but I didn't really pay them any attention. I was about to walk right by them when my friend grabbed my arm and was like "Did you hear that!! Another plain hit the towers and one of them is falling down!" I was like "Another plane?What are you talking about?" She pointed at the radio and then I listened a few minutes while the reporter was describing what was going on in New York.

I went to class, only to find out that it was cancelled and instead the lecture hall was being used to project the news onto the projector screen. It was like that all over campus. People were sitting in the campus store, watching all of the tvs and waiting for updates. Anyplace that had a tv was on and turned to the news stations.

My mom thought that I was on a field trip to NYC. I told her the week before that we had some trip to New York for class that I didn't like and with people i couldnt stand. I guess she thought the trip was that week, and she freaked out. I had 20 messages on my phone demanding that I talk to her as soon as possible.

Sep 12, 04 7:02 pm  · 
le bossman

i was lying in bed, early in the morning mountain time. i had my alarm clock set to static, in between stations. i started making out the sound of an announcer saying 'a whole world trade tower collapsed.' thought it must've been a joke because obviously that was impossible.

i went into the kitchen and saw my roommate listening to npr. it wasn't a joke. i asked him if he had been listening to what was going on and got the obvious response. i went to the gym to work out, everybody was standing around at the tv. by then it was pretty obvious we were under attack. i was pretty upset, and sad, and went to work of some of my frustration. there wasn't much of a sense of fear in phoenix, more like shock. like, something happened in the outside world, past the desert in one of those so called 'cities.'

i went to school and a bunch of people didn't do their assignments because they were watching the news. the day before my theory teacher had said "and tomorrow we're going to be talking about sex." but, instead, obviously we talked about the attacks, and the implications on architecture.

i used to live next to sky harbor airport, and i'd sit on my deck, drink pacificos and watch jet after jet after jet roll in over the desert. the strangest thing was for three days not a single jet came over. i couldn't sleep without the sound. i can't explain to you how strange of a place phoenix is, a suburban utopia on another planet. everything is routine, the traffic jambs, the form of the city, and the planes. what seemed to challenge people's nerves the most was not that the towers collapsed or that we were attacked, but that there weren't anymore planes. it was the only time that city knew it was part of a larger, real world; subject to the will of outsiders who didn't really exist.

Sep 12, 04 8:16 pm  · 

i woke up just in time to see the first news reports about the first plane... i really didn't think much of it, then the second one hit...i pretty much spent the next hour watching that... then i had class, so i went...

a few people walked in later saying the wtc had collapsed, i just couldn't believe it at all...pretty much everyone got up out of class and went home, i stayed there for the next few days just watching the news constantly...

the plane in somerset PA crashed only a few miles from my girlfriends house, and only 2 hours from PSU... which also isn't far from the alleghany nuclear project...which was pretty scary for that reason...

Sep 12, 04 9:33 pm  · 

i woke up after the first plane hit.. sat in front of TV stayed there the whole day watching thinking the world was coming to an end , was numb the whole day and week after.. did not want to leave my place or see anyone.. it was a very depressing time for everyone.. what made me cope was watching our country pull together to overcome the grief.. god bless america...

Sep 12, 04 9:53 pm  · 

I woke up just as the first plane hit and was watching it on good morning America. As I was brushing my teeth in front of the tv I watched the second plane hit behind a reporter. In shock I walked across the street to Programming class when my prof came in and lectured us for coming to class. He said that the events that were taking place were far too important for anyone to be attending class that day. He then ordered all of us to go home and watch it on tv. And that I did. Amazing really. I'd heard my Dad talking about where he was when we landed on the moon and when Kennedy was assassinated. I guess this will be my "i remember it like it was yesterday" story for my kids someday.

Sep 12, 04 11:56 pm  · 

i was just waking up when i turned on the television. first i thought it was a bad sf-film, later it was a terrible attack that changed the world and it`s idea`s. There`s more control then their ever was before and i don`t know if that is gonna help us very much, the world is becoming paranoid. There`s got to be an other way...let`s think...

Sep 13, 04 12:39 am  · 

i'd actually like to comment on the sept 11th too.

I actually just started arch school a new relationship. I got a phone call early in the morning from my girlfriend, and of course was very excited to hear from her. Sadly, she only called with horrible news and told me and my roommate to turn on our tv. We watched as the planes hit and I just couldnt comprehend the action. My mind just stopped thinking. This summer i visited ground zero and still, cant comprehend it.

Sep 13, 04 2:06 am  · 

I was making foam models in the office loft when someone tells me two planes collided over NYC and ran into a skyscraper. I thought it a bit bizarre and it wasn't until I went home and listened to BBC Radio that I realised what happened. I didnt have a tv then (was living in Amsterdam) so I never saw the video footage until about a year later. I missed the period of fervent patriotism and instead hada period of lively discussions on American foreign policy with my many European counterparts. Fun.

Sep 13, 04 11:33 am  · 

I was in Washington DC just a few days ago over the 11th. Still cannot believe it has been three years already.

At the time I was living with a roommate and was finishing up a business degree. I usually would watch CNN, Fox, etc. in the mornings but for some reason this day my roommate turned it to VH1. Then we got a call from my roommate's girlfriend who was in tears and saying how she couldn't go to Germany now. (she was planning a trip to see friends.) So I turned it over to CNN in time to catch the second tower being hit. I was so stunned I didn't know what to do other than make it to that class I had. The professor didn't let us out but all my afternoon courses were canceled and for most of the day I was glued to the television and I listened to Art Bell of all things that night. I remember that night seeing the lines at gas stations but also remembering how quiet the city sounded, and this was in the midwest. Not chaos but just very somber and orderly life.

Sep 13, 04 1:46 pm  · 

I woke up with a Hang Over from Hell that day,This was in My Drinking days I had Watched Monday night football the night before. Was about to call in sick When I turned the TV on.( KatY) That little News Bicth I've never seen her more happy About a Breaking News Story in her life. I swear her nipples were hard. As An Architect I Knew the building was comimg down and quick. To much heat to much steal Bad combo.

I dressed Did a shot of jack rushed to the office to find everyone leaving or watching TV. I Stayed Awhile after every had gone
thought about life and all that shit. Did my last shot of Jack.
Has It been Three Years.., God I miss my Jack.

Sep 13, 04 2:37 pm  · 

29yrs ago i was born, 3yrs ago i was sleeping in.. a friend called and told me what heppened, i turned on the tv, watched the second plane hit live, turned off the tc and went back to bed, woke up at 5pm, went to get dinner (all you can eat) and i couldn't eat....

Sep 13, 04 6:40 pm  · 

...and now forever if i show my ID at the checkout / bank / or bar i get the "oh man, that must have sucked" thanks for reminding me you retard....

Sep 13, 04 6:52 pm  · 

I walked into the class i was teaching that morning, and I had no clue what was happening since I didn't listen the the radio that morning. My friend then told me what happened, and I realized why all my students had a look of disbelief. I remember nothing from that day for the most part because I was in such disbelief something like that could happen. I know that when I went to my studio people were getting clued in on the internet, and my studiomate who had family in new york was on the phone constantly. Later that night my wife was wiggin out because her dad was in the pentagon that morning.

Sep 13, 04 8:25 pm  · 

I was homeless... I used to live 4 blocks from Ground Zero and couldn't get into my apartment. Ended up spending about 4 nights with Susan Hilferty, Costume Design Tony Award Winner '04.... then moved into a hotel....

Sep 14, 04 10:29 am  · 

i was regretting my career decision

May 27, 08 7:54 pm  · 

I think you might have missed the purpose of the thread

May 27, 08 8:21 pm  · 

Dear Friends,

Three years ago today I was confessing on this thread that I was not a bunny.

With Love!


May 27, 08 8:28 pm  · 

I was in Las Vegas, celebrating my graduation and hanging around after the AIA convention with a man that I shouldn't have given the time of day to.

May 27, 08 8:54 pm  · 

I was in Las Vegas, celebrating my graduation and hanging around after the AIA convention with a man that I shouldn't have given the time of day to.

May 27, 08 8:54 pm  · 

on 27 may 2005, i had just finished teaching my last university design studio, my first baby would be born in three days, and i was deciding to no longer be self-employed.

i was about to teach for my first time at the kentucky governor's school for the arts three week intro to architecture for high school students.

i lived in a different house that we had renovated completely; would be there for another year and three months.

pretty much everything is different now, except that i'm still married to the same wonderful woman.

May 27, 08 9:42 pm  · 

back to original subject, on 9/11 i heard about the first plane while sitting at my desk. the guy next to me was talking to an architect at robert stern's office, a partner in a project on which we were working. she was at/near her apt on church st when it happened and told him what she was seeing and we thought it was just some crazy accident.

a little later i had left the office and was driving to a job site with our structural engineer when we heard about the second plane on the radio and knew something more was up.

the architect from stern's didn't get back into her place for quite a while, by the way.

May 27, 08 9:46 pm  · 

Why resurrect this thread almost 4 years later in the month of May? Granted, I'm all for not forgetting but c'mon, people are just making a joke out of this thread.

May 28, 08 9:28 am  · 

I actually know this one because my birthday yesterday.

Three years ago today I was in the passenger seat of an 18-wheeler hauling a trailer from rural South Carolina to NYC for an architecture installation that studied cross-sections of physical activities through Manhattan. We drove for about 20 hours on state roads averaging about 45 mph. Longest. Day. Ever.

May 28, 08 10:21 am  · 

standing against the immoral illegal unconstitutional unnecessary war of aggression, still

May 28, 08 12:18 pm  · 

i was "working" for Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, flirting with the
foreign girls that i worked with,fooling around, pulling pranks,
cooking and eating food that we werent supposed to eat, hanging out with the polish, russian, thai, and korean guys at parties, and hardly working at all, and filling trash bags with candy from the different
stores in the park (illegal)
good times
i should go back and work there

May 28, 08 12:35 pm  · 

three years ago, i was living in new zealand, having the time of my life:)

May 29, 08 2:37 am  · 

Training for my last triathlon, before dedicating myself to architecture with an ample aside time spent on self education about 'true reality', not the crap we are fed b

May 29, 08 5:48 am  · 
zoolander the government & media.

May 29, 08 5:48 am  · 

email to your future self

May 29, 08 3:30 pm  · 

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