
Anyone working today (xmas eve)?


I am!

Dec 24, 07 8:27 am
Sarah Hamilton

I'ma t work, if you're looking to be entertained.

Dec 24, 07 8:29 am  · 

Yes because I'm not exactly getting much work done. It doesn't help that our server is down. I might go out to a job site later this morning though.

Dec 24, 07 8:33 am  · 

Doing reflected ceiling plans untill about 3

Dec 24, 07 8:33 am  · 

of course... these days are the most productive (for me anyway)! No one else is in the office! I'm going to be here for a half day but get 12 hours of work done!

Dec 24, 07 9:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm sending drawings out for prints, and pretending to work until they call it quits. Fingers are crossed for 12pm!

Dec 24, 07 9:01 am  · 

I don't feel like working.
But i am going to get alot done.

Dec 24, 07 9:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, I'm very impressed by your work ethic.

Dec 24, 07 9:05 am  · 

got my new copy of dwell and morrissey on the ipod! woo hoo! love working on x-mas!

Dec 24, 07 10:03 am  · 

A collective we are awesome
to all Archinecters working today!

Dec 24, 07 10:20 am  · 

yes, we are working, but only cause our boss in ebenezer scrooge...i love what i do but i do have problems with his personal ethics

Dec 24, 07 10:24 am  · 

you know, on the bus this morning on my way to the office, i was also thinking the same thing. at my office of 15, there are 2 (of 3) partners here, the office manager and myself.
it's nice and quiet. I'm hoping to accomplish a great deal, as tomorrow I go on holiday for 2 weeks! And, since I don't celebrate Christmas, I can work as late as I want.
but it can get a bit lonely....

Dec 24, 07 10:30 am  · 

in the office, solo. expect one coworker to arrive, probably around lunchtime. have a great day everyone.

Dec 24, 07 10:33 am  · 

hell yeah

Dec 24, 07 10:41 am  · 

i sure hope that there are some lunch places open today......

Dec 24, 07 10:44 am  · 

what the fuck is wrong with you people???? its christmas eve day

Dec 24, 07 10:52 am  · 

shop closed now - happy holidays archinectors

Dec 24, 07 11:36 am  · 

i'm hungry for food.

Dec 24, 07 12:04 pm  · 

just arrived for a few hours - today is a 'floating' holiday to be shared btw day after thanksgiving and today.

nice and quiet, few gringos around today, only the korean kids...

(mdler- I don't celebrate/observe this pagan holiday co-opted by the 'christian' churches)

Dec 24, 07 12:10 pm  · 

as don't I.

Dec 24, 07 12:14 pm  · 

I celebrate christmas but i just figured why take the day off when all I'd do is sit around the house bored. maybe if my gf had the day off it would be different.

Dec 24, 07 12:16 pm  · 

TK - Not big on the Christian part of the holiday, but I love the paganess of it all. Happy Winter Solstice Celebration kids.

Dec 24, 07 12:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Woohoo! We get to leave in 30 minutes! Merry Christmas to me!

Dec 24, 07 12:26 pm  · 

i have immigrated to the chicago suburbs to write a paper over the holiday and get real with the world again. - but just picked up a 12 pack of guiness at $13.00 [thats 50p a bottle]

first time in years the immigration men didnt frisk my luggage and body.

something is wrong with the world when can buy a pint that has flown half way around the world for pennies

i have to tell you the two things i miss most about the states:
water pressure +
big fast cars

my dad has a new lincoln town car that he lets me drive [i am his baby] and its so nice to blast the radio and drive very fast!

thank god W is protecting our oil!

Dec 24, 07 12:40 pm  · 

yep - 'fraid I'm here today. The office is closed however, but the kids aren't home from college yet; house is as decorated as it's going to get; shopping is all done; spousal unit is wrapped up in the cooking and she says I'm just in the way; going to be taking some vacation starting the day after Christmas, so thought I'd come in, enjoy the peace, and get a little work done while the getting's good.

enjoy your holidays, everybody!

Dec 24, 07 1:04 pm  · 

Sucks, everyone has now left my dept,,,

except for me. New guy so i am here till 5...Or at least 4:45

Dec 24, 07 2:22 pm  · 


you guys have big fast cars in the UK (I assume that is where you are)

Dec 24, 07 2:59 pm  · 

is it too early to start drinking?

Dec 24, 07 3:12 pm  · 

everyday is a work day

it is never too early to start drinking

maybe I should evaluate those two together

Dec 24, 07 3:46 pm  · 

In. Real question is, who's working tomorrow?

Dec 24, 07 7:54 pm  · 

still here ;-)


Merry Christmas!!!

Dec 25, 07 8:09 am  · 

OMG trace! You'd better be a prinicipal with a HUGE contract coming through that needs to be signed TODAY because your clients don't understand the meaning of xmas!

Dec 25, 07 10:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, I'm working...on a bottle of johnny walker! Holidays are great

Dec 25, 07 11:16 am  · 

trace, are you jewish?

Dec 25, 07 11:59 am  · 

no, yes, yes, yes

Dec 26, 07 7:38 am  · 

architecture knows no holiday and never sleeps.

Dec 26, 07 8:08 am  · 

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