
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Since everyone else is doing it:

M.Arch I
Cornell: Accepted (even though i sent application in MARCH)
Columbia: ?? (Below 450 Verbal cutoff)

B.Commerce - Finance / Mechanical Engineer for 2 years
Work: Curatorial Assistant for 2 months
2005: Cornell Summer Program

GPA: 3.1
GRE: (!) 410 Verbal, 760 Math, 4.5 Analytical
(I had 550+ in Verbal in my sample tests...)

Lots of photography and digital painting/photoshop, illustrator graphic design stuff.

Coordinator told me that portfolio was most impressive and trumped everything else... I seriously think that the layout of your portfolio is the most important part of the application. Ask: When 700 portfolios are spread out on the table, does yours stand out?

I should have applied to more schools.. but I thought I wouldn't get into anywhere with a 410 in verbal so i only applied to two.

Mar 28, 08 4:01 am  · 

Hey Early, heres another east bay native rejected by Berkeley. In my portfolio, I even put in a bunch of artwork revolving around maps of the bay area and the east bay.

Maybe they're prejudiced against Oaklanders...

Mar 28, 08 4:39 am  · 

no one at sci arc uses form Z. archaic!

Mar 28, 08 4:49 am  · 

does anyone know when Yale's open house is?

Mar 28, 08 5:04 am  · 
Tartar Treats

took a break workin in studio to check out asbucks portfolio. pretty awesome. good stuff. I second the comment on the text, if you shorten that down a bit... granted I think its extremely legible which I was told much more "refreshing" these days at a portfolio review then a hodge-podge of gobley-goo where sections and plans and renderings are all overlaid. On one note, how things read from page to page is important, because its a pdf- can't really comment on how it feels when you flip through it but it seems well ordered. I also second the idea of bringing the high-rise to the front. Good to start and end with your strongest. I liked how you started to show hand sketches, think its important to show process, but you probably know that. Anyways, I didnt get into any of those schools either so my word is just as good as yours. but good stuff, I'm sure you will find your place in grad school.

I thought about taking a year off too but gsapp or upenn would get me out by next may! that makes it pretty hard to pass up. But a year off like most people said, is "a blessing in disguise"

funny that you posted your stuff on, this kid who was a business major in the dorm room next to mine freshmen year, he dropped out of school and started that online storage biz. now he's racking in millions. theres some irony in that maybe? either way good luck with your future, sure you will kick some asbuck

Mar 28, 08 5:55 am  · 

skycaptain, now i am really interested in your portfolio. I have been pouring over my own, wondering if I would admit myself. Do you have a link to an online version of your portfolio?

Mar 28, 08 9:26 am  · 

I have been reading this thread for a while so i thought it was only fair-

GSAAP - in
MIT - did not hear yet
Yale - out
GSD - wait list (just found out yesterday)

So this whole wait list thing ... is there any chance of getting in?

Mar 28, 08 10:05 am  · 

Sky cap - my choice is mostly based on gut though I am going to penns open house just to make sure. I like the direction, philosophy, and work coming out of cincy. And the price tag with scholarship is hard to beat. For me personally, I feel like I would only be going to Penn for the name, while the program is not as good of a fit and the price is almost double.

Your thoughts?

Mar 28, 08 10:33 am  · 

pigeon, it gives me some comfort to know that you were at least wait listed at GSD and that you haven't heard from MIT. They are really stringing out their acceptances/rejections. The wait is killing me. When will my letter come? As for being wait listed, I have only had one friend be wait listed. He eventually got in, but that letter came in late May.

Mar 28, 08 10:49 am  · 

did anyone get an email from MIT with an offer to be put up during the Open House? lol. i think they made a mistake...and assumed i needed residence or something for two days....cornell did the same thing for me in november (sadly I didn't end up applying there :S) but they were all super-nice.

Mar 28, 08 10:56 am  · 

Has anyone gotten financial information from Wash U?

I know that it was promised before the end of the month. I was hoping to have it before the open house.

Mar 28, 08 11:05 am  · 

asmal: are you saying oppose to MIT. I couldn't agree with you more re: tuition costs...UPenn is the only school I applied to that I never visited. Not that it matters but with regards to popularity...I would say MIT has more of a "name" than UPenn. I also love Cambridge...

pigeon: how did the waitlist notification get to you? I have no rejection letter yet and there is no more mail coming until monday. booo.

Mar 28, 08 11:06 am  · 

Sky cap - I was only talking about Penn and cincy. I didn't get into MIT but if I had it would have been a tough choice. As regards Penn and MIT, I agree with you.

Mar 28, 08 11:12 am  · 

skycaptain- waitlist just came via post ... sort of funny - did not come in a big package so i had a hunch it was not an acceptance, however it was not a little letter envelope either. it was sort of mid-sized so it gave me a little hope

Mar 28, 08 11:13 am  · 

oooooh. i could do waitlist...did you ever think if there was two people who both were waiting to get into their top choice, but each was accepted into the others second they'd be waiting forever. i have to get off this chat blog thing. lol.

Mar 28, 08 11:28 am  · 

so far i've onlt gotten into UT and UCLA...
really hoping that at least i will be waitlisted at GSAPP..=(
is there still hope?

my tally right now is:

in: UT, UCLA
out: UPenn, Yale, GSD

i guess I thought I would do a little better than that...
Attached is my portfolio..would love to have you guys critique on it..
I really wish they would just tell you the reasons for rejection..


Mar 28, 08 11:59 am  · 

aww man..i guess im alone here today. =T

Mar 28, 08 12:36 pm  · 

gradcafe is now reporting only it possible that aside from sci-arc, only rejections are left?

Mar 28, 08 12:38 pm  · 

i think the link is broken

Mar 28, 08 12:43 pm  · 

mmm weird it work before..

here's another link


Mar 28, 08 12:53 pm  · 

couldn't resist, long time thread reader...

Berkeley: In
GaTech: Waiting

BSArch Texas Tech '07, 3.6gpa, 1200 GRE
a lot community service and campus activity
commercial arch firm and TTU marketing experience

Anyone going to the Cal admit reception on the 7th?

Mar 28, 08 1:27 pm  · 

ok, everyone else is posting their here's mine....

Tokyo Tech: In with full fellowship
RISD: In (but they spelled my name wrong on my admission letter!)
Yale: waitlist...aka. if i get in, it will most likely be with no $$
Columbia: wating, hopes diminishing....
MIT: waiting

Mar 28, 08 1:44 pm  · 

@moca... I like your portfolio! I think it looks really nice.

Mar 28, 08 1:45 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

MIT rejection today... came via postal in small envelope.

Mar 28, 08 1:52 pm  · 

i just got waitlisted at va tech via email.....

Mar 28, 08 1:53 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

Rejections: MIT, YSOA, Princeton, Upenn, Berkeley

In: Columbia (thank god!!)

Waiting: GSD, SciArc, toronto

Mar 28, 08 1:54 pm  · 

Rejections: UCLA, Berkeley

In: Penn

Waiting: SCI-Arc, Columbia (Pleeeease give me a sign!)

Mar 28, 08 1:57 pm  · 

dietc0ke thanks!..but i guess its not good enough for some schools..
i really really want to go live in the city..

Druvius when did u get your columbia acceptance?

Mar 28, 08 1:57 pm  · 

skycaptain and citrus.grey:

message me too if you guys want to talk about MIT.

i'm also leaning toward MIT over Yale at the moment, and am also interested in being a TA or RA. i also got the email for "student housing" for the 1 or 2 nights surrounding open house, but i declined because i'm staying somewhere else.

Mar 28, 08 1:59 pm  · 

druvius did you get you mit rejection today too?

Mar 28, 08 2:01 pm  · 

maryland - rejected
uic - rejected
va tech - waitlisted
ga tech - waiting to hear


Mar 28, 08 2:05 pm  · 

I wonder if Columbia is really going to draw this out to April 1st... I really don't feel like going through another weekend of uncertainty!

I am trying to remain hopeful that they are not done with acceptances, but at this point I think I'm grasping at straws.

Mar 28, 08 2:05 pm  · 

basically i am a dork and on far Columbia peeps report 10 acceptances...Penn has 12...(at first I counted 9 but soon realized half the people, including 3 acceptees, cannot spell Pennsylvania) seeing as how they are roughly the same size incoming class it DOES NOT LOOK GOOD for Columbia hopefuls such as myself.

Mar 28, 08 2:13 pm  · 

Riedell, When did you hear from V.Tech?

Mar 28, 08 2:20 pm  · 

jsun - i just received an email about 30 minutes ago

Mar 28, 08 2:21 pm  · 

Riedell: woa, cool. I wonder if I'll get an email soon.

Mar 28, 08 2:31 pm  · 

good luck!

Mar 28, 08 2:38 pm  · 

yale FINALLY rejected me!!! ahhhh for peace of mind.

and washU FINALLY gave me $$!! is anyone going to the washU open house?

Mar 28, 08 3:17 pm  · 

I'm going. I'm still waiting for Wash U money info

Mar 28, 08 3:20 pm  · 

I emailed admissions at V.Tech earlier today and they said a decision would be made by mid July, that sounds a little late.

Mar 28, 08 3:21 pm  · 

rose - i asked kathleen to email me when they made decisions, you could probably call her

where are you from? i'll be coming from boston

Mar 28, 08 3:34 pm  · 

mid july! geez! my email said that if spaces are still availiable as of may 1st, then they will further review my application.... so i guess that will take a month and a half?

Mar 28, 08 3:35 pm  · 

I'll be coming from pittsburgh. I guess I should give Kathleen a call. Have you gotten anything in the mail?

Mar 28, 08 3:36 pm  · 

anyone know what the deal is with UCLA financial aid info? I'm not complaining or anything since its way cheap enough as is, but Im wondering if anyone received any extra $$$?

Mar 28, 08 3:42 pm  · 

witty nope.. no info about money yet..

Mar 28, 08 3:43 pm  · 

moca: you have some great work....i would say cut it down. some things are blown up too big...take a closer look when i get a chance.

Mar 28, 08 3:43 pm  · 

rose - nothing in the mail yet...although they said they definitely want to get everyone their finaid packages before the open house.

Mar 28, 08 4:01 pm  · 

thanks skycaptain! =)

who's thinking about UCLA? was it you or FF3?
Sorry if I got it wrong..there has been a lot going here..
and I think I lost track.

I think if more rejections come..I'm saying yes to UCLA~

Mar 28, 08 4:21 pm  · 

Yeah UCLA! Go Bruins!

Moca: I think you, FF33, and I are all considering UCLA.

Im still deciding between that and CCA in San Francisco, but UCLA is looking pretty good right about now.

Mar 28, 08 4:29 pm  · 

are you considering the 3 year program or the 2 year? Im going with 3.

Mar 28, 08 4:30 pm  · 

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