
L.A. Earthquake Premonition!



is that the Old 97's?

May 9, 07 12:40 pm  · 

It's a bit extra windy down here, too. I can't remember whether that's normal for now or not. Isn't that horrible? I've lived here for seven years and still haven't noticed things like that...

Jun 7, 07 5:59 pm  · 

what are the tennants upstairs doing...

Jun 7, 07 6:00 pm  · 

yeah, usually september-ish. But we're getting really strong ocean breezes right now. I know we usually get them up high to blow off the June Gloom, but can't remember feeling them like this before at ground level.

Jun 7, 07 6:07 pm  · 

maybe chicago is gonna have some earthen quakes as well cause it was super windy here... gusts up to 50 the weather people were quoted as saying

Jun 7, 07 6:11 pm  · 

well, June Gloom is what you should expect this weekend. It's been burning off pretty early the past couple of days though, not as bad as last week.

Jun 7, 07 6:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yep, lletdownl - it's felt like the Santa Anas all day in Indy today, too.

My pilgramage to the Salk was enhanced by the blistering hot Santa Anas blowing that day. Yeah, it was intense and gorgeous.

Jun 7, 07 9:19 pm  · 

warm breezes around the bay area the last few days...very strange for right now. but then usually fog for a week...

Jun 8, 07 2:52 am  · 

i just felt one right now!

Jul 31, 07 2:01 am  · 

- ping. I love my disaster email service (get disaster data within 5 minutes!)

Jul 31, 07 2:09 am  · 

tumbles is in route to LA right now...coincidence????

Jul 31, 07 2:21 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

nuthin over in culver city...

but this is def. not earthquake weather...

Jul 31, 07 3:38 am  · 

no, this is thunderstorm weather. The clouds were pink yesterday morning, and the air seems to be sucking microscopic water droplets from my body, resulting in my throat feeling as though it's made of cotton.

Jul 31, 07 12:30 pm  · 


that is a side effect of smoking way too much pot

Jul 31, 07 2:41 pm  · 

i had to stop reading the "one stop ARE LARE" thread cause f this damn earthquake that just hit...hearing the creaking from the wood framing of the house is alarming.

Aug 9, 07 4:05 am  · 

yeah, I felt this one too.

Aug 9, 07 4:54 am  · 

though I hope there weren't any damages anywhere (I doubt it with a 4.5), I'm stoked there was an earthquake as it will probably be the last one I feel in a long time. I don't think there are earthquakes in Philly ;),...

It was a pretty long rolling one and, regardless of the millions of earthquake drills I've been through, I did the exact opposite when it hit. I jumped out of bed and ran to the 6' tall stack of boxes in the corner of my room. Holding the boxes with one hand and my 32" tv (on a 4' dresser) with the other. I'm not having shit break before I even attempt to move it.

Kids, don't try this at home...

Aug 9, 07 10:16 am  · 

I was wondering whether that was real or a dream. I woke up because my bedroom door slammed shut and the blinds were rattling... but my bf didn't wake up, so I thought I might be imagining things.

Aug 9, 07 10:29 am  · 

it is funny how, though I've been through tons of of them, I still think someone drove into the building or something.

Aug 9, 07 10:36 am  · 
liberty bell

Welcome to California, WonderK!!!! They rolled out the earthquake carpet just for you!!!

Aug 9, 07 11:01 am  · 

story on scientist predictions about the big one hitting coachella valley and causing buildings to fall in downtown LA.... I just hope it happens before I move back.

Aug 10, 07 11:16 am  · 

not exactly an earthquake, but something amusing for the angelenos...

Photo by Tom Andrews via the LAist Featured Photos pool on Flickr

Jan 1, 08 10:47 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Is that your office on Griffith Blvd in the background?

Jan 1, 08 10:58 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Oh, well, now, that's very pretty. Kinda Frank Gehry, isn't it? (New Year's resolution: don't eat all the stockpiled emergency food down to nothing.)

Jan 1, 08 11:14 pm  · 


Jan 2, 08 12:01 am  · 
FOG Lite

I knew somebody on here worked there, should've remembered it was mdler

Jan 2, 08 11:46 am  · 

mdler - what happened to your own username?

I didnt want to name names...

its on Hyperion, before griffith park blvd...
aka the lautner office

Jan 2, 08 1:11 pm  · 


it is actually Gregory Ain's office...used to be neutra's right hand man

i was using tumbles computer

Jan 2, 08 1:46 pm  · 

Ain/Lautner, not that far apart on hyperion... Knew it was one or the other and got to visit the last time it was for sale... Lautner's is the white stucco/glass block minimalist box (like orhan's) down the street.

It was cool working in the neutra office for a year. any news on Dion?

Jan 2, 08 1:53 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Forecast: Big quake likely in California

Scientists predict almost certain risk of strong earthquake by 2037

LOS ANGELES - California faces an almost certain risk of being rocked by a strong earthquake by 2037, scientists said Monday in the first statewide temblor forecast.

New calculations reveal there is a 99.7 percent chance a magnitude 6.7 quake or larger will strike in the next 30 years. The odds of such an event are higher in Southern California than Northern California, 97 percent versus 93 percent.

The last time a jolt this size rattled California was the 1994 Northridge disaster, which killed 72 people, injured more than 9,000 and caused $25 billion in damage.

2037? come on, what kind of prediction is that? tell me if it's gonna hit tomorrow!

Apr 15, 08 12:26 pm  · 

was there one? just now few minutes ago? in LA?

Jul 29, 08 2:44 pm  · 

i hear some car alarms and tina told me about it while it was still shaking and i was walking the dogs. lucky i guess. i don't wish to feel it after few major ones i have been in different geographies.

Jul 29, 08 2:46 pm  · 

I felt it...i was watching what the engineers next door would do.

Jul 29, 08 2:49 pm  · 

felt it! pretty crazy. i felt first an initial jolt which i thought was someone on the roof. then a second or two later, about 3-5 seconds of shaking. pretty cool!

Jul 29, 08 2:54 pm  · 

Magnitude 5.8 - local magnitude (ML)
Time Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 11:42:15 AM (PDT)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 18:42:15 (UTC)

Distance from Chino Hills, CA - 3 km (2 miles) SW (235 degrees)
Diamond Bar, CA - 8 km (5 miles) SE (127 degrees)
Yorba Linda, CA - 9 km (5 miles) NNE (23 degrees)
Pomona, CA - 11 km (7 miles) S (178 degrees)
Los Angeles Civic Center, CA - 47 km (29 miles) ESE (103 degrees)

Coordinates 33 deg. 57.5 min. N (33.959N), 117 deg. 45.1 min. W (117.752W)
Depth 12.3 km (7.6 miles)

Jul 29, 08 3:01 pm  · 

it reached me here in san fernando valley...

Jul 29, 08 3:03 pm  · 

A whole lotta shakin' in Downtown... was sitting on a concrete slab on grade, and felt every last tremor.

Jul 29, 08 3:06 pm  · 

I am not a native to Los Angeles but events like these have me on alert.

Earthquake in the channel islands this morning

Volcano in Alaska has been making noise since last weekend

...and I know you might be thinking, what does a volcano in Alaska have to do with Los Angeles? Until I remind you that our entire crust sits on a single hot bed of liquid magma that, quite frankly, we are lucky doesn't move more than it already does.

Also this doesn't help: we're overdue for the big one, you know. Read the comments in that article - it was posted just a few hours before we had another little one last week....

Jan 29, 09 2:30 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

towards the end of december and into january there was a lot of earthquake activity within the super caldera underneath yellowstone. and you can forget the 'big one' in LA or anywhere in CA, if that super caldera blows you can forget sunshine for quite a while. global warming? not with ash raining out the sky for months.

Jan 29, 09 2:58 pm  · 

MArch, from what I've heard, if the super caldera blows, I don't know that many of us will even be around to try to solve global warming anymore...

Jan 29, 09 4:01 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

yes that is most true. im not sure where you live, but i am in southern california, so we'd have to head pretty deep down into mexico. if you lived in the mountain or midwest you'd be pretty much toast.

Jan 29, 09 4:23 pm  · 
MArch n' unemployed

The last full-scale eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano, the Lava Creek eruption which happened approximately 640,000 years ago[14], ejected approximately 240 cubic miles (1000 cubic kilometres) of rock and dust into the sky.

Geologists are closely monitoring the rise and fall of the Yellowstone Plateau, which averages ±0.6 inches (about ±1.5 cm) yearly, as an indication of changes in magma chamber pressure.

The upward movement of the Yellowstone caldera floor – almost 3 inches (7 centimeters) per year for the past three years – is more than three times greater than ever observed since such measurements began in 1923. From mid-Summer 2004 through mid-Summer 2008, the land surface within the caldera has moved upwards, as much as 8 inches at the White Lake GPS station. The U.S. Geological Survey, University of Utah and National Park Service scientists with the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory maintain that they "see no evidence that another such cataclysmic eruption will occur at Yellowstone in the foreseeable future. Recurrence intervals of these events are neither regular nor predictable."

Jan 29, 09 4:32 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

At 10:15 a.m. on October 15, 2009, millions of Californians will participate in the largest earthquake ever!

Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Drop to the ground, take Cover under a table or desk, and Hold On to it as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down for at least 60 seconds). Practice now so you will immediately protect yourself during earthquakes!

Organize a ShakeOut Block Party. Invite neighbors for coffee and share personal and family preparedness information and discuss what individuals and their families can do to ShakeOut. You can also exchange phone numbers, and create an of inventory special skills (search and rescue, first aid, equipment) and needs (elderly, children, pets, medication, etc.) in your community. Have a computer so everyone can register while there, especially those without internet access.

Oct 15, 09 11:55 am  · 

A 4.4 Yawn (woke me up, then went back to sleep)! But we certainly have been experiencing earthquake weather this week.

Aug 8, 12 10:36 am  · 

it's the beginning of the end!

you can't deny the obvious signs.  i mean, you could deny them a little.  a bit of common sense can go a long way.  but mostly it's pretty obvious.  the end is near!

Aug 8, 12 11:05 am  · 

I went "dirt surfing" in Sunnyvale when Loma Prieta hit in 89' I was walking across this field and you could see the waves go through it - 

Aug 8, 12 11:50 am  · 

There was a reported shake today in SoCal

Aug 8, 12 3:28 pm  · 
w. architect

It is the end of the beginning!


A broken clock is right twice in a 24 hour day.

Aug 8, 12 9:42 pm  · 

I realize this is an old thread.. but has anyone recently had any "premonitions " of a Big Earthquake lately?

Apr 28, 23 4:48 pm  · 


Apr 28, 23 8:11 pm  · 

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