
Anybody have suggestions for late night places in the east village, NYC?


Anybody have suggestions for late night places in the east village, NYC?

I'm looking for relaxing spots with good jazz/lounge/experimental music. Doesnt have to be an over abundence of ppl...probably better if it's low key.

Thanks in advance

Nov 25, 06 2:26 pm

Nothing's terribly relaxing on a Friday or Saturday, ever.

And what do you mean by late night? After hours or just late?

Norfolk St.

East Side Company
Essex St.

More Lower East Side than E.Vill

Some of my favorite late night hangouts are restaurants. Especially Lil' Frankie's on 1st ave.

Nov 25, 06 2:41 pm  · 

looking for a place to grab a couple drinks with a buddy of mine and be able to have a conversation without being overrun by loud levels of bass, sloppy dancers, and the like.

Nov 25, 06 2:59 pm  · 

What time of evening? I'd suggest the bar at Lil' Frankie's on a weekend, personally. Even though it's a restaurant, you can just sit at the bar.

Also, there's a bar called Salt on Clinton st. I think it's still there, but things come and go. Anyway, Clinton St. anywhere between Delancey and Houston is a good street because the crowds seem more calm and sane.

Just stay away from Ludlow/Orchard. It's mayhem! Trust me, I work in one. You literally have to pay me to be there. ;)

Nov 25, 06 3:27 pm  · 

which one, may i ask? (susan?).

Nov 26, 06 1:43 am  · 

i live on orchard...susan you at the annex? pianos? living room?

there are a couple good jeromes place on rivington south side
of the street between suffolk and clinton i believe..good dj
there's another on stanton a couple blocks east of's a coffee
shop during the at night.
the living room on ludlow has good live music typically...and i think you
can talk there.

other than that there are about a million bars in the lower east side that
you can pop into to see if they're good. i'll try to come up with some

Nov 26, 06 4:27 am  · 

Ms. Surface's place of employment has been alluded to on other threads.

if you need to ask, you shouldn't be crossing that bridge or tunnel to get to the LES. Anyways, that part of town has been really lame for the past 15 years since they cleaned up Thompkins Square Park and got rid of the pushers and punks.

brooklyn is better.

Nov 26, 06 11:18 am  · 

cept for williamsburg. that place is lame too

Nov 26, 06 12:29 pm  · 

larslarson, yes, I'll just say yes.

I also really like Heather's on 13th st. between A and B.

Nov 26, 06 12:48 pm  · 

i'm gonna miss living in the LES...

Nov 26, 06 5:22 pm  · 

Milano's on Houston Street two blocks E. of Broadway has always been a good low key spot. Also, Botanica a few doors down from there.

Nov 26, 06 6:15 pm  · 

vig - on spring near the bowery - if still there

Nov 27, 06 3:08 pm  · 

I think theres a vin also, little more "charming"

Nov 27, 06 3:14 pm  · 

arbor killer

thompkins sq. park has enough local denizens at this point still..
there's always locals hanging out there...not sure exactly how
homeless people makes a place cool...

you used to have to take your life into your hands to walk down
st marks ...would that make the nightlife more interesting?

there are still a ton of good bars in the area for whatever you're into.

i do like quite a few bars in the slope and 'burgh, but my favorite
bars at this point are in the LES...and i keep finding new ones
every day.

Nov 27, 06 6:34 pm  · 

I'm so behind the trends in NYC these days that it seems like I ahead of the pack...

Nov 27, 06 8:33 pm  · 

shouldn't you be drinkin in the mini apple at this point?
you're probably right that things aren't as exciting as they used
to be here in nyc..but i have only been in one dangerous situation
in three years (my friends and i got jumped) and i think i prefer that..
it's kind of nice to walk home at night and not have to worry about
what streets you can and can not walk down.

i think the LES probably isn't for the older 20s and olders here,
but i still dig it..but i'm reliving my youth..or at least living the
youth that i missed while going to architecture school.

Nov 27, 06 10:39 pm  · 

I'd say the Cooper Union arch. studio. You can find some interesting work to look at, but you need to have connections on the inside to get in. Its also BYOB.

Nov 28, 06 10:23 am  · 

I grew up in NYC in the 80's, and people can glamorise it all they like - but it wasn't fun or cool. It was dangerous. I think transplants have a hard time understanding just how dangerous Manhattan used to be. Honestly the LES was a warzone, complete with burning cars and burnt out buildings. You only went down there to buy drugs. Union Square used to have a big fence around it and people shot up openly. Even Bryant Park was a scary open air drug market. I've been mugged 7 times - it isn't a good experience. Granted, I'm not ecstatic that nearly everyone who isn't a millionaire has been chased out of Manhattan, but I really appreciate how safe the city has become. I don't have to worry about taking my life in my hands every time I close out a bar. If anybody misses the Old New York of the 80's, they can just move out to Bed Stuy, take the G train to Myrtle/Willougby and enjoy the nostalgia.

The best bar in all 5 boroughs is hands down O'Connors in near atlantic avenue in BK. It's so good I'm almost loathe to post it's name anywhere. The drinks are cheap, the bartenders are actually nice and it's never so crowded you can't have a conversation and enjoy yourself.

Nov 28, 06 12:41 pm  · 

Boogaloo this Saturday for the Trouble and Bass party. LAAATE night music and drinks [till 8am]

Nov 28, 06 12:46 pm  · 

DJ Rupture is spinnin at Tonic Saturday too. About as experimental as it gets without being intolerable!

Nov 28, 06 12:47 pm  · 

"living room" on ludlow is usually relatively low key...
so is "Welcome to the Johnsons" ( although the latter smells of stale beer at all times...)

Nov 28, 06 1:00 pm  · 

o'connors..i dig a cheap drink as much as the next guy...and i used
to go there every now and again, but there's no atmosphere really.
and i feel like there are better bars on fifth ave alone...jmo

if you dig the same atmosphere in manhattan...there's a bar that
serves only bottles and mixed drinks and is super cheap..i think
up near 11th and 1st ave? been a bit since i've been
hole in the wall, but i think it has the same vibe as o'connors..just

i agree with you on the whole nyc thing...grew up in boston and nyc
always had an aura of danger...didn't travel here til college and i
think most of the drugs/homeless/thieves were gone. lived here
now for the last three+ years and there ain't many cities that are

Nov 28, 06 1:01 pm  · 

Emily- welcome to the 'nect. Ok, so i'm nostalgic to the drama and grittiness that was the big apple a generation ago before it became the land of the rich. I'm not an advocate for living dangerously, but there was a brief moment after the hoods got cleaned up in the early '90s, where the LES/east village weren't overrun with 20 something nyu brats that it was a great place to hang. Back in the day, I'd hang with my cousin (who grew up in stuyvecent town) around town. few years later, I met my wife at Odessa's, and have some crazy stories from nights at Double Happyness.

Yeah Lars- I'm drinking summit and grainbelt instead of brooklyn brewery these days. Beta & I had a great round or two at Nye's few weeks ago. (NYC can't polka like the midwest does!)

Nov 28, 06 1:06 pm  · 

Lars - I think the hole in the wall at 11th your talking of is the Looking Glass, as they only do bottles. Personally, I like O'Connors lack of atmospehere, you just have to bring your own. It's a good place to bring friends if you want to a have a conversation.

Treekiller - I couldn't agree more in a way, I definetly hate the fact that all of lower Manhattan is overrun by kids with rich parents who live in apartments I could never afford. I lived there in the early 90's when I was in school, it was a good time and place to be young, but now it's just a playground for trust fund kids and NYU students. I've been living in Brooklyn (way way out there) for 5 years and the older I get the more I prefer it to be honest. I've puked in the bathroom at Odessa numerous times over the years. I wouldn't trade growing up in 'Old New York' for the world, but I really do appreciate the safety we have now.

I knew the city changed when I was waiting outside Coney Island High (remember that place? Best pinball in the city) drinking a Bud pounder in a brown paper bag. A cop came up to me and said 'Throw it out'. I said, 'Hey, it's in a brown paper bag, I know the rules!'. He said, 'Not anymore, they changed the rules, you can't drink in public anymore, brown paper bag or not.' That was when I knew it all had changed...

Nov 28, 06 1:38 pm  · 

My cousin started bitching when Guiliani started the cops cracking down on the dealers and you couldn't get a joint in the city anymore... [sigh]

Nov 28, 06 1:50 pm  · 

Yeah, but that did bring about one of the best improvements in NYC: the advent of the delivery service!

Nov 28, 06 1:52 pm  · 

The EV and LES are not 100% safe. Not even now. Yes, they've cleaned up a log (even in the 6 years I've lived here) but still, even on a relatively populated street, at night, in front of a busy bar, you can still be attacked/jumped/and most especially gaybashed. The attacker may not always get very far with it due to the multitude of eyewitnesses, but there are still people out there keeping the violent crime rate from dipping too low.

I'm sure men naturally feel safer, though. However, many of the people I know who've been attacked are men. Possibly because they assume safety & are less likely to think about watching where they go and how they act. So no one is immune.

It's mostly safe, most times there's no need to worry, but not entirely.

Nov 28, 06 3:43 pm  · 

You girls need to start carrying brass knucks...

Nov 28, 06 3:45 pm  · 

O John, you KNOW I am not a shrinking violet! I carry a big bag made of old saddles and recycled belts. Just last week I've had to send a grown man running down 2nd Ave like a frightened child. Face vs. bag deathmatch!! Susan 1, Street Scum 0.

My jewelry of choice is a large sterling Bjorn Weckstrom ring which might as well be a brass knuckle.

Nov 28, 06 4:12 pm  · 
vado retro

you can still carry a gun here in the heartland...

Nov 28, 06 4:41 pm  · 

brass monkeys?

Nov 28, 06 8:29 pm  · 

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