
POLL on Sustainable Architecture! PLEASE READ


is a new website which is dedicated to information on sustainable architecture.

We are taking a poll:

If people could help by answering the following questions it would be appreciated a lot:

1.) What interests you about sustainable architecture?

2.) What would you like to see from us?

3.) We are also asking people to submit ideas for a new name for the site. Something like or something similar. That name is already taken though.

We want to actually not just specialize in architectural products but anything to do with sustainable architecture.

Thanks from,

Nov 1, 06 12:14 pm


we'll help you, but please consolidate all your postings to just one thread. (let the others fade away)

you've already created three redundant threads. For those archinectors who are interested, we're already looking - so please stop making new threads everytime you have an new question or comment....

oh, using CAPS in the tread title is a very obnoxious habit.

we want to like you, really we do.

Nov 1, 06 12:50 pm  · 
Nov 1, 06 1:46 pm  · 


Do you run archinect? It is called a discussion board and people are free to post on it. Is there a rule against posting more than once? I will not post more than once again but I really don't think it is your place to tell me what to do. Please stop posting on my topics if you are going to keep being negative. Sorry I stepped on your blog toes...I know you read every single post.

Nov 1, 06 1:57 pm  · 
Chili Davis

nRyArch, I think you are a D-bag. STFU!

Nov 1, 06 2:00 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I am also free to say your site is lame.

Nov 1, 06 2:06 pm  · 

Good for you Chili. Can you stay out of this discussion unless you are going to stop being RUDE! You obviously would not talk to me like that in person.

I am just trying to get some POSITIVE feedback on my site. I don't mind constructive criticism but you are just being ignorant.

Maybe you could elaborate on what you think is LAME? Then that might actually be helpful instead of just rude and annoying.

Nov 1, 06 2:12 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Here is what is lame about your site:


Here is what else is lame about your site:

The background is distracting.

The main page gives very little info about the site and what it is you are trying to acomplish.

"Green" remains undefined. What do you mean by "green?" I have an idea of what this is, but what is your definition?

Your "about us" section left a lot to be desired. Who is behind this? Why have you created this site?

You claim to be the online home of news and reviews for green products, but your products section only has a list of links to products and no reviews at all.

What do you mean by a green architect? Is this someone who is LEED certified, or is it someone who sends you an email and says they like green things?

Aside from that, and a few other things, your site is perfect.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'd say you're a d-bag in person.

Also, posting multiple threads with multiple links to your lame site in the hopes that it will get some hits is lame.

Don't bother responding to this either as this will be the last time I open this thread.


Nov 1, 06 2:35 pm  · 

i respectfully submit for your consideration;


its not taken. i checked.

Nov 1, 06 2:46 pm  · 

nyR- No, I don't run archinect & yes, it is a discussion board. But there is a rule of 'no spam' that you may be skirting regarding your (commercial?) website. (So the less number of new entries for similar subjects the better).

But there are some mores and rules of decorum that I have learned the hard way - I was attempting to shepard you around them, because you're trying to do something useful.

As Chili has demonstrated, archinect members have little tolerance for inexperienced and amaturish posters, especially when you are soliciting free advice for a 'commercial' product... Like I said, we want to like you, I want to like you. So help us like you by showing how smart, sophisticated, and sustainable you really are.

As to the poll, I didn't see any pages regarding this topic on your site - were you intending to have us answer these questions here?

Nov 1, 06 4:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

I haven't looked at your website, I don't have time right now, but I heard an interesting point at an AIA meeting last week. The local AIA is sponsoring some lectures on sustainable architectural practices. But they feel, and I agree, that everyone is exhausted/bored by the word "green". So they are focusing the talks around topics like "smart energy use - lighting" and "non-polluting site materials" - much more focused and useful ideas than a general notion of "greenenss" which is huge and undefined and seems tired. The word seems tired, not the ideas.

I guess I'm saying, as a working professional, I'm far more interested in usable information that is applicable and smart and also happens to fall in line with "greeness".

Nov 1, 06 4:16 pm  · 

This reminds me of my neighbour's anger.

Their architect decided to use a "green" method to insulated the external walls, well, it took them like 2 months to figure it out how to install those things on a brick wall.

Sustainable products should come out with an instalment instruction.

Nov 1, 06 4:21 pm  · 

Incidentally, most people that post on this site typically take the time to post in other topics and participate as well-rounded members of the forum community, instead of just pimping their own web site constantly. Not to say that your site might not be useful at some point in time, and not to say that we don't appreciate your regard for our opinions and input, but it does tend to look like spam if your only contact with us is about your own product.

Nov 1, 06 5:04 pm  · 

matteo- could you explain that some more? What was the insulation? Who installed it? Don't all products have installation instructions? How did the problem relate to the sustainability of the product?

Nov 1, 06 5:29 pm  · 

Hello everyone. Please check out the new and improved There are many new changes.

There is a sustainable books section and also a new section with videos you can watch about sustainability.


Nov 13, 06 11:39 pm  · 

is this a real attempt to provide information or a method to make advertising dollars? everything on your "site" can be gathered by spending a little time searching google. what content do you really own, have developed or is not a reference to other sites? i would also echo what others have said and ask one more question; What are your credentials?

Nov 14, 06 7:06 am  · 

i love the way nRyArch's tone changed towards the end of the thread. he sounds defeated. GO ARCHINECT!

Nov 14, 06 10:19 am  · 
Chili Davis

My pimp hand is strong.

Nov 14, 06 10:41 am  · 

Defeated? WOW! Some of you people really need to get a life. Archi-Green is just a website about sustainable architecture. I am not making money off of it. The ads...(which are on this site too) are just there to maybe help pay some of the hosting, domain registration and other fees associated with running a website.

Why don't all of you that think it is such a lame site and have nothing but negitive things to say go and make a website yourselfs and then put it on here for everyone to be judged. Yea I did not think so!!

As far as my credentials...well I happen to work for the largest architecture firm in Boston and I am also a full time architecture student. I lived and worked in the architecture field for 8 years in 4 countries including Australia, Spain, and Germany and I have tried to learn as much about sustainable architecture as I could in my spare time. I actually just went to a meeting today at Build Boston on new technology for sustainable products. Although all of this might not make me qualified to do some things I think I am qualified enough to put together a simple website about this topic.

In response to another comment by someone about being able to find all of the info on the site by searching the web. Yes! That is exactly right! The whole point is so that people can come to and not have to search the web. To some people time is valuable. That is all I have to say for now. I have been holding back from telling people off on here but I have just become sick of all the crap people are saying. If you want to be an a-hole then go do it somewhere else. If you want to participate and get involved with the website then cool...let me know.

Nov 14, 06 9:39 pm  · 

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