


Im looking for jobs in each, but does anybody have any comments on whether to go to LA or San Diego? Aside from good jobs, transportation, rent prices, things to do, beer, culture, etc.

Oct 27, 06 11:08 am

I think you should have the best of both worlds and move to the OC

Oct 27, 06 1:08 pm  · 

SD is the mini me of LA

Oct 27, 06 1:29 pm  · 

right now, LA is pretty much the place to be for architecture. People I know who've lived in SD love it, but there just isn't the variety of options there that exist in LA.

Oct 27, 06 1:52 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

I grew up in SD and now live in LA - what to say... LA is much larger, in every sense of the word. More people, more diversity, more work, more culture, more traffic (though it's gotten a lot worse in SD lately).
I never thought I could live in either San Diego or LA as an adult, but here I am. Before kids, I would never have considered San Diego. Now that we have a daughter and my parents are still in SD, it's more appealing, but I doubt we'd ever move there. Despite its reasonable size, I'd say San diego is very provinical. At least that's how I felt before I left, and whenever I visit (which is about once a month).
I'm sure, as anywhere, there are interesting people and work going on if you search hard enough. The weather is beautiful and it's very laid back. If you like beach culture and not doing much, it could be the place for you, but if you're looking for a good stable place to work or lots to do (without running into the same people everywhere) LA is a better bet (always tons of work here, at least since we rebounded from the early 90s).
None of my friends from high school are still in San Diego, and none would ever move back, if that says anything. But my parents, who are moderately conservative, love the Opera and walks on the beach, wouldn't live anywhere else...

Oct 27, 06 2:26 pm  · 

what about things like, cost of living, dependancy on a car, cheap eats, good beer, public transportation?

Oct 27, 06 4:06 pm  · 

I'd choose LA.

Oct 27, 06 4:31 pm  · 


thought we already covered this subject for you... lots of threads discussing the merits and faults of LA, there is a reason why very few threads on SD.

cost of living is about the same.
LA has better babes.

Only reason I'd to move to SD is for the Navy...

Oct 27, 06 4:45 pm  · 


Oct 27, 06 5:13 pm  · 
kim l.

you can never compare the food competition of SD to LA. i'd move to LA just for the food alone.

if you want to be comfortable and complacent, SD is the place. if you want a little spice in your life...LA is definately your choice.

i lived in orange co all my life before i moved to LA, and let me tell you, oc is incredibly sterile in comparison.

sigh i love LA

Oct 27, 06 7:48 pm  · 

i live and work in SD... this is my trial run between undergrad and grad. i'll say this - i love my job, i hate my rent, i hate the traffic, i hate the lack of public transporation options (trolley is okay if you live in a convinient location and have less than efficient sense of smell), i like the cultural options, although relative to lala land it's a joke. i like the outdoor/beach lifestyle. oh, and SD is surprisingly conservative, many have said it's the navy/marine core.

Architecture wise - there are a few great firms, many not so great, the blend is not a-typical, most will find what they are looking for, but again LA would probably give you more options. I've been hearing many rumors about firms that are having a hard time getting through the real estate down turn because the large scale condo market was feeding a tremendous amount of work. To me that means that the job market is going to be as flooded as the condo market soon enough.

as far as food - love LA - but there is a great Russian restaurant here - the pomegranate - that i would miss. plus there are the scones at rebecca's, the thai at amarin... but i'm sure i'll find close similarsw.

Oct 27, 06 8:09 pm  · 

I grew up in SD and lived in LA for the last 10 years.

LA is a world city while SD is a regional metropolitian.

SD is laid back and is somewhat politically conservative. I have done a couple of internships there and I felt like I was on vacation even while I was working. Although I has been really impress with how the downtown area has grown up since I left- 1997.

LA has a lot to offer in architecture and experience. LA is not easy city to live in, cost of living, traffic, any typical problems that you find in a large city.

It all depends on what you looking for.

Oct 29, 06 1:08 am  · 

SD. I live in LA. LA is cool and all. And there are jobs here (A), but SD is the shiz (And BTW SD is not the mini me of LA. silverlake have you been?). So why don't I live in SD, you ask? Because I live in LA (go to A).

But you should visit both. SD is the Pittsburgh of the West (see R.A. Rudolph above), if that's your thing. I likey.

But I am with rational, LA is the place for architecture. So do you want beer and football, or 60+ hours a week on your favorite thing, architecture?

Oct 29, 06 1:41 am  · 

And to answer the sixth post down by the commenter chaptertwo, LA is cheap. I know I know, you people in North Carolina are saying "No it ain't" but it is. Look at SF or Seattle.

The car thing is tough. I biked when my job was 3 miles away. But now at 13 miles, I can't do it (Pixelwhore, no lip). Who wants to bike home after an 11 hour day? My commute isn't too bad. Seriously.

Fast food was practically invented in LA. But there is much more than that. Thai is popular, at least where I hang out. But more importantly is what someone mentioned earlier. LA is diverse. I think that's in a book some where (books don't lie much) - the most diverse city in the world. That means eating is diverse. And tasty.

Good beer? Go norther. The beer is ok. I try not to think about the good stuff up in SF and Oregon. Well, you can find good beer in any city. The cool thing about LA is I was convinced there were only fancy $7 Budweiser bars, but there are dives galore.

Public transport is hit or miss. All depends where you work and live. Not distributed evenly. I wish it was more popular.

Oct 29, 06 1:53 am  · 

for the midwesterner who started this thread

LA = Chicago (without deepdish or hotdogs)

SD = Cinci (just as conservative and backwards, but no arch school)

Oct 29, 06 10:29 am  · 

San Diego Has 2 Architecture Schools (woodbury, and Newschool)

But I am Starting to see from people here that we get no respect....

I work on my stuff, with an obsession.....And I have Really Strong skills, With Rhino, and Photoshop, and I am starting to get better and better with Revit every day.. I get no complains

But I am Starting to get worrided that My Education will not be respected in the field...

Yeah I go to Newschool

And no I dont work For an Architecture firm, But I work for an MEP firm I make Decent Money (48k- which is more then alot of people here - as i see on the salary poll- not talking shit - or tryint to offend - but being real) and I have Really Strong Skills. But you guys worry me......

Just had to get that off my mind

Oct 29, 06 11:06 am  · 

difF- my bad, didn't know that either program was accredited (should have fact-checked that first). Then again, I've never encountered any SD grads practicing in LA..

Oct 29, 06 11:10 am  · 

TreeKiller, Its cool

I know that the Most Important thing is How Strong and Impressive your portfolio is to employers. But having School with a Huge rep on your resume will open doors. (Thats what Bill Simonian at Sciarc. Told me when I was Considering to go there. But to Far of a drive) and thats is the ultimate truth... But sometimes you get worried when you hear either bad comments or comments that get interpreted as a bad comment. But Treekiller its cool man.......

Oct 29, 06 11:22 am  · 

i really have to agree that SD is no small sister to LA - everytime i travel up to LA (which i did just yesterday) I remember just how true that is. I think there are a few places in OC that visually remind me of some places in SD, but not in LA. They are different.

Be-ware though. Do not judge SD by one tourist visit - living here you get a very different perspective. If you are trying to evaluate what SD is really like, make the following loop on the Trolley - start in Old Town, take the Blue into downtown, switch to Orange at America Plaza, go East to at least Grossmont on the Orange, switch to Green going back down to Old Town. Take your iPod off, put away the mag, watch, listen and see. Even if you never ride the trolley in SD again, you'll probably get a much better idea of what the city is like than you would any other time. oh, and try to do this around 4/5p. No, you won't get to see North County or South County - which is a big part of the overall county. But I know a surprising amount of people who've lived here for years and have never really been to South County (except for passing through on the way to Tijuana) and who rarely make it up North. This will give you a general sense of the population of central SD.

Oct 29, 06 3:20 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

why not compromise and just live in orange county?

Oct 30, 06 5:27 am  · 

or riverside/san berdo

Oct 30, 06 10:49 am  · 

there is good beer at Whole Foods (and in mdler's fridge due to the fact that his roomate runs the beer, wine, and cheese departments at Whole Foods!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Oct 30, 06 5:53 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i love whole foods!

they save the day when i can't make it home for dinner from studio...

Oct 31, 06 11:07 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

mdler are you in LA?? mmmm cheeeese...
and as said - cost of living, probably the same, dependency on car, the same, better selection of eats in LA - I think LA probably has the most diverse selection fo good cheap food in the world, one reason why it'd be very hard to move. SD has really good mexican food. Public transport situation the same or worse in SD, and beer, don't really know but probably a slightly better selection in LA just because there's a lot more of everything.
But if you are seriously considering the quality of the beer, maybe San Diego is the place for you. Lots of time to hang out in the sun and drink beer. Even time to go down to Mexico and drink beer. Not so much else to do.

Oct 31, 06 11:29 pm  · 

i'm a trader joe's fan - so much that it might prevent me from moving back to colorado some day!

Oct 31, 06 11:40 pm  · 

R.A. Rudolph,

I am in LA

Oct 31, 06 11:55 pm  · 

I am not in LA

Nov 1, 06 9:47 am  · 

may move to SF

Nov 1, 06 12:55 pm  · 
Ms Beary

South Dakota or Louisiana? That's a toughy.

Nov 1, 06 2:37 pm  · 

One has better food. that's easy.

Nov 1, 06 4:41 pm  · 

go to SD, we don't need you in LA

Nov 2, 06 12:32 am  · 

here i come, jackass.

Nov 2, 06 1:13 am  · 


Nov 2, 06 3:47 am  · 

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