
ARchitectural criticism


Hi everybody.
I'm a young Architect from London.
I'm try to open a web site, which would like to become a social forum for every designers, who would like to express ideas, concepts or just a criticism related to a discussion around a main topic... (an architect, an exhibition, a book, a project...).
The idea came last september when I went to Venice to visit the Biennale.... I noticed that the exhibition was more or less like reading an architectural magazine.. no more than that! No discussion, ro relation between people!!! Nothing...
That's why I thought to open a forum, which actually won't be a proper forum... maybe could be something different, an other type of community service...

The first idea for the name is The Architectural Pot, where everybody can put "something" to boil in the pot: ideas, portfolios, articols, writtens...

I need some advising about that.... like what topic can I put first... or what kind of graphic....
Thank for your attention,

Andrea Panizzo
[email protected]

Oct 24, 06 4:08 pm
Chili Davis
Look here!
Oct 24, 06 4:10 pm  · 

Well, this internet site is good, but is a normal blog. My web site will be traslated in 5 or 6 languages.... Did you ever thought why some french, italian or spanish architect never partipate at the english forum? Because english is a limit all the time, and those countries are cut off!!!
As well everyone can write a proper articol, with literary imprint!!


Oct 24, 06 4:17 pm  · 

-chili- wasnt arcjinect someones thesis?

Oct 24, 06 4:18 pm  · 

архитектурный горшок

Oct 24, 06 4:23 pm  · 

first and foremost ,
your site needs insurance.....

Oct 24, 06 4:30 pm  · 

ask archinect to translate the forums...they might do it

Oct 24, 06 4:31 pm  · 

Actually I will traslate all the articols; that's the service I offer....

Oct 24, 06 4:37 pm  · 

Hmmm... Somehow I always wanted to have a European version of archinect, but translating between five or six languages (for every post?) is an impossible task. A lot of spanish/german/italian architects travel and work abroad, and manage english perfectly, so I'm not sure the absence of europeans (or rather, discussions of "european subjects") on archinect is only a language barrier problem.

Oct 24, 06 4:49 pm  · 

are you going to make money off of this deal?

Oct 24, 06 4:49 pm  · 

no money at all!!!!
I mean... I'm gonna spend my money.... the deal is to give visibility, to give an occasion to express yourself....

Oct 24, 06 5:13 pm  · 

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