
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!



I've also been releasing frustration on little white balls. Oh, wait. You're talking about golf.

Mar 7, 07 10:01 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

hey all,

wgp3 this is even worse, as well as embarassing:

excited to find out my u of m admission status i hurried to the link. except i forgot not only my p.w. but my login name. further, i accidently deleted the email with that info. i must of used an obscure name for this one since i couldn't remember after many tries of log in attempts. i'm going to call tomorrow to get it. if they don't give it, i'll just have to wait for the envelope, the old-fashioned way..

Mar 7, 07 10:03 pm  · 

BABOOMBA!!!! : o

Mar 7, 07 10:04 pm  · 


yeah golf balls. I hit them hard bro, long distance 250 +
what balls were you talking about? don't hurt yourself.

Mar 7, 07 10:09 pm  · 

don't whack your balls too hard, you might throw a rod.

Mar 7, 07 10:12 pm  · 

so I guess people are getting answers slowly- anyone from princeton yet? I think they have fast notices than gsd or gsapp-
they sent out emails not letters- hm

Mar 7, 07 10:42 pm  · 

in no particular order I am waiting to hear from

ucla, berkeley, columbia, gsd

I was here during portfolio discussions but have taken up some other projects, like working on my old car so i can drive it wherever I end upgoing!

I picked up my rods today.

Mar 7, 07 10:53 pm  · 

I've been siiiiick so I've been alternately sleeping and waking up in jolts of terror to check my email.

Also my laptop's logic board failed today so that occupied a good 2 hours taking it in to the repair place (under warranty, I'm not paying!!!) and renting the laptop I'm currently using.

Which I then promptly used to log in to archinect at home before passing out into a nauseated stupor. Yeaah.

Mar 7, 07 11:05 pm  · 

yeah, those clowns at princeton better call me soon... I think I'm developing some kind of repetative-stress-due-to-overchecking-my-blackberry injury. ugh.


Mar 7, 07 11:06 pm  · 


i'm at RISD now. honestly, the undergrad-grad mix works pretty well... i honestly love the undergrads, they're just so energetic and dedicated. i feel for them because they don't get to have a proper college experience, and work as hard as the grad students. a lot of them are extremely talented because RISD is much more competitive for undergrad than it is for architecture grad. aside from that, RISD needs a lot of work though, less pretentiousness, and more (and by that i mean some) facilities.

why the hell does my umich app show as incomplete? it's bugging me.

Mar 8, 07 12:19 am  · 

wait, so are you looking to leave the RISD program dmc? If so, why?

Mar 8, 07 12:38 am  · 


thanks for the info. I'm sure I will have more questions for you. I haven't hear anything back from RISD yet. Perhaps in a week or two.

Mar 8, 07 12:39 am  · 

Woo-hoo! Got accepted to UMich 3G. yay!

Mar 8, 07 12:57 am  · 

rationalist: in ny, i get magic straight perm for about $240 (in la you could prob get it for much cheaper). it lasts me about 6-8 months so if you spread the cost over its lifetime, it's about $30-40 a month, which i think is a phenomenal investment if i can wake-up, shower, and walk out the door without having tranquilize my hair every morning. some ppl say they get bored with it, some say it's too straight, but to me, straight, shiny, low-maintenance hair is a godsend.

Mar 8, 07 1:52 am  · 

Just wondering...

Does Toshiki really call everyone who gets accepted to GSD?

Even the international applicants? (I doubt it, what with time zones and all)

I just don't wanna get a call in the middle of the night and appear unintelligible....

Oh, wait, I would, if it means getting accepted.....=)

Mar 8, 07 4:02 am  · 

It's killing me seeing these people get news, while I'm still stuck checking my email every 10 minutes. My mailbox had one sucky ad letter which I chucked in the wastebasket in disgust. =)

Of course, I'm resigned to the fact that international applicants will get notification later due to snail mail. But still...can't help those anxiety attacks.

I think I'll make a hit/miss board with the schools I applied to, and cross out / circle their names as they come in.

Can we please lock this thread until April 15? This is bad for our health.

Mar 8, 07 4:06 am  · 
Pocket Mies

I am glad to see we are getting some sleep...or are we just embarrassed to post at 4:30am?

Well good luck to all today. I'm off to NYC for the weekend today, so I'm not even going to look

I wonder if Toshiko has my cell....

Mar 8, 07 6:59 am  · 
Living in Gin

This is shaping up to be one royally crappy week for me... Some good news from one of my schools would be expecially welcome right now.

Mar 8, 07 8:06 am  · 
Living in Gin

(Somebody remind me not to try typing until I've had my coffee)

Mar 8, 07 8:07 am  · 

so, i haven't heard anything from anyone and it's driving me insane! to attempt to distract myself i have been going to gym after work a lot have have managed to lose about 5 pound this week.

i didn't apply to umich, but one of my friends at the office did, the 2g program. today she received an email from them telling her that decisions have been made, and to go to the sign on page, and that they'll be a brown tab saying admissions decisions. there is no brown tab, and she is freaking out! is this happening to anyone else?

Mar 8, 07 8:17 am  · 

Riedell101, I'm pretty sure it did. Refer to the previous page for other stories (or was that 2 pages ago? It goes so quickly)....

We've officially pushed the links to a second line with page 24. Success! I guess that's what 3 full days of anxiety will get us.

Alright I actually have work to do today. Dammit.

Mar 8, 07 8:32 am  · 

it is 1:45am here and i cannot sleep. :(

i cannot believe how much more stressful this waiting period is compared to the days when i was doing my portfolio.

i'm tired, can't sleep, always gettign a stomach ache, lost interest in food and cooking...

Mar 8, 07 9:39 am  · 

Yeah, when you were doing your portfolio at least you had a concrete deadline and something to obsess over...

Now its just endless waiting....

Mar 8, 07 9:44 am  · 

and what's worse is reading on here about all the people who've already been accepted to the schools you also applied to!

Mar 8, 07 9:46 am  · 

i think its because it's all out of our power and control. with our portfolios we put our hearts into it. now there's nothing we can do but wait.

Mar 8, 07 9:51 am  · 

hey, for anyone who preferred working on portfolios, you can have a crack at this next one I've got to do!

Froccli- but you're asian, right? There's a Korean girl in my office that mentioned that to me (that it's be cheap in K-town or J-town), but said that the prices were only for 'Asian hair', and that they'd charge me (white girl with absolute masses of fluffy, slightly coarse red hair) a lot more because it'd be a ton more work for them.

Mar 8, 07 10:46 am  · 
Living in Gin

I think that's a big part of the stress. I was stressed enough while working on my portfolio, statement, etc., but at least I was the one in the driver's seat. Now it's like we're all in coach class, out on the tarmac waiting to take off... Except that we have no idea where this plane is even headed. Most of us know where we'd like to go, but there's also the possibility we could end up stranded at the airport for another year.

And that's another big part of the stress: Where each of us ends up for grad school will have life-changing repurcussions, for better or worse. Future jobs, future friends, future relationships, and future networking opportunities will be dependent upon where we find ourselves living, studying, and working for the next three years. Each of us is at a major fork in the road on our life journey, and there's a lot riding on which particular path we end up taking.

Mar 8, 07 10:48 am  · 
Living in Gin

(That was in response to miss_j.)

Mar 8, 07 10:48 am  · 

rationalist - they do charge more for "more" hair, asian or not. Asians with long hair get charged more than asians with short hair... big long very curly hair gets charged the most.

I am jealous of your big fluffy red hair! If my hair was of that variety I'd have a total waist-length fro :)

Mar 8, 07 10:48 am  · 

Gin, i'm glad to realize that wasn't in response to the straight perm conversation.

"WHOA I think he's taking our hairstyle issues a leetle too seriously!!!"

Mar 8, 07 10:50 am  · 

would've been funny, though!

I'm not curly, I'm wavy in a non-uniform sort of pattern. Light curly underneath, barely wavy by the time you get to the top, never wants to do what I want it to do.

Mar 8, 07 10:54 am  · 

LIG > at least we're not on a JetBlue plane. We might be on the tarmac until 2010 :o)

Mar 8, 07 11:14 am  · 

rationalist, i'm jealous of your hair too. i ask god to bring me back as a red head in my next life time. my coworker, who also has fluffy red hair, got the magic and she loved it. i think she paid like over $300 for hers in atlanta, but she said it was a nice reprive from the waves she had her whole life.

Mar 8, 07 11:33 am  · 

hmm, maybe someday then. But for now I'll try to work with the waves and see if there's a way that we can live in peace together.

And now, back to our originally scheduled program of grad school whining...

Mar 8, 07 11:48 am  · 

do you guys know if theres a way to fall asleep for about 2 weeks...

Mar 8, 07 11:48 am  · 

Ya knowwwww.....usually I accrue between 1 and 3 emails a day. Just, on average. But in the past week the email has just completely STOPPED. It's like ghostly quiet. NOTHING...not one. 709 (you know how in gmail it tells you the number of unread emails and whatnot). 709. 709. Day after day.

Mar 8, 07 12:04 pm  · 

I actually went through and cleared out ALL unread emails so I would know exactly how many new ones popped up.

All I've gotten today is an email from a friend whom I'm taking out to dinner to celebrate her acceptance to three clinical psych ph.d programs.

Which of course drives me crazy that she knows already.

Mar 8, 07 12:37 pm  · 

that's why i have google desktop.

it lets me know instantly when i receive new emails

nowdays, i like to go home asap, so i can check my mailbox...

Mar 8, 07 12:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I have my MS-Outlook here at the office set up to check my Yahoo mail account in addition to my regular work email, so I can compulsively check for messages every five seconds without appearing as if I'm slacking.

Now if I could just get to look like an AutoCAD window, I'd be set...

Mar 8, 07 1:05 pm  · 

LIG that's a good idea

when i write something long,

i usually write in autocad

Mar 8, 07 1:09 pm  · 

hahaha! that's briliant sparch!

Mar 8, 07 1:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yum yum, yet another delicious lunch of ramen noodles, Coke, and angst.

Mar 8, 07 1:20 pm  · 

I don't think I am going to hear anything until next week at the earliest...spring break my be when they (the schools) actually have time to focus on this...from analyzing last years responses it seems mid next week is when thing should really start getting going.

Until then I am watching and playing a ton of basketball and going snowboarding for the last time of the season. goodbye winter, It was nice hanging with you this past year.

Mar 8, 07 1:21 pm  · 


Wow, I have some friends applying to clinical psych. phd programs and they are nearly impossible to get into! Your friend must be a damned GENIUS! If those kids had their own version of archinect...say, for instance, psychenect, they would kick our asses!

Mar 8, 07 1:24 pm  · 

Oh yeah she's a damned genius, and really good-hearted, and beautiful. You'd have to hate her if she weren't so nice. I'm really happy for her, of course.


We are pretty much right here, aren't we?

Mar 8, 07 1:33 pm  · 

I am on freaking pins and needles waiting for CCA. Knowing that it should be any day now makes me even MORE nervous than I already was!

Mar 8, 07 1:33 pm  · 

I'm also on and have been super-jealous of all those PhD kids getting not only acceptances, but competing stipend offers, for the past month and a half. Some of them applied to like, 15 places because the apps are so fucking easy that it's only $50 and half an hour worth of work to apply to one more school.

Mar 8, 07 1:37 pm  · 

my friends just got accepted to Cornell MArch I AP

Mar 8, 07 1:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Okay, now I'm freaking out.

How were they notified?

Mar 8, 07 1:57 pm  · 

i heard that too.
i heard it's by email

Mar 8, 07 1:59 pm  · 

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