
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


sorry - rationalist, how can you post Monday morning? fed ex and usps etc. are closed for the holiday???

also, anyone applying to princeton forget to send in their transcripts after getting confused with the similar format to Harvard's application.

Oh shit.

Dec 31, 06 11:59 pm  · 

I meant next monday morning, 1/8. My first deadline isn't until 1/15. I've still got a week worth of work to do!

Jan 1, 07 12:37 am  · 

So the Yale applications are those due on the 3rd or before, the admissions information said by the 3rd, damn gerald ford is going to screw me over if this is so.

Screwed once again by the man.

Jan 2, 07 11:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm pretty sure Yale isn't due until the 8th.

Right now I'm still waiting to hear back from the assistant dean at my college at DePaul, about whether I can get special permission to enroll in a class that I technically don't have a prerequisite for (more a formality regarding transcripts from previous colleges than anything else). If I can't enroll in this class this quarter, I won't have my BA by the end of the summer, and this whole M.Arch. business will have to wait another year. Given that DePaul's winter quarter starts tomorrow and I still haven't heard anything about my petition, I'm feeling more than a little on edge at the moment.

Jan 2, 07 12:28 pm  · 

No I just checked january 3rd for march II, gin are you a UC alum?

Jan 2, 07 1:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ah, I'm applying to M.Arch. I at Yale, so maybe the deadline is different. Either way, I managed to get my stuff in on time.

I'm not a UC alum, but I grew up in Cincinnati and have spent plenty of time on the UC campus. Four of my co-workers are UC alumni, and of course I know a few DAAPers here on Archinect. I thought about applying to UC for my M.Arch., but I'm not able to start in the summer, and I decided the whole co-op thing wasn't for me.

Jan 2, 07 2:30 pm  · 

woo hoo! everything is in!


Jan 2, 07 7:11 pm  · 

I found a 3rd recommender! Yay!

Jan 2, 07 9:04 pm  · 

yay, WonderK! I'm glad for you, I hate these horror stories about recommenders letting people down. I mean, don't they realize that a good chunk of your life is partly in their hands?!

I'm starting to dream grad school admissions horrors. Things like my transcripts getting there and being an absolute bunch of nonsense, like, someone else's transcripts or something.

Jan 3, 07 10:54 am  · 

I've already had two grad-school related nightmares.

1) I was in school and everything was going fine apparently, but I got a tuition bill in the mail. I was expecting it to be $35,000 for the year but instead it was $56,000! I panicked and read the itemized list of charges, and the bill included "$15,000 - DETENTION." I then had a sinking "Oh, SHIT!" feeling when I remembered that I had not gone to detention.

2) I was in Mr. Eisenman's studio at some school and my site model was so long that no one could see the end of it (though it was only maybe 8 feet wide).

Jan 3, 07 11:03 am  · 

Hey, WonderK, I thought I was writing your third recommendation! I've been working hard on it for the past week and am just about finished. I guess all my effort is for nothing now. The only thing I had left to do was refine the wording a little on the "boobs like torpedos" line and it would have been perfect.

Jan 3, 07 11:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

Not too long ago I had a dream that I was naked and wandering around lost in Rand Hall at Cornell. Think I might be feeling a little intimidated by idea of going to grad school?

Jan 3, 07 11:21 am  · 
Living in Gin

Good news: The assistant dean of my undergrad program is allowing me to take the class I need at DePaul that will hopefully allow me to finish my BA by the end of the summer. I can breathe now.

Jan 3, 07 12:19 pm  · 

Bad news: GSD didn't receive my portfolio until 1/3 because of the President Ford holiday. Apparently, the US Postal Service announcement stating that Express Mail would still be delivered on Jan. 2nd was untrue (at least in my case).

I sent an e-mail to them to ask if they are accepting portfolios through the 3rd or not, but haven't yet heard back. Will let everyone know what they say.

Jan 3, 07 3:16 pm  · 

Good luck baboomba! I'm sure they will be lenient considering the circumstances.

Jan 3, 07 3:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I doubt it will be a problem... State funerals aren't something that can be written into the academic calendar. Good luck.

Jan 3, 07 3:44 pm  · 

Just got a response. They said no problem. Thanks for the support.

Jan 3, 07 4:38 pm  · 

baboomba, I hope my recommendation didn't hinder the completion of your portfolio for the GSD. In any case, I will still be using it, only I will be sending this one in with my application to Hooters U. Thanks so much!

Jan 3, 07 6:02 pm  · 

while translating my statement of purpose to spanish i realized a huge error!!!!
originally i had this sentence:

dominican architects follow two trends: imitating construction and design styles from other countries, or ....

and i wanted to replace the word construction with constructive...

so i dont know how it turned to be:

dominican architects follow two trends: imitating constructive construction and design styles from other countries, or ....

oh my god! will they reject me for that!? i'm so stupid!


Jan 5, 07 8:15 am  · 

ohh and i already sent my application!

Jan 5, 07 8:16 am  · 

Well....if it makes you feel better...
I just found out the text on one page of my portfolio did not turn out, leaving that page with its main image and no description whatsoever. Ooops. And I sent all of mine already too. How stupid can I be to miss that? Granted, there wasn't that much text, but that image may leave people with a big ????? without at least its title.

Jan 5, 07 9:19 am  · 

well good luck to both of us :O(

Jan 5, 07 9:20 am  · 

I'm going to have to scrap my fancy packaging ideas, and do something simple like a jewel case or digipak (whatever I can dig up the stuff for). I'm running out of time. I want to get two packets out on monday- California College of the Arts and SCAD. SCAD is on rolling admissions, but they made it very clear that those who submit early get more $$$.

Jan 5, 07 10:30 pm  · 

anyone know if yale accepts applications that are POSTMARKED by Jan 8th? or do they have to be there? That's the mArch 1 deadline. I still need my transcript. BUH.

Jan 6, 07 2:55 am  · 

well...i generally would think that if it's there very soon after the deadline they'll look at it, and if they like you they'll accept you regardless of being late. if you're borderline though it might push you into the reject pile

Jan 6, 07 10:20 am  · 

i found a solution, Im going to fedex my application today and fedex the transcript separately monday... i'd rather have yale look at my application on time and get my transcript the next day instead of receiving the entire package a day late.

Jan 6, 07 4:32 pm  · 

Got an e-mail from the GSD yesterday. They can't find my portfolio. I sent them the confirmation information showing that it was received by them on the 3rd.

Jan 6, 07 5:43 pm  · 

baboomba : Is it possible to ask GSD to confirm applicant's portfolio?

Jan 6, 07 11:11 pm  · 

I was able to confirm that they received mine with my USPS Express Mail tracking number. Otherwise, not sure.

Jan 6, 07 11:21 pm  · 

That's lame. You know what else is lame. When these applications ask you to "list coursework you have completed in architecture, etc" when your transcript is in the same envelope. Is it wrong to say "see enclosed transcript"? Because clearly there aren't enough lines to write out my courses' names, nor can I remember them, nor do I care enough.

Jan 7, 07 1:40 am  · 

I had one of those. It asked me to list art courses taken in a)sculpture, b)drawing, c)painting, d)other. There was one entry in drawing, and the 'other' category was completely full. Unfortunately, it specifically said, "Please list here, do not refer reader to transcript".

Jan 7, 07 1:52 am  · 

Woo hoo! 4/5 done. One more to go. I am allowed to sleep now though. yay.

Jan 7, 07 3:19 am  · 
Living in Gin

Final three portfolios finally printed (shit, this Epson printer sucks a ton of ink!)... Now I just need to have the covers dry-mounted, and the portfolios bound.

My task tomorrow evening: Tailor my statement of purpose to each of the three schools I still need to apply to. I don't expect that to take very long.

Once all this is done, I can go back to my business of finishing my BA degree and trying not to get fired from my job.

Jan 7, 07 4:26 am  · 

today was the first day I slept in after 2 months... it was glorious. One application fedexed, 4 more to tweak the personal statements for, and i'm done. siiiiiigh. its feels good for that sigh to be one of relief.

Jan 7, 07 12:22 pm  · 

arrrrrrgh. SCAD, while sending me an acknowledgement that 'an item of your application' has been recieved a month ago, nevertheless lists on its checklist that NONE of my recommendations have been recieved! Well, that 'item' was a recommendation, and another one has followed since to the same address.... it's been weeks since it was sent, so it should be in their system by now!

Jan 7, 07 1:26 pm  · 

yay! Submitted an online application, have all my supporting materials printed and in envelopes, and am burning cds as I type. When these get sent off tomorrow, it'll be a HUGE relief.

Two down, four to go.

Jan 7, 07 7:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Arrrgh! Cornell's online application system appears to have crashed.

Jan 8, 07 12:38 am  · 

Hooray! I just got a call, I'm interviewing with Ellen Lupton for the MICA MFA program, at the ass crack of dawn my time, so it doesn't interrupt work, but at a sufficiently decent hour her time as not to be unusual. I'm pumped for this! I guess I should finish reading her book?

Jan 8, 07 12:36 pm  · 

Nice! Is this because she's already seen your application materials or is this an intro/informational interview?

Jan 8, 07 3:26 pm  · 

Application to Yale: Delivered.

Hopefully they won't lose my portfolio like Harvard did.

Jan 8, 07 5:43 pm  · 

broccoli- this is a not-quite-required-but-encouraged sort of interview. Because I'd requested information on the program and had a portfolio review with a representative in san fran, I was on the list of people they bothered to tell that interviews were being scheduled. Nothing special about me, just that they knew I was interested. Apparently there will be 2 days of interviews for the program. I have no clue how long each interview will last.

@ 1hr per interview = 16 people = 50% acceptance
@1/2hr per interview = 32 people = 25% acceptance
@20min per interview = 48 people = 16.67% acceptance
@15min per interview = 64 people = 12.5% acceptance

I can't imagine them being shorter than 15min. It's a portfolio review too- I send in my portfolio in advance, she has it in front of her while we're speaking. I have the file up on my computer to refer to so I know what to answer. It could get crazy.

Jan 8, 07 5:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Page nine!

(post count whore checking in)

Jan 8, 07 5:52 pm  · 

congrat! I love the work of Ellen and Abbott. Great designers!

Jan 8, 07 5:54 pm  · 

Finishing up my second round of applications...printing tonight.

Jan 8, 07 6:01 pm  · 

right on rationalist...good luck! so if you talk with her for an hour, it's a coin toss?

Jan 8, 07 6:36 pm  · 

that's what it seems like, knowing that there are only two days of interviews. I doubt that they'll be hour interviews, though. My bets are on half hour interviews, which are still not terrible odds, considering that the rep I talked with in October actually really appreciated my architecture work and said he thought I'd bring great diversity to the class. Their class is only 8 people, so they look for fit and personal contribution as much as skills/talent.

Jan 8, 07 6:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'll assume that Cornell comment is directed at me, since I'm the only one who has been mentioning Cornell on a regular basis. Do you have any basis for your comment, or do you just enjoy pissing in other people's cornflakes?

Everything I've heard about Cornell indicates that it's an excellent program, and I was very impressed during my visit there in November. While their graduate program is new, their undergrad program has produced a long line of well-regarded architects.

The question of whether it "should" be an Ivy is irrelevant... There's nothing magical about the "Ivy League" moniker except that it's an athletic conference comprised of eight specific universities in the Northeast.

Jan 9, 07 4:22 pm  · 

Please, let's not turn this into "Cornell Blows"....

Jan 9, 07 4:57 pm  · 

cornell produced peter eisenman, who is awesome, btw.

Jan 9, 07 5:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

By the way, speaking as somebody who has spent a lifetime struggling with clinical depression, your comment about "suicidal dreams" is somewhat less than tasteful.

Jan 9, 07 5:31 pm  · 

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