
Do archinectors game on consoles? XBOX 360 or PS3??


I don't know if people play computer games here (hopefully some do). Some advice on the XBOX 360 or the PS3 would be appreciated!!

Aug 22, 06 6:22 pm

of course we do, we just can't afford it! too much money dumped into materials and alchohol. (well, i can't yet anyway...but PS3 is in my future, I can feel it, but I want to get the Wii too!) for now, i'll patiently anticipate SPORE while playing HL2, CIV, 2ndLife, etc.

the real question should be, do archinectors mod or machinima?

Aug 22, 06 6:45 pm  · 

I'd wait to see which has the games you want. That's always the case. To base a decision on hardware specs is bad. I bought Gamecube because they had an exclusive Resident Evil deal with Capcom. But I think with PS3, having Blu-Ray, it will make that format more popular (over HDDVD) and add value to the machine. Get a Nintendo DS and Mr. Driller!

Aug 22, 06 7:45 pm  · 
Israel Kandarian

nintendo ds lite. 2x4 vs BIG wireless mario kart challenge at my apartment thursday night. come support your team or favorite nerd!

Aug 22, 06 9:19 pm  · 
Joshua Wentz

PS2 has served me well, though I rarely have time for anything more than Guitar Hero or Katamari Damacy. I'm definitely going to pick up a Nintendo Wii when it drops. The DS Lite is king right now, you wouldn't be stupid to buy one of those.

Aug 22, 06 9:45 pm  · 

i Was at nintendoworld today in rockerfeller center and the ds lite is looking mighty good to me

Aug 22, 06 9:57 pm  · 

i Was at nintendoworld today in rockerfeller center and the ds lite is looking mighty good to me

Aug 22, 06 9:58 pm  · 

I like my DS Lite a lot. Although all these damn games are in Japanese. I have such a hard time not buying 983483. I want to get Starfox when I get home. DS is region free so it's awesome. I don't play games much during school. Maybe a few rounds of Soul Caliber 2, some of the minigames in RE4 just to unwind, but nothing in depth. Now that I beat GUN I can run around shooting people for fun to destress.

Aug 22, 06 11:30 pm  · 

Nintendo Wii is going to be the jam.

Aug 23, 06 12:01 am  · 

Just wondering, is the DS more fun to play with compared to the PSP? I don't own any though, but Nintendo's approach towards gaming has always been tryin to get the gamers deeply 'involved' in the game through their consoles. On another note, some analyst even forecast the PS3 losing out to the Wii in the next gen console wars... U think it is possible?

Aug 23, 06 2:24 am  · 

DS is much better in terms of portable gaming on the go, psp is more involved and the games are longer. I'd get a PSP if you haven't got a ps2. Personally i think the DS lite is the best handheld out there... sure the graphics aren't the same level but this is nintendo and they're more concerned with gameplay.

serious gamers will probably go for the wii, 360 and pc. They really hate sony especially after the delays, the huge price, the rootkits in their CD's, copying the nintendo wii motion sensor idea very badly etc.

Personally: it will be a cold day in hell before i allow microsoft to cntrl both console and pc gaming... if they did they would never let go an try and integrate the two so that you would always have a microsoft product and gaming would suffer being on a non evolving platform still based on the same standard just to keep some sort of compatability.

Sony really need to work hard to impress consumers since they hype their PS£ so much, but in terms of graphics capability they can do pretty much the same.

Aug 23, 06 4:01 am  · 

I want Resident Evil 5 but it's only PS3 and Xbox 360. I agree with the DS statement. It is REALLY good mobile gaming. They aren't home games on the go, they are games designed for 20 minutes on the train, 2 hours in the plane, 10 minutes on the toilet. Read my blog for more info. I'm not a die hard Nintendo fan, but I have a Gamecube and DS, but my mom has PS2, so I play that when I go to her house. I like Burnout.

Aug 23, 06 7:13 am  · 
Chili Davis

PS3 will be the whip. PS2 favs. include GTA San Andreas, Madden, Tiger Woods, Call of Duty, and SOCOM. Also, N64 classics like MarioCart and Goldeneye.

Aug 23, 06 8:10 am  · 

I have that old skool Nintendo. Been packed in a box since the mid-90's. Is that worth anything? Collectors value?

Heard the PS3 will be around $800 when released and Sony will take a loss on it at that price. Am I out of touch thinking those things shouldn't sell for much over $200. It's a freaking video game console, right?

Aug 23, 06 9:39 am  · 
Chili Davis

Word is, there will be a $400 (20g) and $600 (60g) version. The XBox 360 sold for around $400, and yes A, you are right, it's insane. But people will pay for it. I remember my Nintendo. I think it was $100, and it came with 2 controllers, a gun, and a power pad, with Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and Track and Field. What a steal!!!

Aug 23, 06 11:16 am  · 

i still have a fully functional Atari 2600 that i bust out occasionally to play pitfall, megamania, combat, etc. that stupid thing is still fun!

my ps2 faves have been the medal of honor and call of duty series, hitman, SOCOM, and GT3. also really dug the thief series on pc. i seriously don't ever see myself spending $600 on a game console though. i also have a feeling ps3 will be a letdown after all the tension that's built up around it. there's an interesting article in this month's issue of wired.

Aug 23, 06 11:55 am  · 

one thing the ps3 has going for it is its integration into the folding@home network so that it will be able to help scientists find out more about diseases and hopefully cure them too. all this is done when you ps3 isn't in use... i'm tempted to reorder mine after i canceled my preorder, but i honestly don't know where i'm going to find the time to play with it.... they should have paid that company and had built in shock into the joypad

Aug 23, 06 11:35 pm  · 

from Yahoo Finance....
Sony (SNE) shares fell today after a Japanese brokerage slashed in half its estimate of the number of PlayStation 3 game consoles Sony would sell this year. Mitsubishi UFJ Securities said Sony would have trouble getting high-performance parts -- including Cell microchips and Blu-ray optical disc drives, creating a bottleneck that would limit PS3 sales. "This would mean that it would take Sony longer to recover its huge investment in PS3," Mitsubishi analyst Masahiko Ishino wrote to clients, "and thus we are downgrading the stock."

Aug 24, 06 8:49 am  · 

they (sony) also haven't started producing the 2 million ps3's they promised would be available for the holiday season.

Aug 24, 06 8:55 am  · 

"run everyone! there's a shit storm coming!!"

Aug 24, 06 12:51 pm  · 

i have a PS2. i love katamari damacy too even though it is a one liner. one a side note i have a voice cameo on gta's liberty city stories and my brother has a cameo on, i believe vice city, san andreas, and liberty city.

Aug 24, 06 5:49 pm  · 

I decided against the PS3 because of the pricing point ($600) compared to my XBOX 360 premium package ($400). Plus you have to fight your way through gaming 'freaks' and crazy mom and pop after thanksgivings to get one! Plus the 360 is a tad slimmer than the PS3. Technically, the PS3 is more geared for gameplay and the 360 for more general use. The 360 live is a nice touch but I don't like the idea of paying for it after the first month.

I have so far played LOTR and Call of Duty 2 on it and the latter really shines (esp the smoke effect: beats 3dmax rendering to the core!) even on my regular TV. I am tempted now to change my 15" TV (I don't watch TV...) to a LCD HDTV but it is hard to justify paying one grand to get something for rental gameplay. Reminds me of the time when we had LAN at SCIARC at Beethoven and we played through the night after drawing and modeling. Nice memories.

Aug 24, 06 8:42 pm  · 

My friend has this nice big screen TV and 360 looks ill.

Aug 24, 06 8:55 pm  · 

that Nintendo Wii does look amazing.

Aug 24, 06 8:56 pm  · 

yeah, when's wii coming out and how much will it cost?

Aug 24, 06 9:54 pm  · 

about $250 = real attractive x-mas gift!

for you nectors, my x-mas list will be updated soon on amazon, and i will post a link here. thanks in advance!



Aug 24, 06 10:26 pm  · 

hmm i game on my computer.
city of villains is my current obsession in regards to that.

Aug 26, 06 8:23 pm  · 

if you want the best, PS3 all the way! i think it will be the superior console in almost every way.

some people argue if you buy both premium systems the ps3 is $200 more. but, the ps3 has a lot more for the price (blu ray, wireless, much more, just buying an hd-dvd add-on and wireless system for the 360 will cost almost $300!). feature for feature the ps3 is actually cheaper, though, with the 360 you can keep if cheaper if you don't want to buy every feature.

not to mention, i have to get these games on their release day:
metal gear solid, gran turismo 5, killzone, devil may cry

though, i must admit 360 has some badass games too, but i don't have the money to buy two consoles:
ghost recon, gears of war, halo 3, lost planet

Aug 27, 06 11:58 am  · 

Nice! You are right: PS3 is more expensive in every way. I don't need wireless since it sits right next to my Airport for a wired LAN connection. But Blu-Ray or HD-DVD is always nice. The only drawback is being the first one on the block to adopt this new tech.

I must be playing the bad games so far...I just rented Dynasty Warriors 5 and it is really bad...I would have traded for the older Windows 486 Koei 3 kingdoms type strategy anytime! They seemed to have messed up a good thing. So far, the best must have been Call of Duty 2. A mix of strategy and action. Can't go Halo or Unreal on this game: sure to die.

Time to try Ghost Recon 2 when I am freer.

Aug 27, 06 9:49 pm  · 

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