
How would you feel?


My Boss invites me to a local AIA event. I gladly accept but tell her I will be a few minutes late and could she please save me a seat. So I get to the event and I'am frantically looking for her. She waves me down and calls me over to where she is sitting. As I get closer and closer I see my former Boss next to the vacant chair. I just left his firm two weeks ago on good terms but the situation was still tender. So I took some of the advice from earlier threads and didint telll my former boss where I would be working. So I had the pleasure of sitting for two hours between my former and current bosses. What a trip. Then I had to introduce them to each other at the end of the whole thing. Man was my old boss cold to me. I thought I left on good terms? Whats up with that?

Aug 3, 06 1:13 pm

so why were you late?

Aug 3, 06 1:27 pm  · 

I was picking someone up at the airport. I think that a good enough reason.

Aug 3, 06 1:45 pm  · 

It is of no concern to your former boss what you do with your life.

Aug 3, 06 1:48 pm  · 

sell the story to Fox TV.

Aug 3, 06 10:28 pm  · 

I've never been in that kind of a situation – you poor thing! I feel for you. On the flip side, I have been in many situations where I've left on good terms, and the company cops an attitude after giving a the two-week notice. I've also known employers to bad mouth employees after leaving, even though their performance was good. I am not sure what to attribute to this behavior, but it seems to be human nature to vent or cop an attitude because they have lost a good employee – take it with stride and move on.

Aug 3, 06 10:46 pm  · 

Additionally, your old boss probably felt a little intimidated being in that situation and resentful that you didn't tell him where you were going – but then again, like others stated in a previous thread, it's really none of his business. If you wanted to inform him of this information beforehand, it may have made this situation bearable, but speaking from experience, I've never informed former employees where I was going or what I was doing.

Aug 3, 06 10:57 pm  · 
vado retro

i hope you hogged the armrest from your exboss.

Aug 3, 06 11:39 pm  · 

well.. it must have been awkard
however, it seems like you and your new boss are in good term.
that's a good news

Aug 3, 06 11:44 pm  · 

i currently work in the same space with my new bosses and my old boss (subletting)... the first couple of weeks was... hmmm... akward...

i think the only reason he started acknowledging me after the first week was because i help all of his employees that are still there with cad and design questions

Aug 4, 06 12:01 am  · 

AIA that the same thing as A**hole In Action event

Aug 5, 06 10:16 pm  · 

speaking as a former boss, it is usefule to know where an employee is going, and why. I want my firm to be a great place to work, and if there is some reason my firm is not cutting it, I want to know why so I can fix it.

Aug 6, 06 1:51 pm  · 
soul rebel123

- how is that comment making even remotely a contribution to this thread - that's like me finding out the you went to such-and-such a college and suggesting that everyone who went there is an A**hole

Aug 6, 06 2:03 pm  · 

I felt that my boss was cold to me. Dont give me the fake facade when I was making you money. As soon as I leave I get the cold shoulder. I'm not asking for a hug but when when were having a conversation dont blow me off. Be upfront. At least I will know how you really feel.

Aug 6, 06 7:32 pm  · 

ahahaha...kos... child... don't you see the underlying situation so easily.
your x bossman has hots for your new boss from way back, covered up in the annals of aia archives. thinking that he's got one more shot at her, he shows up in 'the aia annual republican party give it your all event' and she tells him to stay away minimum one chair since the hot seat is reserved for the young potential lover that the flame is just starting.
and to his scrutinizing and jealus eyes guess who comes to the dinner? the same kid who use to sharpen his pencils and who is sharp enough now to poke his long time wishful thinking, mme aia.
let him suffer god sake. he deserves it. probably he called the massage girl for his pain afterwards. no buhu for him. ok.

Aug 6, 06 11:26 pm  · 
vado retro

how does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?

Aug 6, 06 11:31 pm  · 

you should have busted out the robot or maybe a headspin...... a few locker points and maybe the which-a-way and you would be golden


Aug 6, 06 11:34 pm  · 

good point jabber, but thats the first thing i think of when i hear about an AIA meeting..

Aug 7, 06 1:42 am  · 

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