
Bomb blasts in Mumbai


As most of us are aware there were 7 bomb blasts in Mumbai today killing scores of people and leaving many injured.
bbc news

My heart goes out to all the people in Mumbai and their families. I dont understand why such a peaceful people should have such a plight.

Our friends from mumbai - nevermore, tickertocker are you guys and your families - please respond and let us archinectors know....

Jul 11, 06 3:16 pm

Not good. My wife is in Bangalore for a summer internship and she's been traveling by train on the weekends all over India. So much for me not worrying about her while she's gone.

Jul 11, 06 8:08 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

latest count .... 190 dead ... 403 injured ...

Nevermore, TT ... you guys ok ? ...

but whats with these freaky dates .. its 11/7 this time !!

Jul 12, 06 2:38 am  · 

more 6 million commuters take up the suburban trains in mumbai on a daily basis, which is more that half of the commuters per day in the whole of indian railways. to think about such incidents in overcrowded trains.. fucking lunatics!!
i think tt is still in london. there are few more from mumbai- nevermore conniption, poly, jo.

Jul 12, 06 3:39 am  · 

hi doc, hi cham. thanks for your concern there, bosses.

yep, still in london. heard about the blasts and called home. everyone's ok there and at the office as well. something weird is on with that city, man. everyday it's something new. mini-riot in bhiwandi, then the flooding, then the whole statue desecration shiv sena nonsense and now this. all in the space of 3 weeks!

things in bombay are coming to a head. i think people are less willing now to put up with the usual political nonsense, especially the newly liberated professional middle-classes who run the media and the corporations. something will give soon enough, wait for it. there's a revolution coming, and its about bloody time...

Jul 12, 06 7:16 am  · 

um, cham. not to be anal about this, but it's more like 11 million commuters per day. out of a total population of about 16-17 million. crazy numbers, no?

Jul 12, 06 7:48 am  · 
sporadic supernova

TT ,,

what kinda revolution ?

Jul 12, 06 8:03 am  · 

haha, i was being a little melodramatic.

but honestly, i think there's a growing impatience in that city, especially now that there are more and more examples of western and far eastern cities beamed at us everyday. i don't want to get into the design and planning future of that city right now, thats a whole different thread. but my point right now is that even laymen know that the city is shite, and that something needs to be done about it. and more and more people seem to be willing to go out there and fight the good fight.

the other big factor is the sudden surge in the TV and print media. so many more channels and papers now, and everybody needs to print something! so they're taking up cudgels against the system. well, it's still relatively harmless stuff, but it's getting there. at least they're spreading the word, if nothing else. there's nothing like a fresh cup of righteous outrage in the morning.

remember that the media corporations are largely populated with young(ish), left(ish), convent-educated upper-middle class types with a strong streak of activism in them somewhere. these guys are also priviliged and professional enough to not carry the baggage of the regular indian middle classes. by baggage, i mean the survival mentality and the complete apathy towards one's fellow man that comes with it. but they're not priviliged enough to be a part of the whole feudal society that characterises all interactions amongst the very rich and the very poor.

man, this is too much for one post. i have to get back to work. more later, if you guys are still interested...

Jul 12, 06 9:40 am  · 

ok, back to the topic at hand. i think its ridiculous that they automatically point at the LeT and other alleged 'Kashmiri separatists' as the perpetrators everytime something happens. c'mon man, they're yesterdays villains! give us another theory!

the problem is that these guys are such easy targets for politicians looking to drum up some pseudo-religious, moralistic bile in their votebanks. so easy to say 'oh, those kashmiri guys did it'. and we're expected to believe them, of course, because the Home Ministry has created this ridiculous sort of paranoia about the young men and women of Kashmir, as if all of them were potential terrorists. the only proof ever offered are photos of men in beards being hauled away, or the usual grainy 'intercepted arms cache' images. if you don't toe the government line you're a 'Kashmiri/Muslim separatist' or an ISI agent, and don't you dare deny it! from what i remember, they were tossing the same theories around in godhra. but we all know now what really went down. a Government burnt its own people to create a riot, prompting and even encouraging the wholesale genocide of an alleged 'Other'. it's disgusting, but we still keep quiet through it. why aren't we asking harder questions? our entire generation's silence is shameful.

i apologise. i have a lot of bile saved up, and it sometimes just gets too much for me...

Jul 12, 06 11:37 am  · 

ticker, i tried calling you several times,
happy to know all is well with you and ur folks

Jul 12, 06 7:55 pm  · 

ticker, lost of angst stored up, man! But i can imagine living in mumbai you must come across these things every day.
but still it will be interesting to know who is behind this thing. I do not think it is the LeT, but since its not propogated towards a single religious group of people, it will be a challenge to know who actually propogated it.

(On a side note i was really happy to see that the international community had recognized what modi had done in gujarat and had not let him enter the US for some speech of his-not that it is going to solve anything, but the bastard needed to know everything is not forgotten easily)

Jul 12, 06 9:36 pm  · 

hey sameold, spor, Thanx pals. Im in Delhi.everythings ok.

well a lot has happened this week.
Yes floods,mini riots,now this.

I have a lot to write on this actually,.dont wanna sound biased or like a fanatic but this new crap is not about Kashmir, it is no longer about Maoist revolution but a new brand of Islamic Terrorism with no apparent political objectives but with the clear anarchist aim of destabilizing our democracy and striking at our way of life.

You know, in the address to the Singh didnt show the decisiveness nor the intellectual clarity to call out this new form of terror for what it is ...he didnt mention anything about 'prempting it..only about 'dealing ' with it and 'we will not get cowed down..'we will defeat their designs 'and blah and other crap like that.
This is the state of denial mindset with which the chief executive of the nation is operating

finally in all fairness since we dont know who did it yet ,
(Some theories are there that local muslim extremist groups like SIMI etc may have been involved but if its those Lashkar-e-Tauba camels at it again )..........Just wondering how long shall India be patient against whoever did it. .

prayers for my nation and my favourite city.

Jul 13, 06 6:43 am  · 

and there you go. another one buys the 'clash of civilisations' theory thats become fashionable again since 9/11...

Jul 13, 06 8:56 am  · 

can't you see? the government's selling us that old line because we buy it so easily.

Jul 13, 06 8:57 am  · 

TickerTocker..I may be wrong (i said that , we don't know who did it yet)..
in the same vein you may be wrong too, in inferring that the govt is "selling" us that old line.

Like so many more countrymen ,both of us are also merely conjecturing.

Yet analytically speaking..I dont see any other group /organisation /idealogy which can have the grudge or capability to carry out such an act of war against the Indian nation.

If you narrow it down, there is no other group than these ones whom the finger of suspicion regularly points towards.

for e.g--what are the other options ?are the Khalistanis yet "around" as they were,?or the North eastern secessionists or the Bodos?
even the LTTE is in a corner.
can u think of any other group ?..well I cant.

sorry dude, but the needle still points to north yet till disproved.

Jul 13, 06 10:24 am  · 

P.S ..and yea ticker tocker , you wrote

but we all know now what really went down. a Government burnt its own people to create a riot, prompting and even encouraging the wholesale genocide of an alleged 'Other'

I really dont know what to say to that !..Dont mean to sound rude but what are you basing your that statement on ?

Im not asking you to agree to the mainstream interpretations but please dont be a sucker for some pseudo secularist bottlefeed

The mukherjee or banerjee commission whatever who investigated the godhra incident called it a fucking "accident" ...whoa !

Thats something like The partition of Bharat was unavoidable and peaceful, the kashmir terrorism was created by the Indian army, The jewish lobby orchestrated 9/11 . ..heck Ive even heard stuff that Indian security excesses led to the Kargil war !

I am not swallowing anything dished out by the blue-shirted, beige trousered newly liberated yuppie media sissies who stink equally of marlboro light as well as their politically correct views !

point being,I am not into blindly "demonising" the so-called " other ",but I also dont wish to remain in denial .

I agree with you..We DO need to ask harder questions

Jul 13, 06 11:01 am  · 

Hey guys in all these talks why are you forgetting AL Qaida. Yes guys it the Al Qaida's indian division (as they call it) who declared as responsible for the blasts. As Out of the world their indian commander has informed one of the news channel recently.

And yes i do agree partly with both of urs views (TT's &nevermore's). Nevermore is right that we should not blindly believe the pseudo secularist present in INDIA, we must rely to the court's decision (if we think it is the ultimate power). But at the same time we should be bold enough in raising voice. We saw good unity of Youngsters against Reservtion law, let's see how far that unity is meant for.

Jul 13, 06 12:35 pm  · 

"but we all know now what really went down. a Government burnt its own people to create a riot, prompting and even encouraging the wholesale genocide of an alleged 'Other'

nevermore, I am originally from ahmedabad and I have very satisfactory proof that the whole godhra-gujarat incident was orchestrated by Modi and his henchman. My mechanic who is a muslim with a hindu wife told me that when the 'riot police' came down, they had PROPER LISTS of muslim shop owners and the police stood by directing mobs which shops to burn. This is just one of the incidents I'm narrating here. Ive NOT heard anything that suggests otherwise.

I dont think TT is succumbing to pseudo-secular media feed, but the gujarat incident is something that is very close to my heart and even the international community recognized in denying Modi his US visa.

Anyways that apart, I heartily agree that the whole process of finding the culprits needs to be more transparent and we do need to ask more questions.

Jul 13, 06 2:56 pm  · 

hmmm ... can't let data influence us, don't wanna be part of a regime, reluctant to beileve in history ....

haven't got a single political party credible enough to run the country
haven't got a single leader that can be supported
haven't got a single reason to praise the government (present or past)

no religion that practices peace in the present era
no capitalist that preaches equality
no society that ain't exploting
no democracy that is corrupt

alright .. this ain't a song .....

but .... what's the situation huh?

can't trust the media (do u really believe BBC?)
can't have faith in police

can't expect the educated to give up their ambitions
can't expect the poor to get educated
can't think of policies that'll actually help poor
can't have politics without policies

will not accept dictatorship
won't stop judging
can't relate to gandhi

+ natural disastors, AIDS, polpulation etc. .. the list is unending ...
and everything is related ..

can't discard any of the problems above
can't tolerate being confused (ignorant)
can't unite under one practical force

well .. not being bogged down .. just putting things in focus .. for my own consideration and other's reference ...

where do we go from here ....

Jul 14, 06 7:56 am  · 

i guess .. we know all the answers ..... which will come from our questions .... but so solutions to the questions that these answers ask!

Jul 14, 06 8:01 am  · 

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