
Galleri Silver Screen


Restored and repaired, you can find the original earlier in the tread.

Dec 16, 07 8:24 am  · 
Dec 16, 07 9:27 am  · 
Dec 16, 07 9:28 am  · 
Dec 16, 07 9:30 am  · 
Dec 21, 07 7:33 am  · 
Dec 21, 07 7:36 am  · 
Dec 21, 07 7:40 am  · 

Hej Per,

Jeg har fulgt begge dine threads her paa Archinect med interesse, og jeg kan i en hvis forstand forstaa dine ambitioner og beundre din staedighed i lyset af den arrogance som folk af og til fremviser her.
Men jeg kan ogsaa se at et langt stykke hen ad vejen ignorerer du al kritik. Kritik som ofte er vel ment og stiller spoergsmaalstegn, baade praktisk og mere teoretisk omkring dine projekter.
Jeg kan forstaa at du er selv-laert, men hvis jeg maa give et raad, saa er der nogengange en virkelig en fristelse i at kun at bruge kritik som en energi til ikke at viderebringe et projekt, men snarere at falde i et hul hvor kritikken kun understreger ens foelelse af selvvaerd. Du maa proeve at lytte lidt mere, og se hvornaar din ide maaske er begyndt at gaa lidt i ring. Jeg mener det paa en god maade. Dt var saa mere ment som en kommentar til 3DH.
Med hensyn til dit galleri, saa er det da fint nok at du bygger en form for levende, konstant forandrende galleri paa gaden. Paa mange maader er det baade underholdende og fraekt. Og jeg kan ogsaa fornemme din begejstring omkring udstyret/grejet some du bruger og foeler helt klart at du er en perfektionist (og meget staedig! Indroem det!!?) Men jeg ville gerne se det paa en maade hvor du masske begynder at gaa vaek fra din fascination med udstyret - proev at abstrahere de ideer som du har fundet i Galleri Silverscreen og overfoer det til et andet projekt, maaske en anden lokation?
Og hvorfor starter du ikke din egen website/blog? Dine posts paa begge de sites (Archinect og Designcommunity) som du bruger viser at der er nok materiale/energi til det...?

Jeg oensker dig held og lykke med dine projekter/ideer. Svar mig paa dansk, ik !? :-)

Dec 21, 07 8:18 am  · 

Tak !

Jeg leger med tanken om "Gardin kunst" --- altså graffiti på billig gardin canvas , på et rulle-gardin er bunden bukket om så man kan lægge en messing stang ind , vende fet på hovedet og hænge gardinet op på væggen, -- eller man kan bruge gardin kunsten som gardin, så om aftenen vil lyset inde fra lyse ud og vise billedet eller man vil se billedet indendørs med lys udefra som lyser gennem gardin stoffet.

-------- Jeg beskriver jo hvordan disse billeder fremkommer og det største portræt tager ca. en halv time at male med graffiti spray ; så jo, jeg forsøger faktisk at flytte både mig selv, og de ting jeg udfører ; jeg tænker om flot stor Gardin kunst i nummererede serier mon ikke kunne blive en stor succes. Prisen er jo vigtig, men faktisk er der med de metoder jeg har måttet udvikle ,faktisk mulighed for en billig Gardin kunst, --- altså sådan rent principielt kunne det give en rimelig timeløn og et nyt projekt der til forskel for alle de andre, kunne betyde at der kunne være mulighed for at investere i ny hardware, f.eks de 30 tusinde det vil koste, at bygge en rimelig kraftig N.C. fræser.

Tak -- og god Jul !

Dec 21, 07 8:41 am  · 
Dec 23, 07 7:34 am  · 

Seem like people at are just crazy with these paintings.
It is sad the page format here don't maneage even a 640x680 realy sad , as more and more 3D effects is beginning to attrack a lot of visitors.

Visitors in the day and at night with digital camera , I am sure this collection of portraits and 3D gadgeds are among the most popular in copenhagen. Nice when people who passes must take a picture day or night , Silver Screen Galleri on the move to where there are a protection towerds people who enter a presentation with a bucked of dirt only becaurse they find it funny to enter a tread to act like pigs as what happened here.

Jan 7, 08 6:26 am  · 

Baby it's cold outside , so the creativity has to stay with a smaller format and hands-on experiments ;

But smaller pictures also mean that if you don't want a huge Curtain Art portrait but only a not so scary huge arear covered with cheap art, then that possibility is also there, -- did I mention I uses foto's to paint the portraits from :

Jan 12, 08 6:23 am  · 
Jan 14, 08 4:42 pm  · 
Jan 14, 08 8:18 pm  · 

have you paid any fee to advertise these things?

i vow that, if elected, i will nuke that wall.

Jan 14, 08 11:30 pm  · 

Havn't you spended to much time on usenet?

Jan 15, 08 1:52 am  · 

What's wrong Beta --- you want to harm a nice guy once again, or it pain your ass to see nice pictures , and then you get busy, Get busy complaining as you care a heck about beautifull pictures , is that it ?

Why are you at all attracted to this tread where a nice guy share pictures everybody like , just to complain ?

Why is that beta, is it to much text and you wanting to fight all those pictures you feel nothing for , I realy like to know the reson why some can't see anything nice without bursting in to a nice guy's tread with a bucket of real dirt --- is it becaurse you can't paint such things ? Well a little more than halve a year ago, I also didn't think I could paint, but do that give you the right to come here and throw another bucket,
Think about it Beta, for me who share these nice pictures so many others find great, you are some crazy guy who burst in with wierd complains and buckets of dirt, becaurse you obviously don't feel anything for nice paintings --- realy you shuld be busy harassing a lot of artists, are you ?

Jan 15, 08 2:31 am  · 
Jan 15, 08 3:19 am  · 

eh, one guy's art is another guy's toilet paper.

Jan 15, 08 6:49 am  · 

beta, why do you even keep opening this thread?

Jan 15, 08 7:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

this is one of the best threads on archinect. i have enjoyed watching the evolution of the galleri silver screen by a nice guy. it's been an excellent example of not just talking but alos doing...although it would be nice if buckets of dirt would stop being thrown just doesn't add anything

Jan 15, 08 8:03 am  · 

Puddles it's not that bad having the stomake, as mentioned above some people simply learn to get the best out of the vorse , it become a way of living and also a great enforce ,so I has to agrea ; every trick is allowed when fighting fiddeling. -- Has you notised the low count, the same tread other places is currently one hundred thousands.
Same tread same in generaly lower count fora's.

Jan 15, 08 8:51 am  · 

Please exchouse, but I forgot a thank you here. Trust me I try make this consumable, not, even exactly that is diffucult -- I realy did not emagine , halve a year or a little more ago, that I could paint. Thru sometimes esp. in the start , one of the projectors is a great help, but please don't go out and get one if you think it is that easy, it is not ; it take both some "masters secrets" and a belly, to paint , that I did find out.
But yes I do hope to inspire and realy, I do not think I ever become a master fine arts painter, I has seen my limits there. But that shuld not keep others from the pallet, not even the spray can.

Jan 15, 08 9:04 am  · 

steven, it's not me bringing this thread up, never has been. i have yet to see one thread where a monologue has ever been allowed to happen. every time i think this thread will disapper, it returns again...

puddles, don't you have some veterans to kick?

Jan 15, 08 9:05 am  · 

Beta even you has no feeling for nice paintings, maybe you can't even reconise the same beauty so many others register, even you think there are only one way a tread shuld be, even you tend to pick on the skilled or clever guy and is blind to arts, then it seem the silent majority just enjoy what you do not care for. I guess you grind your brains only to find something unplesant to answer me now, and excatly that is what describe your replies and attitude ; not one nice word, quite natural I guess if you simply don't reconise what others do. But couldn't you atleast respect that there are a silent majority who do not complain, and register that you alone must fail the ability to reconise what others profit .

Jan 15, 08 9:17 am  · 

You see, I carefully weight what I display -- my works and a bit of the process. So when you publish the same place, it is your messeage that is dislayed ; maybe those arts hating words is your arts aswell as these paintings are mine. But I atleast has something to say, something called paintings and idears, --- now if you just as carefull weight your contribuation, then what brance of creativity is this then, what messeage are you promoting, what strings and tunes are you belivering , are you sure they are as interesting or do you think the silent majoraty take it as just arts haters complains.

Jan 15, 08 9:24 am  · 
Jan 15, 08 9:27 am  · 

For Puddles , two sketches charcoal on curtain canvas ;

Jan 16, 08 7:12 am  · 
Jan 20, 08 2:43 pm  · 

Jan 20, 08 2:45 pm  · 
Feb 29, 08 6:01 am  · 

I now added yet another title to my mighty C.V ;

Beside I am a Stakit Kolorist and an Gardin Kunstner ,I allready are a Designer not an Architect, I also master the rare arts of being a Rullegardin Kunstner so I can frankly call myself a Rullegardin Instalatør Kunstner, and Now my dear audience --- I am to, a Lysmast Kunstner ;

Mar 16, 08 7:19 am  · 

Sorry I just realised That Lysmast Dekoratør , is a much better title than Lysmast Kunstner.

Mar 16, 08 7:27 am  · 
Mar 20, 08 3:57 pm  · 
Mar 20, 08 4:01 pm  · 

Hi again.

lots of new images at


Apr 22, 08 8:53 am  · 

Redone and renovated it's funny how small details make so huge a difference, --- Now people begun asking for wall paintings for their houses, portraits in particular ; street art is the perfect promotion ;

Update for the galleri --

but as you also see, my pieces are now multiple around the local area ;

Apr 30, 08 6:07 am  · 

Bside people asking for Murals , -- I am told Murals are a sort of Graffiti that is not Graffiti but huge images painted on walls --- beside these, I am realy getting popular for my portraits og local people. That also mean there are no trouble finding an expression, a face, an attitude worth transforming into an image. --- like this , a local guy with a wonderfull attitude ; there will be more of these I promise, maybe it's a good idea to create a serie of local people, reflect their attitude in the image, and find a place to publish.

May 6, 08 4:52 am  · 

Unexpected -- not at all.
A crowd of thin hair old bacholors , Cafe' Artists, and mean followers, joined a hate-crime and punished Silver Screen Galleri, for being the most progressive and provocative display of Street-Art in Copenhagen.

I know this brance of arts, where critic become an artists art, where harassing other artists replace what art shuld be about, as if this art thing realy shuld be a contest, -- what do it say about an artist, who's art is, to destroy other artists work, and paint them over with children-monster.drawings . I know this sort of jeloux or drunk "critic" it popped up around in our treads ; Jeloux shouting, from some silli guy trying to collect a hate crowd, --- art changed, art became a social act, a hate crime act.

Translation from danish to english ; "Silver Fart".

"Silver Fart" is what they named their piece of art, this one that was painted over the Silver Screen Galleri;

Done by a group of hare crimers , --- they had to crowd not less than 12 followers to gather the gutts , a crowd acting from an newspaper article, by a jurnalist that claim , and would love to write about, -- that in America, --- in America there are a war between graffiti painters and Street-art artists. An article suggesting hate crimes against Street-Art to expand to denmark, an article that here in denmark was met with arguments such as ; " but here in Dk. it is the graffiti people who go to the galleries and become fame, here it is old graffiti painters who on their old day's start combine street-art themes with graffiti and write books --- and they feel no anger towerds Street-Art".

I will let you judge from the pictures, -- are these graffiti painters at all, are they a new trend suggesting collecting a hate crowd, to vandalise Street-Art making it fasion to crowd together to paint ugly children drawings and low class outdated graffiti ,graffiti signed with fake names , -- and to push the issue, name their art "Silver Fart", here cought in the act, --- having a great time harassing and bullying, and belive me, between those were a few very agrassive "artists" who "know where I live".

Now offcaurse the locals living here was furious the day after, when they realised that the portraits and new "kind of graffiti" , that they learned to love, had been painted over with childish monster heads and low grade wannabe-graffiti. Next day going for a walk, I was met by a group of 11-13 local people young and old who forced me to "fight back" , the whole week local people has shown their support and made all sorts of ,well ... backing up promises--- I experienced people stopping to thank for something they called "real" art, talking to students and teachers from the art schools ,but most important people, just living here, who grown to love these portraits , while they respected and untouched, been allowed here, as the locals galleri --- and I must agrea, they was better in real than in foto, but now that is over, over by a crowd of jeloux hate crimers. Why else shuld they name their work "Silver Fart" ?

May 19, 08 10:56 am  · 

Happy to have turned everything into my advanteage, so here are an update after the local opinion about these events and the local and public discussion round Street-Art and what people loved about this Galleri ,made or forced a decision about this dirty act and what was lost by it.

I forgot to update yuo guy's so here are two sets of images that since that raid been up in the Galleri --- I simply place images of how the galleri looked for the first tree weeks after I answered the provokation and what images are up now.

These images was the exact right answer for the first tree weeks, but I was realy into another lead , so after having a fierce public debate about thise arts bullies , I now display the gallieri like this ;

Close up of the newest ;

This is cirtainly not as spetacular as what this jeloux crowd , some even claiming to be arts students destroyed, destroyed after being left at peace for years --- but isn't that how art are progressing ; if you has no tallent yourself to paint something better, you can allway's destroy some work , of someone you are jeloux about.

Jun 17, 08 6:03 am  · 

Sorry -- forgot that images here has to be a lot smaller, -- but please check the links to se the whole of each image ;

And if you want to see more please check my folders at ArtWanted ;

Jun 17, 08 6:07 am  · 

Much has happened and I realise I forgot to update this tread about the Silver Screen Galeri, so I will publish my latest Acryl on Masonit piece, -- further I will place some of the recent images -- the Galleri develobed to display a number of four portraits where one will be replaced at a time with a new one. This work fine to build an audience, there are a growing number of people who follow the progress, but last thing first, it's not Graffiti but the later images are ;

77x97 Cm Acryl on masonit.

Today's display, -- borders are lowered and different artists started to use other painters pieces within their own. The bird I made a few day's ago now are contained into a piece made by tree different artists.

Want to check a link with "work in progress", and a lot of nice images publishd in the Silver Screen Galleri, check this link in danish ;

Jul 25, 08 8:39 am  · 

It has been a long time since I updated with new images from the Street Galleri.

Latest first ;

--- Or rather, this is proberly the one that will replace the images now left in peace for a long time now ;

Next display also was on display for a long time ;

Sep 25, 08 8:55 am  · 

Sorry about the images being cut off, case you want to see them in full, please refere ;

Sep 25, 08 8:57 am  · 

I am sorry I so often forget to upload to this site , I has not painted much on the fence nut what has been painted attract a lot of audience, I count 20 to 50 photo's taken a day for the past halve year, you are welcome to calculate the average, -- still even I combined words and images, no one ask what the writing say, I guess peolpe became so used that "graffiti" letters are impossible to read, that they fail to realise that these words carry a meaning ; ---

This is the display today

Here are some of what I painted the past month, these are not StreetArt but images I paint to remember the huge Murals.

Nina van Pallandt


Putin Listen

Thank you!

Oct 20, 08 9:55 am  · 

Putin Listen !

Oct 20, 08 9:57 am  · 

I guess it will be some time before I upload next time, I looked thru the tread and found it exiting how this passtime experience so quickly expanded from a projector galleri that started as a testbench for the projector I was given -- how it became an obsession to collect antique rare projectors, repair and make them better, how this evolved into experiments into niches and develobing of tools making extraordanary images possible and then while this process took more and more time, things turned into real murals and nice painted pictures -- it's been fun and what a load of old antiques it collected. Now I hope to spend some time perfecting and doing something about the load of drawings and paintings that also mountain my flat. I will be updating as soon as this periode expanded into new leads, hopefully with one or two real good images, but as I said, this proberly will not be murals just huge and many pictures. Untill then my latest murals I could upload the other places I challance, at this site you still only accept the small format ;

If you miss the images look at my ArtWanted site, there are plenty more than what I shown here;

Oct 30, 08 7:50 pm  · 

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