
Book Binding and Repair

Sarah Hamilton

I recently purchased a used book online, and while the condition is fairly good, I feel that it won't be for long.  Currently, the signatures are still attached in the cover, but they are very loose, and I want to repair the textblock before the signatures fall out.  

After checking online, most repairs have me pulling off the covers, and going at it that way.  Do you think it's possible for me to simply run some book tape, or glue, through the hollow of the book?  This is a gift for someone, and I don't want to destroy it just to repair it.

Apr 19, 11 10:13 am

I would ask an experienced librarian to look at it and give you their opinion.

Apr 19, 11 10:37 am  · 

No, it really doesn't work well to run some glue down the spine. Glue that works well for this purpose is too thick to run. Thin glue will seep into the pages, and dry out an crack in no time. Use a razor to cut through the flypaper, and some bookbinders glue, a tape, and a liner across the shoulder. Get some pretty paper, trim it to size, and glue it to the inside if the cover, and the flyleaves. It should cost you less than $25 in materials at a decent art store, and take about an hour.

Apr 20, 11 7:29 pm  · 

Sarah, if you do decide to DIY, get a bunch of practice books that you can destroy without crying afterwards :)

Apr 20, 11 7:42 pm  · 
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how's about binding it in a funky new way? Japanese stab binding anyone??

Apr 21, 11 12:59 am  · 


  I accidently spilled bleach on one of the pages of a library book and it has left a brown stain. Do you have any suggestions about have these stains may be removed?

Jun 30, 23 12:40 pm  · 

bleach removes stains

Jun 30, 23 1:37 pm  · 
1  · 

Pour tea on the remaining pages, problem solved.

Jun 30, 23 1:39 pm  · 
1  · 

Please answer the question.

Jul 1, 23 2:48 pm  · 

We did.

Jul 1, 23 6:07 pm  · 

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