


Everyone is always arguing about which software package is the best, Rhino, Maya, 3DMax. The modeling differences are pretty obvious as well as Rhino's dumpy rendering (for now). BUt what are the real rendering differences with Maya v Max? Is one easier, better, faster? I mostly use Max. I've played with Maya in the past. People are always asking me which they should learn (I'm a resident computer dork). From what I understand, most firms use Max/Viz for rendering, so I would assume that unless you want to get into 'advanced parametric modeling' with Maya and the firms that do that, then Max would be your best bet. What are people using at work? Anyone use Maya at work? Do you think it's worth putting effort into Maya? It seems like some people have one studio that uses "x" software package and think that it's the ONLY way to go. Thoughts?

Feb 4, 06 6:59 pm

Maya at my office...max is user friendly and equally as powerful as maya in many ways just depends what you master...the only edge maya has on max is nurbs modeling (and a smoother workflow but that depends on your preferences) but if your office does not require a nurbs modeling package then you should stick to max for rendering.

Feb 4, 06 10:04 pm  · 

I used maya at a prior office. It is a good nurbs modeler and due to its animation capabilities it good constraints and history it is not at all a parametric modeller. It all depends what you are using the software for. I have recently beein using CATIA, Digital Project and Rhino...And i dont think i would ever turn back to MAYA. Well maybe to do some fun formal stuff...but I would say it is not an efficient architectural office software. Rhino is far better suited and flows better with other architecture based software.

Feb 4, 06 11:09 pm  · 

Just out of curiosity, Is everyone doing curvy, expensive, two directional curved surface, blobby, buildings that you have the need to use Rhino, Catia and Maya?

Feb 5, 06 5:05 am  · 

harold, have you used any of these software before? Theyre benefits extend way beyond just creating fluid surfaces.

Feb 6, 06 8:23 am  · 

harold..CATIA was originally created by one aircraft maker (Dassault or Lockheed or MIG ..not sure think it was Dassault ) design the aerodynamic surfaces on their craft, they have been selling it since 1983....

yea...since that long back...

then after that it first came into the limelight (I guess ) when Frank O Gehry used it for his Bilbao piece-de-resistance.

after that it became the talk of the cool crowd in architecture and suddenly every third architect you met on the road was wow-wowing it and talking abt how cool it is and how cool they were since they used it !

of course they do have some benefits but there's a limit to being raped by the computer. I know some tech victims who spend more time and money learning these new softwares which keep propping out of the woodwork every now and then rather than designing etc.

sad state of affairs

Feb 6, 06 8:43 am  · 
job job

can we all agree to never use the word 'rape'. makes me cringe

use a computer or paint, it's all the same as a design tool. it takes effort and training to do both well.

by the way, we've been making complex surfaces for millenia. i refer you to quattro fontane, easter island, horus

Feb 6, 06 9:49 am  · 

Window's Paint rules!

Feb 6, 06 12:40 pm  · 

when did harold ask for the history of CATIA?
I agree snowi....what an awkward way to say anything.
And why the hell is everything a "sad state of affairs"...

i've been observing this "nevermore" person for a while now....huh!

Feb 6, 06 1:46 pm  · 

ret I am single and not ready to mingle...huh!

Feb 7, 06 12:53 am  · 


and yea..stop observing me ( or I'll start doing the same )

Feb 7, 06 1:05 am  · 

and huh !

Feb 7, 06 1:06 am  · 
Feb 7, 06 2:30 am  · 

ok bye now.

Feb 7, 06 2:31 am  · 
Feb 7, 06 2:35 am  · 
Feb 7, 06 2:36 am  · 

hey ret ..wait up .....dont go man ..Finally ! Finally ! I've got a stalker

yea...and HUH !

Feb 7, 06 2:40 am  · 


I've been meaning to start an MS paint thread, but I think this one is sufficiently hijaked.

Let's see some 5 second MS paint diagrams.

Feb 7, 06 3:44 am  · 
Serious MS Paint work

Check out the Garfield and Star Wars posts. Great fun for all.

Feb 7, 06 8:00 am  · 

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