
do you dream about architecture?

My girlfriend found this amusing at first and then rather worrying, that when I slept I would be talking in my sleep about work. Be it budgets, designs, projects etc.

Am I the only one....please tell me no. Anyhow else out there who dreams almost entirely of architecture.

Jan 11, 06 9:04 pm
Ms Beary

Yes, I dream about architecture. And I use the dream as inspiration for charettes. It is the same mind that simultaneously designs every aspect of a space in a dream that designs at work.

In my dreams, I occupy a space so completely that I remember things like where the light switches are.

Jan 11, 06 9:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Never in a good way.

When I'm nose to the grindstone on a project (like this week) I can't get it out of my head so I have images of it racing throiiugh my dreams - images within reach but cannot ever grasp them.

But my stress dreams are always building related: I'm in a building that's, well, nightmarish - complex, stairs to nowhere, elevators that go in all directions, doors that swing open after you latch them, cdark avernous post-apocalyptic industrial spaces dripping with sewage - and I have to get out but can't. read into it what you will.

I have never - ever - had a positive archiecture dream experience a la Strawbeary.

Jan 11, 06 9:18 pm  · 

i once did an almost-all-nighter and came home at 5.30 to get 90 minutes of sleep. while i "slept" i kept having this dreamlike hallucination about daltile "alba" 3/8" thick ceramic tile

Jan 11, 06 9:25 pm  · 

dreams.... sometimes i get wonderful design revelations in them....i do find that i am somewhat of a lucid dreamer and that they are very vivid... and i also find myself daydreaming a little to often...

Jan 11, 06 9:55 pm  · 
some person

architechnophilia: I have exactly the same kinds of dreams, although I usually don't remember them. When my husband tells me what I said the night before, I often laugh because it sounds so silly. He talks back during my dreams and convinces me to go back to sleep.

Me: "I need my drafting table."
Him: "Where is it?"
Me: "On the roof." (it's actually in our apartment)
Him: "I'll bring it down for you in the morning."
Me: "Okay, thanks."

Me: "I need to finish the drawing." (referring to a ficticious ink-on-mylar drawing)
Him: "You can finish it tomorrow."
Me: "Okay."

Jan 11, 06 10:05 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty bell only dreams of...

Jan 11, 06 10:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Only on a good night, vado. A very good night.

ochona, that's exactly the kind of dream I have when I'm charetting - some obscure piece of information like "expanded polyicocyanurate insulation" will stick in my brain grrr.

Jan 11, 06 10:14 pm  · 

i was once half awake, half asleep believing that my pillow was a mayline.

does anyone else have these half conscious dreams?

Jan 11, 06 10:18 pm  · 
vado retro

actually i had a dream the other night that i went to an old office where i had worked to say hello. well wouldnt you know it the principles
started asking me questions about old projects i had worked on and complaining that my drawings were very bad. i woke up grumpy and not looking at all like brad pitt.

Jan 11, 06 10:20 pm  · 

This is going to sound really cheezy and stupid, but I've had dreams about Kahn's building in Dhaka. It was beautiful and I just couldn't believe how lucky I was to go visit it. I guess that means I've seen My Architect one too many times.... But I do still want to actually visit it in person someday.

I have had many CAD dreams, too. Those are not fun. Point and click, point and click. But that's only when I'm working on CD's non-stop.

Jan 11, 06 10:52 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Jan 11, 06 10:54 pm  · 

mostly nighmarish
decrepit cities and infested buildings

Jan 11, 06 11:13 pm  · 

does anyone find themselves wanting to snap to points while they're walking? One time after a lot of modeling i was walking home and i was like "I wish I could just snap to that building..." maybe im just weird. one of my friends saw a mitre box floating whil ein class once. haha

Jan 12, 06 12:12 am  · 

I keep trying to "undo" life.

Also, I have had some amazing arch. dreams. More than once in school I dreamed my school projects into these amazing, intense structures and spaces... Most of the time I didn't remember enough, or couldn't really use the ideas when awakened (umm... sorta fantastical rather than realistic)--but a couple times I actually solved problems that I'd been working on for hours in studio in my dreams. I have evolved some very complex theories of the unconcious mind because of all this.

It only really happens when I am chronically under-slept, however (and am catching a quick catnap, not that 14-hour-post-crit-marathon sleep or whatever).

Jan 12, 06 12:26 am  · 

i've had many a dream where i'm dimensioning something all through the night, putting details together in my sleep that work perfectly, only to wake up and find that i've forgotten how i did it. sometimes on those rare good nights, i'll actually be designing something in my head, and wake up to my sketchbook in time to get it out.

then there are the nightmares... all i'm doing is dimensioning things, re-dimensioning them, and re-dimensioning them again, only to find out i need to adjust my dimension settings, and that nothing looks right, or the dimensions are all off just a little bit and nothing truly aligns. i hate those.

mostly i don't dream much, but when i do it is usually about a woman, or about being able to fly.

speaking to true life autocad (3dsmax) commands, some of my friends and i used to joke about how "god put an ugly modifier on that person," or to one another, "did you do something messed up with your vertex's this morning, cause something is off about you today?" I once told one of my friends i wished i could boolean his lips together so he would shut up. damn i am such a geek.

Jan 12, 06 8:07 am  · 
some person

I once had a professor emeritus who just kept coming back to teach year after year, well beyond when he should have retired... He used to say that "your brain is an organic computer; if you're trying to figure out a problem, think about it before you fall asleep; when you awake, your brain will have solved the majority of the problem."

Jan 12, 06 9:26 pm  · 
some person

momentum: some friends in high school came up with "Let's make like a graphing calculator and 2nd-quit out of here."

Jan 12, 06 9:27 pm  · 

funny i find when I'm drawing, I'll motion my hand to the top of the paper or to the side as if I'm using a pull down menu. Sad - I know

I did have a dream once about Rem Koolhaas - and why I feel as if I know him (also one about Jacques Herzog - but that's another story). Anyhow Rem was being interviewed and started talking about my work, about that's what he aims to capture....I usually wake up feeling a little sensitive.

Abra what does that mean?

Jan 12, 06 9:52 pm  · 

Worst 'dream' I had and a sort of embarassing story. But oh well. I had been flirty with this girl at CD. After going out after the final review I stayed at the apt she was staying at because the T was shut down and it was too far to walk. Actually, turns out that her apt was like 5 minutes from my place, but I wasn't familiar enough with that part of Cambridge because I had just moved prior to CD and didn't have a chance to explore haha. But we were all snuggly. I being so exhausted didn't make any moves and in my mind her body was converted into line drawings on vellum and chipboard models. It was sooooo weak. She dissed me for not making any moves and accused me of being gay. But I was in one of those states of utter exhaustion that once you laydown, you can't move. Yeah yeah yeah, go ahead and make fun of me. SCREW YOU!

Jan 12, 06 10:30 pm  · 

in my dream, i was having a video conference with corbu and rem kolhaas showed up in a pop up. le corbusier told him to do a 3DH presentation if he wants to be his insurance agent. rem said yiiihaw in dutch and his head became a cowboy hat. then the whole thing went, 'action cancelled.'

Jan 12, 06 11:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for sharing, Hasselhoff! And don't feel bad - a friend of mine had scheduled a first date with a guy for the night after a deadline - he showed up at her apartment, waking her up from that post-charette sleep, and standing at the door said "Aren't we going to go out tonight?" to which she said "No" and shut the door in his face. They're now married!

We all know the liquid quality that overtakes the body post-charette.

Jan 12, 06 11:25 pm  · 

well this is not a dream abt arch..but its a very wierd dream/sequence i had the other day when i was working on my office project ..the day i posted that bliss of professional life etc topic.

well I went to sleep around half hour after i posted that, at apprx midnight.

I was sleeping in my chair with my head on my desk in front of the comp screen.

I wanted to get up at 6:30 in the i set my cell phone alarm to that time...

In the middle of the nite..i awoke and without lifting my head..i saw the comp time at the lower right hand corner of the showed
2 : 33 i closed my eyes and went off to sleep again.

after some time..I woke up again and then it read 3:13 AM, i went back to sleep again.

again I woke up and saw the time , It showed 5:27 AM

so i thought to myself ..I have an hour more before I get up .

Then I finally awoke..i got up and walked around..went to the loo..found my colleagues sleeping in all places of the office..

I returned and was wondering why my alarm on my cell fone didnt go off....then I saw the time finally...It was 3: 33 am in reality !

I suddenly lost all my exhaustion and

Now point in question is that all the 3 previous times that i awoke bfore 3:33 AM..

all 3 were dreams.

or those 3 dreams were actually one continuous dream before i woke up at 3:33AM finally !

Both the options are equally scary.

and in retrospect..after I analysed later

the most scary thing abt the whole episode was the final time of the dream 5:27 am was exactly 12 hrs before we actually submitted the project.

Ive had something similar to this , a long time back when i was younger, but nothing as spectacular as this.

The vedanta branch of hindu philosophy says that Time as everything else in the world is just a "perception" and something which can be comfortably altered.

Vedanta says that -->

"just as when a person involved in the midst of a vivid dream would not know what happens in the waking reality ( e.g -someone entering his bedroom or sitting by his bedside)

...likewise this whole episode called "life" could be a dream of ours and one day we will awake to reality !

who knows.Lol.. I know one thing for sure... Im pretty freaked out by this and Im not going to pull any all nighters for quite some time now.

Jan 13, 06 5:55 am  · 

i have had to architecture dream experiences that i can remember...

once in undergrad i had a dream where i was walking around a full scale version of one of my models...and it was the model, not the building that the model was replicating...basswood and all...and there was a different friend from high school in each of the rooms...

also, i once shot up out of a dead sleep and screamed out "backflow preventer" and then layed back down to sleep...scared the crap out of my wife...VERY WEIRD.

Jan 13, 06 9:04 am  · 

after i've been in studio working on something all night, I usually fall asleep half-dreaming of the project and what I want to change or do.. it beats the hell out of when I used to work in a coffee shop and close every Friday night. I'd spend the last hour washing dishes, get home and crash. All I could think of as I fell asleep was washing dishes. one could do worse than be a dreamer of architecture

Jan 13, 06 11:45 am  · 

architphil thats my most common dream, at the firm I work at we were designing a huge campus, and I was doing animations/renderigns for it. Close to a deadline I dreamt I was running around the project and couldnt get out of it. scary.

Jan 13, 06 11:59 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I find that if I was taking a nap at school I would dream about professional work, about making it....gah! Look at me now

Jan 13, 06 3:17 pm  · 
Queen of England

In my dreams I’m a consultant eating demon.

Jan 13, 06 6:20 pm  · 

yup, I dream of my cantilevered living room with a view to die for....gotta be able to envision it to make it happen

Jan 13, 06 8:19 pm  · 

Sudoku. I dream in Sudoku, and I don't want to.

Jan 13, 06 8:27 pm  · 

i dream of bardot and casa malaparte.

i also had a dream where the ants i saw crawlling on my model where built at scale along with the building and ate a large number of people, but that could be from watching too much 50's science fiction movies.

Jan 14, 06 12:07 pm  · 

last night i dreamt that i was in rem's house and he was babysitting while wearing his white pajamas with some kind of pattern around the house...then i saw him putting chardonnay in the baby's bottle instead of milk

Sep 6, 06 12:49 pm  · 

once upon a time i remember waking up to a dream of my bed being a construction plane from rhino.

severely traumatizing.

Sep 6, 06 1:27 pm  · 

what about having arch images you've seen in books flashing in your mind while having sex?

Sep 6, 06 2:21 pm  · 
Chili Davis

You mean, like this...

Sep 6, 06 2:26 pm  · 


Sep 6, 06 2:53 pm  · 

Chili Davis _ I can tell it has happened to you!

Sep 6, 06 2:54 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I usually just think about the cathedral floor plan woman from the archinect t-shirts while I'm layin it down.

Sep 6, 06 2:59 pm  · 

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