
New Archinect forum feature


We could use a feature that blocks posts (and users
I feel like I am in some Post Modern idea of the future where ads consume every facet of daily life. If Per learns to interfere my dreams, I am jumping off of a bridge.

Dec 7, 05 2:00 pm
Per Corell


If you want to do that once in the future it could be a bridge that was so much cheaper to build becaurse we finaly learned not to build things as out of woods or beams and panels. But it seem my greatest tread are that of free speach , --- eh sorry graphics that is as _if_ the only thing you now can agrea are limiting the creativity of arts , then this building system seem not to be any "tread" against an oldfasion and rigid kind of Lego mind thinking.

Dec 7, 05 2:19 pm  · 

please per-you aint no martyr
freedom of speech-that is what you are impeding OUR freedom of speech

Dec 7, 05 2:23 pm  · 

Per, please discuss building systems - not force them down our throats with banner ads. That is all those posts were: Annoying banner ads. You could have easily purchased a spamming robot and had these images pop up in our emails and acheive the same effect.

Dec 7, 05 2:36 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

Fight Per-rorism

Dec 7, 05 2:37 pm  · 
Per Corell

garpike -- yes I could have done that and it would be spam.
Beside I ansver you , then my limits are there to --- even I must agrea that I rather discuss building systems but , since 1968 and for many years since I lived on boats and ships and worked with the crafts round that, later when I was living on another boat I started with computers but still wanted to use them for something real --- you know create things, build beautifull things and experience . Now the only thing I would do different, would be to leave that address on the web, you see I don't live there, but someone else are.

Dec 7, 05 3:18 pm  · 

and another t-shirt design contest for "fight per-rorism"

Dec 7, 05 3:21 pm  · 

you are truly a moron Per

Dec 7, 05 3:21 pm  · 

reading Per is like swimming through molasses..... vous comprendez ?

Dec 7, 05 3:22 pm  · 

Do I have to read it? No. That is what is great about text.

But seriously we shouldn't attack his English...

Dec 7, 05 3:24 pm  · 

no ? the guy fancies himself a RK style writer/polemicist. if he's gonna rant but ain't gon come correct, I'ma call 'im on it. this isn't like your cool italian friend who just started speaking a few months ago and who tries their hardest. everyone's attacking him for posting a graphic but I think the bigger offense is the ridiculouEssay.

Dec 7, 05 3:31 pm  · 

long live per!!

Dec 7, 05 3:35 pm  · 

Ha ha nice, thenewworld

Dec 7, 05 4:31 pm  · 

In defense of Per - say what you must about his honeycomb system or seemingly obsesive ravings of the new era of structural and architectural design brought about by a yet to be determined process, but at least the man is utilizing this forum to promote, engage and discuss theoretical topics concerning architecture and engineering, or at least the relationship thereof.

Instead of being juvenile and mocking him, maybe try a logical and rational debate to curb his enthusiasm or at least make him explaine himself more definitively. Maybe he needs a little help clarifying his vision.

Dec 7, 05 7:19 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

but that's the problem. he doesn't engage in logical and rational debate. he obfuscates his arguments in obsessive dogma and doesn't prove that his "method" is viable or even advantageous.

we all listened in the beginning but he just kept repeating the same things... whether we were romans or usenet users any inquiries or challenges to his ideas were responded to with more of his mangled dogma.

i'm all for new ideas but like all good science, it has to be tested and supported by evidence. per is the architectural equivalent of intelligent design.

Dec 7, 05 8:16 pm  · 

Have you read his 5000 words, .(dot)?

Dec 7, 05 8:20 pm  · 

to the original wording, how about a '1 2 3 next page>> ' link set at the top of the page as well as the bottom. I hate having to scroll through to the 100th post every time I want to re-read the fancy graphics lovers thread.

Dec 7, 05 11:12 pm  · 

no-where is the 5000 word essay? Didnt see it.

Dec 8, 05 8:49 am  · 
le bossman

are you guys trying to get rid of per corell? that is completely ludicrous. get a life.

Dec 8, 05 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Awww, see, evilp (aka . ), I knew you were a nice guy!! That is a very intelligent and tolerant suggestion you make re: trying to help per rather than mock him.

But I have to say, as someone who really followed the fancy graphics thread for a long time, A Center for Ants is right - per really doesn't seem to want to engage in helpful criticism. I have no problem with the fancy graphics thread or even the other bizarrely-worded comments that pop up like dandelions throughout archinect, but the image posting in the discussion page slowed everything down and looked like crap. I hope no one else, ever, titles a thread with an image.

SuperHeavy, there's a "go to bottom" button on the top of each page, then you can click page 1 2 3 4 etc. That speeds it up.

Dec 8, 05 9:03 am  · 
Per Corell

Dot ;
"n defense of Per - say what you must about his honeycomb system or seemingly obsesive ravings of the new era of structural and architectural design brought about by a yet to be determined process, but at least the man is utilizing this forum to promote, engage and discuss theoretical topics concerning architecture and engineering, or at least the relationship thereof."

Thanks --- I am so glad when just one person see what the real issue are . As this is exactly what this is and I do not try cover up the foults. Realy I try persave you to realise how things can be so much better how much more beautifull buildings can become if the architect don't leave the real challancing part of it, the structure of it, to the engineer.
------- I guess I am stucked in describing why today's architect applications will never produce the future wonders ,maby I go to much in detail to explain why and forget that very few acturly know how an architect application are written -- what perspective it have and where most architect applications simply are limited to the account part of it.

I want beautifull houses and for me it is all so simple -- what I forget is that when I go in detail with the foults I try to prove then instead of just saying it as Dot do ;

"the new era of structural and architectural design brought about by a yet to be determined process"

then I tend to say that Zaha would proberly bring wonders just realising the basics of this new system and Liebskind for cirtain would get the structure to keep it in the air .

Now I did expect more from the architecture applications , even I know that "architecture" is more than the splendid wonderfull designs, that most of it is boring and numbers not at all what the first year student think --- but with the computer I think that some of the creative pleasure can still be brought back into the process ; but it need to be done soon, as othervise the only thing the computers will bring, is even more expenses even more trouble and even further distance to the build works. And the Romans are protecting the old way's with all means please don't forget that.
You see ,where things went wrong, was when technology wasn't allowed to work on it's own terms but was put to serve an old fasion perseption of the creative process ; it is not nessery so that the only way to modernise architecture is to rewrite the old methods into computer code --- many of the things that is computerised is acturly methods invented to make a paper drawing work ,for instance so that instead of a long text on a paper drawing ,then a number describing type and location cost and all but , why transcripe this into computer code if starting all over would have suggested a much better way. --- Why even look at drawing as floor planes ; did you ever think about why it is so and why it is not needed anymore to do it like that ?
Isn't it wierd and esp. when we talk about organic shaped structures, that when the arts critics describe the house, they look at it from ground level look at the splendid details and praise the uniqueness but, when then the architect look at it ,then he go up in the sky and look at it floor by floor -------- realy have you ever emagined a "floorplan" of one of Gethry's houses , now if you follow this weak lead maby you understand better why I complain the tradisional architect application with it's floor plans and how far apart from what we expect out future houses, this old concept work. How the tradisional applications tigh up the creativity but more than that, how the tradisional aproach hold back the natural develobment in the build works ,how innovation again and again is what is asked, but when it come to fact this " new era of structural and architectural design brought about by a yet to be determined process " ,still have to fight it's way thru, --------- as it seem no one want the house at a third the cost, four times stronger, while no one realy want the new thing but only the "new thing" as something they allready know and understand.

Dec 8, 05 9:14 am  · 

per- you too. please STOP with your incessant revolting posts. its highly annoying. as for me, i`m not quite able to get back on track with regular followups on good architecture threads. with sooo many of these threads, its soo annoying.

one thread will do for you. no one reads your comments. why waste time on internet? and oh please don`t post pics.


Dec 8, 05 9:24 am  · 

Meta - I'm not defending the man per se, however he has one enduring characteristic and it is his willingness to throw out into the public discussion his work. I have'nt seen this often on this forum. Yes there rantings about Bush taking over the world, or debates about starchitects, but not much ground up discussion leading to something in the spirit for example, of the of the early De Stjil or Bauhaus theorists, who's discussion opened the door to a new way of thinking.

Maybe what we need around here is an Archinect Architectural Contest.
$25 entry, winner take all. Maybe that will foster a more architectural and design oriented discussion/debate atmosphere, and take the spotlight of our one self - proclaimed visionary.

Dec 8, 05 9:39 am  · 
Per Corell

Eh --- as for a writer that would mean "don't post any words" .
As for "good architectural treads" , I am sure that much academic thought can be made from something that basicly was created with a much simpler mind , still words is not supposed to fight the creativity ,you can't "talk" a revolution , a revolution come when it's been to much talk.

Meta you can't be serious in an architecture discussion if you try to fight pictures , that would be the same as banning words in a discussion. This is _not_ usenet. Trying to restrict peoples way to express or demanding words from people who don't comunicate with words is trying to put 1986 usenet standards into the web, it will not work --- we all shuld hope it will not work, architecture suld not be a fight between academic response and creative chaos. Chaos will winn.

What you ask is impossible, and I think you know why.

Dec 8, 05 9:52 am  · 
Per Corell


Dot "no-where is the 5000 word essay? Didnt see it."

Try this ;

rtf is the free Wordpad delivered with Windows, I can make it work even within my Mozilla firefox that finaly now display even Pdf.

Dec 8, 05 10:05 am  · 

<.> and per- that`s not my point. i`m not against him either.

1. he should understand that this is no way to communicate things. or rather say, this way of communiating his so called new techniques has only brought a bad name on him so far. call the people against him freaks or dryass or whatever... but is`nt it time he did something more towards it instead of just posts which are extremely hard to understand?

2.i`m not talking about the starting new threads by this man, its the incessant replies (its not theories or any of the design crap, its just words to ward off people.. i say its better to avoid such) which he gives to people which in turn grows into numerous useless threads. i just got a little annoyed seeing so many of them.

3.i meant please don`t pics as a topic. don`t if you wish. this just turns in this kindof bullshit chaos. your methodology of building chaos is not right. its more like saying something over and over again until people start accepting finally. if that`s your point, it would be insane. this type of chaos will spoil it.

yeah, i know asking you to think a little more is impossible. i understand this post only adds more to whatever i`m trying to say.

Dec 8, 05 10:36 am  · 
Per Corell

Eh --- you forgot to credit me for _not_ promoting the tread's subject.

You also forgot to follow the discussion , nomatter how disturbing this could occour to you the essence are in this short snip from Dot's reply further up the tread, --- I think this issue is as important as it state ;

Dot ; "the new era of structural and architectural design brought about by a yet to be determined process"

Can you even emagine what such oppotunity would have ment if computers had been there at the time of Le.Corb ?
I think it would have ment "no more talk".

Dec 8, 05 10:44 am  · 


Dec 8, 05 10:45 am  · 

Good idea on the Competition...count me in. Start a thread to generate interest/develop a program..

Dec 8, 05 11:07 am  · 
Per Corell

If you have trouble with animations PRINT it ;

Dec 8, 05 3:55 pm  · 

"Yes, it is horrible."

Dec 8, 05 4:58 pm  · 
Silent Disapproval Robot
Dec 8, 05 5:41 pm  · 

What are you saying SDR? Oh wait...

Dec 8, 05 6:43 pm  · 
Silent Disapproval Robot

Oh, the big annoying honeycomb thread has turned out quite funny so you can just ignore me,


Dec 8, 05 7:03 pm  · 

Ooooo! What did it? What got the post removed? Guts? Porn? I missed it.

Dec 8, 05 7:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

They're gone, finally. Now I can believe in a benevolent diety again.

Dec 8, 05 7:36 pm  · 

A bit off topic perhaps, but Paulie? might it be at all possible to make it so we can jump to the final page strait from the index? like little pagie numbers after each thread thats more than 100 posts? The Jpeg thread is kickass but it sucks to wait for the whole first page to load before jumping to the last?

Dec 8, 05 10:42 pm  · 

Oh, and p.s...

this may be a safari issue, but for some reason it also wont show your text when you try to preview on a thread longer than 100 posts. Sorry if this has been brought up again and again,

How are you by the way? :)

Dec 8, 05 10:45 pm  · 

oe, for now I open the jpg discussion and stop the loading then scroll down anc click the final page. A bit backwards, but an annoyance-free workaround.

Dec 8, 05 10:47 pm  · 

ya I been trying that too, just bit of a pain I spose, thanks thou,

Dec 8, 05 10:48 pm  · 

Croakies and Boatshoes.

Dec 9, 05 12:03 am  · 

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