
uk instead of MArch


can you get accepted into part II at a uk school after completing a BS (4 yrs) or BA (4 yrs) in a us university (in architecture)? what about at a more prestigious school like the AA?

Jul 3, 05 7:30 pm


Jul 3, 05 9:38 pm  · 

Sure you can... but it is a lot more work in terms of repeating/additional classwork for no little benefit here in the US (ie, good luck with NCARB).

Jul 3, 05 10:08 pm  · 

On the plus side, however, studying a diploma in the UK will allow you to work for a year in industry afterwards - perhaps more. The three year BA and two year Diplomas in architecture both carry professional accreditation. (Some schools offer non-professional design degrees, e.g. Edinburgh and the Bartlett, although these are currently rare.)

Thus, problems with licensure should be balanced against opportunities to gain experience of the UK profession and, through the EU, continental Europe's.

AA is mostly home to wealthy kids, incidentally.

Jul 4, 05 2:26 am  · 

just like cambridge

Jul 4, 05 8:34 am  · 

To be clear, UK programs will be accredited according to RIBAs standards - there are no NAAB accredited programs in Britain. That means you will have to go through the Education Evaluation fiasco, and your credentials back here in the US may not be accepted by every state.

Jul 4, 05 9:18 am  · 

yeah, i think i want to live in europe eventually so i wouldn't really have a problem transferring anything back to the states...i was just wondering if you can get credit for part I for a us 4 year degree. thanks.

Jul 4, 05 5:40 pm  · 

you can get your US degree to get you part I in the uk... you can even do this while trying to get your part II (but of course you need to have part I, before you graduate from your part II)....

there have been threads on this before. search for the ARB...

expect to pay a hefty sum for the part I interview, wil not gurantees of anything.

my advice:: sign up to a good diploma project, start it, talk to tutors in the UK about getting part I and take your interview before you graduate from the diploma...

hope this helps

Jul 5, 05 3:51 am  · 

presently it cost 2000 pounds to get your degree qualified for part I in uk + 2000 for part II -- dont think its a slam dunk -- take the requirements very seriously.

but keep and eye on bd, riba and arb are going at it and hopefully the rules may change.

riba moves in for the kill.....

Jul 5, 05 8:13 am  · 

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