already? I heard there was just a Leboski fest in LA (they make good burgers, and really isn't that were Leboski fest should be?) and the Dude himself actually made an appearance.
The "real" Dude came to Lebowski in Louisville last year. I have a great picture with him and my bowling team, he has his arms around all of us but he's kind of leering in the direction of my chest.....I wouldn't have expected anything less, quite frankly.
The guy that dresses up like the Jesus in Louisville is unbelievable, he's completely in character the whole day.
"Yeah, no, I did. But I spent most of my time occupying various administration buildings, smoking a lot of Thai stick, heckling the ROTC, and bowling. Tell you the truth, Brandt, I don't remember most of it..."
"I'm the Dude! That's what you call me, you know... That or His Dudeness, Duder, El Dudarino...if you're not into that whole
brevity thing..."
(and i've ridden the train here in brooklyn quite a few times
with jon turturro...and have always wanted to say the nobody
fucks with the jesus line...)
has anyone seen these bumperstickers, white text on black, with nothing but single lebowski lines on theM?
I've seen.."i can get you a toe" and "nice marmot" tooling around here in Austin. any other sightings?
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The Dude Will Abide and What Have You
4th annual lebowskifest
July 22-24
Louisville, Ky
See You There Achievers
Mark it.
plan to drink many caucasians.
i know this thread is going to degenerate into a post of our favorite lebowski quotations, so i'm just going to embrace it right now:
he fixes the cable?
words of wisdom:
this thread was inevitable ... but in a good way
mark it zero smokey
8 year olds, dude.
New shit has come to light.
already? I heard there was just a Leboski fest in LA (they make good burgers, and really isn't that were Leboski fest should be?) and the Dude himself actually made an appearance.
as long as its not on shomer shabbas. cuz i sure as shit dont roll on shomer shabbas!!!!
If you will it, it is no dream.
fucking dog has fucking papers
j - dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature
this thread is really tying this site together...
"first lady of the nation, yes,yes."
nobody fucks wit da Jesus...
you want a toe? hell, i can get you a toe by 2 o'clock. fucking amateurs.
The "real" Dude came to Lebowski in Louisville last year. I have a great picture with him and my bowling team, he has his arms around all of us but he's kind of leering in the direction of my chest.....I wouldn't have expected anything less, quite frankly.
The guy that dresses up like the Jesus in Louisville is unbelievable, he's completely in character the whole day.
"What do you do for recreation?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Bowl, drive around, the occasional acid flashback."
"You never went to college..."
"Yeah, no, I did. But I spent most of my time occupying various administration buildings, smoking a lot of Thai stick, heckling the ROTC, and bowling. Tell you the truth, Brandt, I don't remember most of it..."
"ill suck your cock for a thousand dollars. Brandt can't watch though, or he has to pay 100."
"I'm just gonna go to a cash machine"
do you have to use so many curse words?
what the fuck are you talking about?
"I'm the Dude! That's what you call me, you know... That or His Dudeness, Duder, El Dudarino...if you're not into that whole
brevity thing..."
(and i've ridden the train here in brooklyn quite a few times
with jon turturro...and have always wanted to say the nobody
fucks with the jesus line...)
"You brought the fucking Pomeranian bowling?"
"I haven't brought it bowling...I didn't rent it shoes,
I'm not buying it a fucking beer, it's not taking a fucking turn..."
"Obviously you're not a golfer"
fucking dog has fucking papers
the chinaman is not the issue
the graille...or just the whole script.
nice marmot
yeah, they have us working in shifts on your case
asian american is the preferred nomenclature, dude.
to those coming to louisville: i probably won't get to the l-fest but, if you have free time while here, maybe we can have a white russian somewhere.
oh. well. they might be giants is playing 22 july. maybe i will have to pony up for a ticket after all...
"I am the walrus"
shut the fuck up donnie
life does not stop and start at your convenience you
ignorant piece of shit...
what's wrong with walter dude?
new shit is coming to light-
achievers can get their tix this friday.
bums will have to wait till saturday.
is there a ralph's around here?
my therapist told me her son is driving from minnesota to attend the lebowskifest.
i know i'm seeing the right therapist now....
they peed on your fucking rug, dude you see what happens when you fuck somebody in the ass?!
The new technology permits us to do exciting things with interactive erotic software. Wave of the future, Dude. 100% electronic.
Uh-huh. Well, I still jerk off manually.
has anyone seen these bumperstickers, white text on black, with nothing but single lebowski lines on theM?
I've seen.."i can get you a toe" and "nice marmot" tooling around here in Austin. any other sightings?
all over louisville.
the sticker source
i just got a sticker "nixon bowling silhoutte in an oval with let's go bowling across the top" with my latest t-shirt purchase.
the dude is on WGN 28 june 07
calmer than you are
yeah wavin the fuckin gun around?
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