
Living Architecture, Programmable and Mutant

Kristix You! Black Emperor

What about the (Famous in Netherlands) Kas Oosterhuis (ONL) and their programable architecture, sensitive ang alive like every organic being in this planet. Is't it inovative and interesting. Architecture that changes form, that comes accross to people needs. In such terms the architect dies and there is no more the strong life-conditionating effect of architect on us. So , the architect becomes the man that lives the architecture. Only he (man) has the personal right to Affect dramatically his own lifetime. Living is natural. Growth is natural. I can't see why it isn't like this for architecture. How could we live like this till now, in through these fundamentally static places, walls that never change mutated by our own needs to live and evolve! This is the evolution of architecture from static to Alive!

May 18, 05 5:23 pm

I guess you mean the man responsible for the "crystalizing ripples in the grassland" outside Utrecht:

May 19, 05 3:15 am  · 

Death is natural too.
Aging is very natural.
Decay, that's even more natural.

Mutant metaphors. Are they natually smart or naturally stupid? Assuming they are natural, of course.

Again, eros et thanatos!

May 19, 05 8:45 am  · 
Kristix You! Black Emperor

Kas Oosterhuis is an amazing architect to have the courage to think and experiment building this new century ark. I would like to do my thesis on living architectures an d maybe go to Netherlands to meet him!!
a-f what do you mean, never known this thing!??

May 19, 05 2:50 pm  · 

Yes, it's only that he can disappoint too, like in the project above.

May 19, 05 2:55 pm  · 
Kristix You! Black Emperor

Well, anyone does shit...

May 19, 05 2:58 pm  · 

Oosterhuis is a professor in Delft, here is a link if you want to know more...

May 19, 05 3:48 pm  · 

i enjoyed this project too...

it is more of a response to life... do we want building that really live? rita is right...with life comes death. what is a living building conceptually/actually?? an unused room dies off, a overused room grows "fat"...these are more responses to our affect on it rather than it having a "mind" of its own?!?

we made corporations "alive and individuals" and look where we are now!! sorry couldn't help myself. interesting ideas though.

May 19, 05 5:06 pm  · 

Yeah, making corporations "alive and individuals" turned out to be a very potent (for some) metaphor. Look where we are now indeed!

May 19, 05 5:17 pm  · 

like raj I agree that any "living", "robotic" etc. architecture should be ennacted and responsive to the human qualities. I think delving into the frankenstein type architecture of just "breeding" life ultimately leads to dystopia. I wonder if that architecture could do more than just the purely functional, this past year I experimented with making spaces that were much like nArchitects party wall, enlarging with more use shrinking or disappearing with no use etc. and I found that although cool if the building shifts only for the function of use it's ultimately boring, and somewhat ineffiecient. But if this building which is already actuated can be tied into information flows or data sets (similiar to virtual architecture) then does the space become more meaningful? I we were occupying the ever changing flows of information would we be better for it? ... I don't know maybe I'm just talking out may ass but that's where I've ended up ..where I go from here who knows

May 20, 05 12:20 am  · 
Kristix You! Black Emperor

I think that this king of programmable arch renames the spaces and shakes our concepts of static spaces that never really morph to come accross to our needs. Changes are important in our life and I'm not talking only about the flow of information concerning Trans-ports of Oosterhuis but for sure it is known changes make us live better and more-so this typo of ever-mutant architecture can only be worth for a human being.
Then there is the questiion of the Organic-House-Nature to which we depend from the primordial ages, We belong to the Everchanging and evergrowing Mutant Nature so i really can't understand why Some Man like Le Corbusier has to put me to live my whole life in a type of cell will four walls that sorround me and not giving me the human spaces I need and deserve as a living creature. Architect shouldn't force people to his conceptual buildings. Let People Create their everydaylife Architecture! No?

May 20, 05 8:32 am  · 

Oh goody, more mutant metaphors.

Not only do I want architecture that is alive, but I want it to be sinful as well. It should lie, cheat, steal, even kill when necessary. Oh, and don't forget covet. Architecture should covet, covet, covet. When I steal something, the architecture around me should steal more. When people I don't like enter my architecture, the architecture will attack them, kill them, and then cremate them--the architecture will of course use the energy wisely.

When I am happy, the architecture will quickly show me that happiness is fleeting and stupid. The architecture will show me back to indulgence, greed and even gluttony. Architecture is alive with the sound of the vomitorium!

May 20, 05 10:01 am  · 

another interesting project that attempts to really deal with this topic...

i just love the concept of a house that covets!! it starts to steal the flamingos in my neighbor's yard! then if i just am not doing what i should...i'm gone. terminator just would not have been as fun of a movie if they were houses instead of complex machines!

by the way here in the south east US, we all seem to complain as our houses are alive!! molds, fungi, etc. no one seems to like it...

May 20, 05 10:19 am  · 
el jeffe

"Architecture is alive with the sound of the vomitorium!"

ha - you made my day Rita!

May 20, 05 10:28 am  · 
May 20, 05 11:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Beautiful, Rita. My house coveted the neighboring houses' appearances, so I remodeled - and then my house strutted and preened, gloating and showing off its beauty.

My house was vain.

May 20, 05 11:45 am  · 
Kristix You! Black Emperor

hey Rita do you have any ...personal problems with living architecture! I think the point of this Subversive theoru isn't pessimism and Negativism, but New.
Nowadays even the dog of my japanese neighbour is a mechanic-programmable one...
With a knife you can cut bread, eat it
cut the meat, eat it
cut fruit,eat it

...or if you really want : cut a person and kill it :-)

So from ages, it's on our choise so do the right thing or not! We ever invented ad used technology as a prothese for our needs. But if you have the same conviction about medicine then I don't know what to say about know medicines can save our lives and kill us (if abused) See the doulbe side of the medal. Nearly everything can both save and kill at the same time, it's just on our hands.
If you really want to kill people you hate(when entering home to you), then you will let your architecture splatter them or else YOU can shoot them and stabb them and fire them and kill them, but living architecture here really doesn't change the point of your greed and hate about your enemies. If you wanna kill them you will anyway. (You could even pay someone to do that for you, so what!!! Annihilate the human being because MAN CAN KILL!!!)
So please review your poor Vomitorium theory!
(I'm just sorry for anyone of you who is so closed, but anyways people like you are only forgotten, never did much at all to stop natural evolution of everything)
Ciao from Italy!

May 22, 05 7:11 pm  · 
Kristix You! Black Emperor

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