
Portfolio Review?


Hi everyone, I am currently a senior in high school and I am planning on applying to many BARCH & BS/BA Arch programs this coming fall. I only recently found out what I want to do which put me at a disadvantage for the required portfolios as I never had any great fleshed out portfolio pieces. Recently I've been working on my portfolio and I think I'm like 60-70% done with it. I was wondering if anyone can review my portfolio for those undergrad programs if possible? It would be great to know what my strengths are and my weaknesses and how good (or bad) it is overall. I'm not going to include a link to it yet for confidentiality but please let me know if you are able to review it. Thank you so much! 

Oct 2, 23 12:42 pm
Non Sequitur

Use the search function in the forum.  You'll see dozens and dozens of similar posts.  Most have links to folios.

Besides the obvious, folios typically are a greatest-hits type of thing rather than purpose built for school applications.  This means that most people already have a depth of material to choose from.  Coming in with little to nothing will be hard.  What are you producing?  Drawings, painting, music, carpentry?  Whatever you choose, you need to show your creative chops while demonstrating some understanding of the design fundamentals (ie. light/shadow, scale/perspective, depth, materials, etc).  

Second to this, why architecture?  Popculture loves to use architects as glorified starving artists who doodle away into grand masterpieces, but that's not what architects do.  

Oct 2, 23 1:04 pm  · 

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