Does a square room have 4 or 8 corners? My though is that a corner of a room is where the plain of two walls meet. So i am of the opinion that a square room has 4 corners, my structural engineer boss says that a room has 8 corners? What is Archinect's opinion on this?
Hmm, good question. "Corner" is not a very specific term. The sharp outer edge where two surfaces meet is the arris, and the point where three surfaces meet is the vertex. But I don't know of specific terms when looking at the inside of an arris or vertex.
Dictionaries seem to say that a corner is where two surfaces meet, for what that's worth.
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Corner of a room
Does a square room have 4 or 8 corners? My though is that a corner of a room is where the plain of two walls meet. So i am of the opinion that a square room has 4 corners, my structural engineer boss says that a room has 8 corners? What is Archinect's opinion on this?
Hmm, good question. "Corner" is not a very specific term. The sharp outer edge where two surfaces meet is the arris, and the point where three surfaces meet is the vertex. But I don't know of specific terms when looking at the inside of an arris or vertex.
Dictionaries seem to say that a corner is where two surfaces meet, for what that's worth.
A square room has 24 does it not?
Next question.
46 & 2 and I am having deja vu
yes, yes you are.
Model it in Revit to find out.
Sarcasm - ::over head: - whoosh
gotcha! ;)
See also "A door has six sides"
can you tell that to my painter?
A piece of paper has six sides
counterpoint: Newton's cenotaph.
Tell them to go stand in the corner!
This is covered in the specifications. You can reduce interior finish costs by specifying 4 corner rooms rather than 8.
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