
Introducing arCRITecture; online architectural critiques platform! beta version


Hello everyone!!!!

This post is to present to you a website that has been long overdue for Architecture students across the globe!  arCRITecture is a website where design students can post their work throughout the semester, and receive critiques from outside students, teachers and professionals.

Our goal is to spend the next few months launching a huge marketing and promotional campaign, to get students at schools all across the country to start using our site.  We have spent the past few months researching all of the AIAS chapters in the states, and compiling a list of contacts at each institution.  Our goal is to get face time with at least one member of every chapter, in order to spread the word to each university's student body!

That's where you come in!

We have had numerous professionals sign up in the past few months, excited to participate in the critiquing of student work.  Not only does the site have the potential to be a valuable tool for student learning and design development, but also a location for prospective employers and future employees to interact before they have graduated.  There is a great opportunity here to create a network of Architecture students, graduates, teachers and professionals!

Check out some screenshots!:

New Home Page:

Inline image 3

New Projects Page:

Inline image 4


A newly added feature is you can now add a tag to an image, to reference in a critique:
Inline image 2


We encourage you all to please forward the site along to all friends, students, co-workers!  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to [email protected], or contact Ryan or I directly!  Both of our emails are located at the bottom of this email!  Just so you know us a little bit better, I (Joe) was an undergraduate student at Roger Williams University in Architecture and a Masters student at Temple University in Architecture.  Ryan was an undergraduate student at Philadelphia University where he completed his Bachelors Degree in Architecture!  We are both very much in to design, critiquing, Architectural discussions...and SPORTS!!!  But we will leave the sports talk out of it...unless you want to post a stadium design in which case we'd be all for it!!!!

So check out the new site and start spreading the word!!

If there is any opportunity for us to meet up with you or your AIAS chapter leader(s), we would be more than happy and interested to set up a time to come down and present the site to the student body ourselves, be it in person or via a skype session!   Let us know if this is a possibility! 

Thank you greatly in advance!



Joseph Gallagher - [email protected]

Ryan Donohue - [email protected]

Apr 7, 16 12:53 pm
Non Sequitur

Sounds like a good way for lazy students to get "inspiration"

Apr 7, 16 12:56 pm  · 

Hello, it is intended for any and all students to be able to post their work throughout their design process and receive some criticism from people outside of their usual group of peers.  Every person who has gone through Architecture school has undoubtedly had that moment at final jury where the reviewers made a comment that led to a discussion of what could have been done next with the design; where the design could have progressed to.  If those moments could occur earlier in a project, the end result could potentially be a lot more clearer.  Lazy or not, inspiration is what drives new design and also helps clarify current designs.

Apr 7, 16 2:02 pm  · 

I don't mean to be a downer, but the internet is saturated with "communities". People can only be really engaged in so many. Even twitter is losing members.  Without a meaningful benefit for the critics, why (other than for fun or kindness) would they keep coming back? Seems like a one-way street. 

It's also really hard to communicate complex ideas via email or comments. People get lost in long, dense text. Things get lost in translation. 

Just some thoughts. Good luck. 

Apr 7, 16 2:49 pm  · 

Lee, you bring up a very good point.  The original plan was to building up the website to a point where it was being actively used by students, and then introduce it to professionals and teachers to provide critiques as well.  We reached out to NCARB to possibly set something up where we could provide CEU's for so many critiques left.  The initial response was to define what would be considered a successful or useful critique; and also how many critiques would allow for a CEU/LU, etc. 

This was just one of many idea's we've had as to how we can make this beneficial to both students and professionals.  Firm's would be able to critique their future, potential employees, advertise themselves and job openings to students close to graduation.  Students would be able to learn to discuss architecture with their potential employers; the entire design process and the learning that goes with it could be facilitated earlier.

A lot to accomplish and consider, and with small steps and time I think it could happen.  But the first step is to have content being generated.  And that can only be done by students who post their work.

Thanks for the comment!!

Apr 7, 16 3:19 pm  · 

Anyone else have any thoughts?!  Any and all feedback in appreciated; thanks!!


-Joe (arCRITecture)

Apr 11, 16 2:12 pm  · 

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