Working on some signage here..have a concept involving what I would presume wants to be 'laser etched' black and white historic photos to perforated stainless steel panels in a large format (perhaps as large as 6'x8').
I know I have seen something similar to this somewhere, but cant put my finger on it. Can anyone point out a project using a similar technique? Anyone able to share some rough cost info?
I understand the small 'trophy and plaque' engraving shops do laser etching of some sort, but I am concerned about the potentially large scale.
I can't find a photo but we have some of this on a footbridge near me - stainless steel panels with images perforated into them. These are LARGE, I believe some are 20' tall or so. Fabricators are typically only limited by the size of their beds, but of course you can assemble the sheets however large you need, if you need something gigantic.
Anyway you're on the right track. This can be done with either laser cutting or water jet cutting. If you live in a large enough city, this is likely available in your area.
Mar 6, 15 3:47 pm ·
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Laser Etching Stainless?
Working on some signage here..have a concept involving what I would presume wants to be 'laser etched' black and white historic photos to perforated stainless steel panels in a large format (perhaps as large as 6'x8').
I know I have seen something similar to this somewhere, but cant put my finger on it. Can anyone point out a project using a similar technique? Anyone able to share some rough cost info?
I understand the small 'trophy and plaque' engraving shops do laser etching of some sort, but I am concerned about the potentially large scale.
Any constructive info or feedback welcome.
u of oregon student athlete center has a bunch of laser graphics, this is wood
probably some in steel, but not sure on that specifically
Don't know where you are, but these are pretty good, large scale, industrial type, worth a call
I can't find a photo but we have some of this on a footbridge near me - stainless steel panels with images perforated into them. These are LARGE, I believe some are 20' tall or so. Fabricators are typically only limited by the size of their beds, but of course you can assemble the sheets however large you need, if you need something gigantic.
Anyway you're on the right track. This can be done with either laser cutting or water jet cutting. If you live in a large enough city, this is likely available in your area.
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