
Staedelschule Architecture Class (SAC)?


I recently got accepted in SAC in Frankfurt, Germany

and would like to know if anyone has attended this school or has heard much about it? I presently hold a Bachelor of Architecture Science (Pre-Professional) and this school only offers a post-graduate degree. It is not clear if by 'post-graduate' they mean 'post-professional'. The difference is that I require a professional degree to be accredited in Canada, and I have contacted SAC already requesting clarification but am still waiting to hear back from them.

I would love to hear from anyone who has possibly obtained a non-professional degree but was able to get it accredited in North America through supplementary syllabus course work, or if it is simply impossible to do so with a non-professional degree.

Also, any experience regarding the school would be super helpful.

Thanks so much!



Jul 4, 11 11:24 am

I recently visited the school and talked with one of the professors regarding this (except that I am from the US instead of Canada). He said that I would be eligible to apply for the program with a pre-professional Bachelor of Science in Architecture and that they call it a post-graduate so they can charge tuition, which is about 6000 euros.

I also asked him if the degree will allow me to work in the US and he said that they are an accredited program and that none of his students have had problems going to the US with their degrees. He advised me to contact the AIA to make sure that a degree from them would be compatible in the region I want to work in.

As for the program itself, it seems like a very avant-garde approach to architecture. I talked with some of the students currently in the program and they said that its very abstract in the beginning which makes it hard to keep up if you came from a traditional undergrad education. 

Jul 4, 11 2:27 pm  · 

Thanks for your reply dawnchorus!

I have in fact contacted the CABC (the canadian architectural certification board) on this matter. They are the governing authority for accrediting architectural degrees in Canada.  They said that so long as the degree was considered a professional degree it shouldn't be a problem. That being said, here in Canada (and the US) as well as most of the world, degree awarded after a masters program in architecture should be a 'Masters of Architecture'.

At SAC, the degree awarded is called a 'Masters of Arts in Architecture' which makes me think the degree is not professional and is similar to the degree offered in places like IAAC and the Barcelona Institute - where their websites clearly state that the degree is not professional and will not allow one to pursue their architectural licensing.

After researching the school a bit (by which information on it seems hard to come by!) it turns out they are a relatively new program, and started out with only being able to offer a 'diploma' and now offer a 'masters of arts' and makes me think that it will take the next few years to be able to offer a 'masters of architecture' which would be the highest standard of them all.

In any case I think it's amazing that you've had the opportunity to visit the school...i've been looking forward to this program for a long time, but am just now so hesitant because I simply cannot afford the time or the money to pursue a degree that won't help me in my professional licensure.

If there is any other information you've discovered about the school that you think is significant, I would really appreciate if you passed it along my way! Anything that may help me figure out if it's the right place for me attend.





Jul 4, 11 5:08 pm  · 

Hmm I think that even though the degree is called a "Masters of Arts in Architecture" it still allows you to pursue a license. Their website describing the degree states that "...Students are thus prepared for a professional and/or academic career". 

Also I asked the professor, Johan Bettum, about licensing and getting a job after graduating and he told me that about 95% of the students receive jobs after graduating. They seem to help you network and connect to well known firms, which was one of the most attractive parts of the school in my opinion.

If you're interested I can email you scans of some of the literature and brochures that I picked up while I was there. It's not a whole lot but it describes the program and school in a bit more depth than the website. I also have Johan Bettum's contact information if you want to get in touch with him directly for any more questions.

Jul 4, 11 7:49 pm  · 

Hi Dawnchorus -

thanks for being so helpful! I just wanted to let you know that I finally heard back from both SAC and the CACB (Canadian Architectural Certification Board). SAC has also posted their response to my question up on their FAQ on their website. According to SAC, the degree is considered 'post-professional' and to be accredited in Germany one must submit an addition portfolio of work, and there should be no problem. However, I forwarded this response to the CACB, and they have informed that unfortunately that is not protocol in Canada, and that they definitely only certify 'first-professional' degrees, (i.e. a Masters of Architecture). I just wanted to let you know, in case you are considering this school for your future, that you should definitely check it with your local authority first and foremost if it is a concern of yours to be accredited.


Jul 11, 11 3:24 pm  · 

Staedelschule like other post-grad courses (AA EmTech, DRL, IAAC, Berlage, Angewandte studios, etc.) is NOT an accredited professional degree.

A former colleague of mine studied there, but he already had his Dip. Ing. (the old German equivalent of a B.Arch or M.Arch), which is what I imagine the majority of students have.

Also, I should caution you that "preparing students for a professional career" =/  leading to professional licensure. 


Jul 11, 11 7:01 pm  · 

Thanks for the info guys

I'm pretty disappointed by this news, after visiting SAC I was really interested in attending there for grad school.

Do you by chance know of any other good universities in Germany that offer an accredited Masters of Architecture?

Jul 13, 11 9:24 pm  · 

Do I know of other good universities in Germany that offer an accredited Masters?

TU München, TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, ABK Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Aachen. Really, there are very many. Not to mention some great schools in Austria, Tirol, Switzerland...

But if you mean good schools in Germany, teaching in English, then there's only DIA Dessau. 


Jul 15, 11 2:31 am  · 
Ayax Abreu

you should read SAC's blog in case you are still interested...

Dec 11, 11 3:56 pm  · 

Hi, im planing to apply for the school this year and i really wish to got in any tips for improving my application !!!

Mar 20, 13 12:32 am  · 

Hey.. I have got through the SAC starting WS 2013.. I am mostly planning to take up the program, though there is another offer which is quiet interesting as well, this is from the IOA for its Urban Strategies program. Anybody here who could comment on this (IOA vs. SAC)?

[email protected], feel free to drop me an e-mail incase you plan to join any of these programs or otherwise too!

Jul 3, 13 8:25 am  · 

Hi everyone

I got an SAC interview for master of art in architecture next week. Could someone tell me some potential questions or tips for interview? 

For further question, I would love to know more about the job opportunities after graduation from SAC.

Thank you so much!!!

Mar 1, 19 4:44 am  · 

​I had my interview two weeks ago, it took approximately 30 minutes.

The professors are friendly, so just take it easy.

First, they may ask you to pick one of the works in your portfolio and give a brief introduction. Then they would probably ask is the work influenced or inspired by someone, or other relevant questions.

For this part, I suggest you throughly read your statement and words in the portfolio in advance if English is not your mother language.

Next, they mentioned about other schools I applied, why I choose these programs, and how much do you know about studying at SAC.

Last, you could prepare some questions to ask them too, anything is welcome I suppose, just be polite.

The final result came a week later via email, but in my case they just told me I was accepted during the interview. Anyway, good luck!

Mar 1, 19 5:13 am  · 

Thank you a lot, yanfenchan!!!

The suggestions you gave me are very useful.

I am concerned about that should I bring my portfolio and motivation letter in the interview. Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance!

Mar 1, 19 6:31 am  · 

I don’t know if you attend the interview online or in person.

Mar 1, 19 6:34 am  · 

Mine is the online interview, I just used two monitors. One for skype another for my portfolio and statement. You can point out the page of the images/ drawings you are talking about. The professors will have the copies you sent to them. If you speak mandarin, you can search my name on Facebook, it will be more clear. I come from Taiwan, Tankamg University.

Mar 1, 19 6:40 am  · 

Thank you! I will contact you via Facebook if I have further question. I am also from Taiwan, NTUST. I am glad to meet you.

Mar 1, 19 10:06 am  · 

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