
need a master thesis theme.

tony gill

A thesis about the new architectural ideas of the moment, and with a great interest.

Nov 3, 14 1:27 pm
Non Sequitur

What movement? I see no movement.


Nov 3, 14 1:31 pm  · 
tony gill

Like sustainable architecture or eco neighborhood.

Nov 3, 14 1:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Isn't doing your own research the point of graduate school and, you know, not asking random people to do it for you?

btw, sutainability and eco-whatever are nowhere near "new" ideas.


Nov 3, 14 1:39 pm  · 
tony gill

So you don't have any idea?I am not asking you to do my job.Still check.I already give you two ideas,and you nothing.

Nov 3, 14 1:50 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

...see my point above about asking random people to do your work.

Nov 3, 14 2:10 pm  · 

Thesis:  G..reen {A_rch} I tecture 4 the (fu)_ture_(s)!  

Whatever you do, use brackets, parentheses, or any other type/letter play to really emphasize the creativity and importance of your project.  Go huge with subscript text!!! Greek letters??? WTF?  you are going to kill it!!!

Nov 3, 14 2:15 pm  · 
tony gill

You're a very funny guy, a crazy guy.Very funny,but seriously now.Non sequitur.

Nov 3, 14 2:15 pm  · 
tony gill

Hey,chigurh i also think i will kill with your idea,i like it,i will follow it,i think it's the better idea of the day.Something else?

Nov 3, 14 2:27 pm  · 
tony gill

For sure you will not copy it.

Nov 3, 14 3:00 pm  · 

What are you interested in? If you had free time, what would you be reading about anyway? This is your chance to write your own project topic. Your chairs will let you know if you head down a bad direction, that's what they are there for. They are the bumpers in the gutter but you have to push the ball down the aisle in order to knock down the pins. Odd bowling reference? Possibly.

I'm beginning my MRP at the moment and the idea is that by the point that you start your project you have an idea of what intrigues you in the field. The last thing you want to do is have someone else decide your topic for you. As you do research and see what exists already, your initial idea will evolve.

Nov 3, 14 3:15 pm  · 

Off topic I am extremely jealous of your professional photo, I've never had a picture of myself turn out quite as nice.

Nov 3, 14 3:17 pm  · 
tony gill

Thank you,you are right shivuy.I am more for a topic about environmental matters, future, eco,but i need to explore different ways before deciding.

Nov 3, 14 3:34 pm  · 

Being as specific as possible is going to be important. Look to solve a problem. Something like "Developing a façade based off local plants will lower energy consumption." But I decided to go with an MRP over a thesis so take that with the same grain of salt that you would of anything else that strangers say on the internet. This is a conversation that should happen with your committee. They'll get you focused on where you need to go, and they're the one who will be deciding if you get to graduate at the end so it's their job to guide you to success as long as you put in the work.

Nov 3, 14 5:06 pm  · 
tony gill

About developing façade based off local plants:climate building adaptibility, solar energy. What could be new?

Nov 4, 14 3:15 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

You buy potted plants, stick them on whatever exterior wall happens to be the nearest, claim it's sustainable, collect your millions. Simple.

Nov 4, 14 3:23 pm  · 
tony gill

My eco neighborhood won't destroy my reputation,because of an error like this one. Think creative.It is where i am all along green architecture.

Nov 4, 14 3:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

What reputation?

This is your project after-all, the creative thinking is yours to do. Are there no thesis advisers at this excellent school of yours?

Nov 4, 14 3:31 pm  · 
tony gill

Why not going from tents,showing their climate adaptability inputs, therefore arising a modern project inspired by the manners of living in traditionnal tents.In your face me two,you nil.Try.

Nov 4, 14 3:43 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Nah, this is modern sustainable:

Nov 4, 14 3:48 pm  · 
tony gill

I don't truly  yet understand,explain it.

Nov 4, 14 3:53 pm  · 

that car is not running off petro.  less damage to the environment.

i like the tent architecture idea.  i would explore that.  tent cities even.  they can rapidly be set up, and rapidly taken down when you need to move quickly and with little notice.  lots of applicable situations where such a community might be needed. 

Nov 4, 14 4:00 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It's pretty simple. It's a modern twist on a traditional, and more importantly, sustainable form of travel. I can see great tent cities spring to life all across America where the main source of transportation remains horse-power, but not fuelled by fossil fuels.

I'll collect my Nobel prize now,


Nov 4, 14 4:02 pm  · 
tony gill

Ya you get your nobel price now..

Nov 4, 14 4:06 pm  · 

But I'm not interested in "sustainable architecture or eco neighborhood". Next idea please!

Nov 5, 14 10:05 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I wish I would have thought about this for my own graduate research. I'm kicking myself now for loosing all those months reading and researching when all I needed to do was ask for someone else to do the work for me. Brilliant.

Nov 5, 14 10:17 am  · 


Nov 5, 14 11:38 am  · 

You need a green strip joint that uses stripper poles with kinetic movement devices in them to generate power. 


Or a dog house generating power off methane.


"green" strip joint or "green" dog house, you pick.

Nov 5, 14 12:36 pm  · 

I don't know "strip" is too much of a buzz word..

Nov 5, 14 12:46 pm  · 

This the most hilarious shit I've read on here. Anyone that needs to come to an architecture forum to think of a thesis topic shouldn't be in architecture. It's degrading to our career and I'm embarrassed. 


Nov 5, 14 1:22 pm  · 

Sequitor had an original idea and you totally missed it. Like I said. You shouldn't be in architecture.

Nov 5, 14 1:23 pm  · 

what if generating a thesis in an online forum was the topic of the thesis.  #mindblown

Nov 5, 14 1:38 pm  · 

How about Fondu, Facades and Facism????

Nov 5, 14 1:43 pm  · 
tony gill

next,next,next,always me and you?Let's resume:climate building adaptibility, solar energy,without petro,less damage to the environment,modern twist on a traditional type about tents.I add leed standards,recycling water,green spaces,diversification.

Nov 5, 14 3:43 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

resume what?  We've already basically written your project for you.

Nov 5, 14 3:54 pm  · 

really curious to see all of your amazing thesis' guys. thats right, go hide behind your anonymity and make fun of a guy who is trying to engage in a constructive dialogue.real kewl...maybe you should create a profile here with your work so we can see your brilliantly original ideas ;) or just give us a link to your personal work @Non Sequitur ?

Nov 5, 14 4:12 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I need not prove anything to you Constantinos, nor anyone else and I've shared my graduate work with some on these forums before.

We ridicule this post because of the innate lazy nature of the OP and his expectation to use this forum instead of his own research capabilities.

Nov 5, 14 4:17 pm  · 

Using forums is also considered a way of research. Do you know what other research he is doing in parallel? You can say whatever you want, but the fact remains that it is Not cool to be mocking him in such a manner.

As for your own work, it is not a matter of proving something to anyone, but merely a question of not hiding behind the freedom of anonymity your computer provides you with. I would love to see some of your work though, if you would be kind enough to post a link once more in this thread it would be highly appreciated :)

Nov 5, 14 4:25 pm  · 

or if you do not wish to make it public, please do email me at [email protected] 

Thanks again

Nov 5, 14 4:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

No need to as I am not interested in your opinion nor do I wish to waste time in a virtual dick-measuring contest.  But good for you to use your first 3 posts in these forums defending one of the hundreds of students looking for a short-cut.

An honest question gets honest responses, most of the time. A terribly written statement demanding thesis topics gets what it's worth.

Nov 5, 14 4:35 pm  · 

someone concerned about his size i see...

you're a funny guy, gotta give you that.

Grow up though and be not afraid of others' judgement. you can back the talk, can't you?

Nov 5, 14 4:38 pm  · 

can someone help me come up with a topic for a new novel im writing.  

Nov 5, 14 4:40 pm  · 

now please i need to turn it in to the publisher in a week.  

Nov 5, 14 4:45 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Jla-x, I'm not sure about the topic, but your main hero's character should be based on this Constantinos guy up there. This dude is a Greek saint, swooping in to save other random people from their own incompetence. I am sure you can get Nic Cage to play him in the big-budget movie.

Constantinos, like I said, I'm not interested, intrigued or even threatened by your comments. But welcome to these forums. I'll share information and my experiences when I deem necessary, not because you asked.

Nov 5, 14 4:50 pm  · 

Thank you very much Mr. Non Sequitur.  Please do continue your rage through anonymity it is so entertaining. and please do inform me, when your majesty decides to grace us all with its splendor.

oh by the way, I am American.

Nov 5, 14 5:11 pm  · 

It's really simple: the original person had no idea, thought soliciting advice on a forum would help (it sure beats thinking about stuff), and assumed people are stupid enough to fall for it. C'mon gang, let's give this guy a great thesis!

How can he be doing parallel research when there isn't even a central idea or interest yet? Ask the same sort of question in any other profession and you'd be laughed at. If he needed help further developing a thesis, that'd be different but to have nothing is really indicative of someone not giving a damn. Lack of academic integrity and dignity. 

Nov 5, 14 5:30 pm  · 

non sequitor is a baron.  'your majesty' is typically not appropriate for those with that title. 

Nov 5, 14 5:38 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Thanks Curt. I normally don't flash the baron card around too much but no sense in hiding it now.

Nov 5, 14 9:03 pm  · 
tony gill

If everyone were like you Constantinos Caropoulos-Alefantis,this discussion would be better.I am always surprised when i see people not worrying concerning climate changes. It often upset me,but i put it on behalf of joking.Human spoilt in 3000 years what nature has taken four billions years to give us. Why not eco neighborhood in catastrophic area,i mean, green architecture in catastrophic situation.For example:constructioning a house in a place where the groundwaters have beenpollute is a good idea,because it will prevent their expansion,and we could  recycle them after.Some solution like this one can makes environment purified before better. G..reen {A_rch} I tecture 4 the (fu)_ture_(s)! catastrophic cases.

Nov 6, 14 4:00 pm  · 

"Using forums is also considered a way of research. "

No. Its not. That is pretty much the exact opposite of research.

I don't seriously believe this thread is real...

Nov 6, 14 5:56 pm  · 
tony gill

BenC nothing to say?

Nov 7, 14 10:06 am  · 

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