Specht Novak

Specht Novak

Austin, TX


Tribeca Loft

This loft in a former printing house in Lower Manhattan was designed for a family with a large art collection. The gallery-like spaces are large and open, and feature sliding display walls that conceal audiovisual and entertainment equipment, as well as built-in rolling ladders that enable access to overhead storage and display cabinetry. The surfaces and lighting are clean and unobtrusive, allowing the art to be experienced without distraction.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Design Team: Scott Specht, Louise Harpman, Jon Handley, Courtney Rice, Amy Lopez-Cepero

Structural Engineer: Ross Dalland

MEP Engineer: Lilker and Associates

Audio Visual: Sound by Singer

Contractor: ABR Construction/Teamworks Contracting