ARA Designs

ARA Designs

Mumbai, IN

Front Elevation
Front Elevation
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24 x 7 Lounge

The 24 x 7 Lounge was designed for TFS (Travel Food Services) and was our first attempt at hospitality design.  Spread over  1200 sq. ft., the lounge is serviced by its own kitchen and pantry. The total seating of 40 is divided between two counters and the rest of the lounge area.
To facilitate an efficient and quick construction, a steel frame was erected with the entrance through a glass box. The use of glass allows prospective customers to get a glimpse of the inside while at the night it comes alive and the glow can be seen from a distance. White backpainted glass completes the external frame to give a clean minimalist look to the exterior while all the action goes on within the glass box.
The Corian bar top and white tabletops complement the wooden framing and bar. The exposed AC ducting allows for greater internal height. Low maintenance matt grey tiles allow for wear and tear due to heavy passenger traffic and do not get dirty easily despite the long Mumbai monsoon.

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Status: Built
Location: Terminal 1B Mumbai Airport
Firm Role: ARA Designs collaborated with Ashish Mahadik, a senior architect with experience in retail and corporate interiors. Inlines Corporation was the contractor and an invaluable asset due to their prior experience with projects at the Airport.

Entrance at Night
Entrance at Night
Interior Seating
Interior Seating
Bar Counter in Corian
Bar Counter in Corian
Interior seating and bar counter
Interior seating and bar counter
Night view
Night view
Glass box entrance
Glass box entrance
Interior seating
Interior seating