DeMarco Architecture

DeMarco Architecture

Hilo, HI

Ecotectonics Aerial
Ecotectonics Aerial
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An aquarium / public park hybrid the center spans between the edge of the west side highway and the Lincoln tunnel ventilation pier. 


Weaving paths on the roofs of the aquarium provide an oversight opportunity to engage the Hudson River and plantings along the paths engage visitors with native plant species. 


Within the larger volumes of the center resides the aquarium providing a venue to engage native river species that are beginning to the river as well as observe researchers studying Hudson plant and river species.

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Status: School Project
Location: New York, NY, US

Ecotectonics Entry Plaza
Ecotectonics Entry Plaza
Ecotectonics Plan and Section
Ecotectonics Plan and Section
Ecotectonics Central Plaza
Ecotectonics Central Plaza