

Beijing, CN


Fat Flat Float Project

Story (recit) in general concerns the subject-object relationship and the development of this relationship. Story begins with the distinction between the two kind of images, and ends with their identification, their identity recognized.

- Gille Deleuze, Cinema 2: Time Image

Fat Flat Float Project was three correlated spatial experiments I finished during 2007 – 2009.

The rapid development of the computer image production technique is part of a sweeping reconfiguration of relations between a viewing subject and modes of representation that effectively nullified most of the culturally established meanings between a viewing spectator and environment. The corporal experience of time and space has been replaced by information. The way of temporal and spatial intervention has also been formulated and regulated. My interest is to displace the fixed informative relationship between a subject and familiar spatial experiences. I try to discover, and even invent a new subjective temporal-spatial experience and relationship, in order to reactivate the sensation of the given environment.

Fat: Four Viewing Diagrams from a Handscroll
By closing reading a Chinese handscroll, I try to address the question how the subject with a complex identity become a component of the apparatus, whether social or technical, that subjectivity can intervene, if not transform, a pre-defined environment.

Flat: Read into Urban Flatness
Returning to a real urban environment with a dominant feature of flatness, I look into the question in what way the subjectivity could be becoming a precarious condition of interface between scientific rationalized system and highly personalized artistic expressions.

Float: Floating Green
By breaking the conventional political and material connection between matter and form, I try to re-establish a material spatial perception and a subjective consciousness of spatial intervention.

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Status: Built
Location: Today Art Museum, Beijing