BOLLES+WILSON are internationally known for a consistent - ly high architectural quality in a wide range of projects, each an individual solution developed with careful consideration to the cultural and the urbanistic context, which it must enhance.
The program, whether cultural (New Luxor Theatre Rotter - dam; 1,500 seats), Residential/Office (Falkenried Hamburg; German Urban Design Prize 2004), Retail/Entertainment (Spuimarkt Block Den Haag; 52,000 sqm shopping and ci - nema; Shopping Centre of the Year NL 2009) or mixed use (Raakspoort City Hall + Cinema Haarlem; Worldwide Brick Award 2012) is always the generator of the building form. Our philosophy is to ennoble the practical necessities and the purpose a building must serve through creative invention. Ultimately the technical, the programmatic as well as issues of sustainability must be simply and elegantly synthesised as architecture and as spaces with a distinctive and unique character.
BOLLES+WILSON are based in Germany but operate inter - nationally with projects in Albania, Australia, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and United Kingdom. In each location we collaborate intensively with local partners
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