FD architecten

FD architecten

De Moer, NL


Circular biobased villa Kaatsheuvel

The timber-frame circular house is designed to be life-cycle proof. In the future, it will be possible to locate the bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor. The individual spaces are connected in an open structure with as few doors as possible. 

The house is prefabricated and sustainably constructed out of wood. The isolation is done with flax. This pure and fast way of building, where the structural work is combined with the isolation layer, comes with great benefits when it comes to construction duration and cost. The roof is made out of cane.

Minimal use of materials, fewer transport movements means building a better future. Prefabrication and bio-based building materials results in a CO2 negative footprint building. In addition, the house is also energy positive.

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Status: Built
Location: Kaatsheuvel, NL
Firm Role: architect