Esra Ozel

Esra Ozel

Rotterdam, NL



Renovation and expansion of a school for special secondary education. extension 1,000m2 , renovation 2,730m2

An existing school building from the 1970s is being expanded and adapted to the needs of contemporary (secondary special) education. To this end, the internal organization of the existing corridor building is being reorganized into different clusters. The professional clusters are located on the ground floor: Hospitality, Healthcare and Construction. The floor is for the theoretical directions and mainly consists of classrooms with learning areas. Consultation, therapy and concentration rooms are located in strategic places in the building. The grand café and the Innovation Lab are the bridge to the outside world: Here, students can practice skills that they will apply after obtaining their diploma in a safe environment.

The extension fits into the existing building volume in such a way that a completely new internal spatial organization is created. In addition, this new-build section significantly reduces the heat loss surface. The aim of the interior materialization is to create a professional environment that bears little resemblance to a school building. All intended to make learning and working in this building as attractive as possible for this category of students.

Briant College is part of Scholencampus Bethaniënstraat .

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Status: Built
Location: Arnheim, NL
My Role: Team Member - Assistant Architect
Additional Credits: Client: De Onderwijsspecialisten
Users: VSO Briant College
Architect: Theo Kupers Architecten
Team: Theo Kupers with Iris van Velzen, Esra Ozel, Avgi Iordanidou, Madeleine Mans
Constructor: Van Rossum Rotterdam
Installations consultant: S2H
Building physics consultant: DGMR Arnhem
Contractor: Klaassengroep Arnhem
Photography : Roos Aldershoff