Emarat - E - Shams

Emarat - E - Shams

Kabul, AF


Mountains of Light

Ladakh, home of heritage, culture and colors located in between one of the world’s most prestigious and beautiful mountain ranges. Buddhist temples and monasteries, vibrant and colorful architecture, culture and life style, scenic views of mountain ranges and untouched beauties of nature are all some of the well-known features of this remotely placed area that makes its identity. Designing any architecture needs to carefully understand and integrate with all of these magnificent characteristics of this place.

Taking this into consideration, this concept aims to create the school as a playground for kids of all ages in which the school itself is placed within the playground. This will make the process of learning more playful and enjoyable. The design is meant to be integrated with the cultural values of its context and ensures public engagement in order to create a more powerful and positive impact in the society as a whole.

To accomplish this goal, the school is designed as a big playground and classrooms are placed within this playground as independent and modular village houses. Each module (classroom) is designed in the shape of famous Buddhist Stupas of Ladakh where the stepped roof on top acts as sitting places and provides light and sun to the class throughout the day. To control glare and add more cultural aesthetics to the module, the glass used in the stepped roof are all colored, replicating the color vibrancy of Alchi Monastery’s famous Buddhist paintings.

Placing these modules (classrooms) side by side, around the central playground, creates a simple image of Ladakh’s magnificent mountain ranges. Thus creating a second yet more enjoyable playground on the roof tops that is open in the center as of the traditional courtyards. The central opening in the roof is enclosed via wooden beam structures and rope nets to enhance even further joy. This central opening in the roof can be closed by placing removable wooden boards temporarily on top of the afore mentioned beams. This will create a central gathering place for school events, which can be opened up later on. Mass of thick masonry load bearing walls heated via rooftop lighting and four sunspaces around the school creates a passive system of heating for the classrooms. The openings in the first floor and the openness of the roof creates visual connection between the school and the context surrounding it, which will make the students feel more freedom and connected to their society.

School library and labs are placed in a two story building towards the entrance of the school, so that these facilities can be used by the community too. Music lab and administration offices are placed in the first floor for better control and for people to see their children engage in more cultural learning. School library and science lab are located in the second floor which is easily accessible from the main entrance and the classrooms. The façade of this building is designed as the traditional wood frame glazing facades of the area. For more cultural aesthetic and controlling sun light colored glass panels, replicating colors of Alchi monastery paintings, are used in the southern façade. The façade ends to a traditional curved roof sat upon thick masonry load bearing walls that is oriented towards south for PV installation.

Finally, all walls of the building are made of thick masonry, with hay as insulation layer in the middle, for bearing load of floors and roofs placed upon traditional wooden framework. A central rain water collection storage is placed underneath the central playground for irrigation and other purposes. Lastly, an offset all around the school creates public sitting places for more public engagement and for the school to have even more positive impact on the society.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Ladakh, india
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Switch Competition