Emarat - E - Shams

Emarat - E - Shams

Kabul, AF


Hashmat Hejran's House

The Context

Located in one of the furthest residential neighborhoods of Kabul city, Kotal Khair-Khana, this plot is an unorthodox triangular-shaped land located adjacent to an electrical substation with only a narrow storm water canal in between. The land is surrounded by many electrical poles with some of them even inside the plot. The challenge of creating a safe environment between these electrical poles within this oddly shaped plot while considering all of the family’s needs and demands in accordance with the cultural and ethical values of the neighborhood shapes this project as a more unique and distinctive design.

The Plans

For better space planning and better use of the site as a whole, the building is located on the eastern side of the plot where there is more space for building and the narrower sides are left for landscaping. The house has two entrances; the first one is placed near the eastern wall of the plot which opens to the garage and serves as the guest's entrance, and the other which is placed in the center of the yard serves more as the family’s main entrance.

The building itself is zoned as such that almost all of the northern side of the building, except where the long guest room is placed, is shielded by service rooms, and all other rooms where more activities take place are located more southwards in other to protect from the electrical substation’s harmful radiations. Common area rooms are placed hierarchal from more public to more private ones both indoors and outdoors, which ends with a long guest room with its own separate entrance from the yard in accordance with the client’s desire.

Finally, since the plot is of irregular shape and more space has been used for the building itself, the concept of small quality landscaping is used instead of large open fields.

The Sections

The house is zoned vertically into two stories such that all the common areas (except the long guestroom) are placed on the lower level and all the private bedrooms are located on the second floor. Access between these two levels is provided through two linear staircases; one placed indoors, which serves as the main staircase, and the second outdoor which provides direct access to the long guestroom and entire second floor from the yard.

Finally, the roof of the building is pitched so that no accidental roof gathering under the electric lines may not occur and ceilings are held lower in order to restrict the building’s height and keep the whole house cozy and warm.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Kabul, AF
Firm Role: Architect, Construction Consultant
Additional Credits: Hashmatullah Hejran, Project Owner

The Context
The Context
The Site
The Site
The Plans
The Plans
The Sections
The Sections