Duckett Design Group, Inc

Duckett Design Group, Inc

East Point, GA


Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia - Myers Hall Building Renovation - UGA

Duckett Design Group, Inc. was selected to provide services for the renovation of Myers Hall, a residential facility that will provide year-round housing for students at the University of Georgia.  Myers, built in 1953 as a 468-bed dormitory, currently operates as a 472-bed dormitory, which does not provide the living options, privacy, study/activity space and technological features required by today’s students.  Since its construction, there have been no substantial renovations made to the facility.  Consequently, many of the building’s systems are worn out or do not function well.  In 1999, Myers Hall was designated by the Department of University Housing as the second campus housing facility to be remodeled under their new plan to upgrade facilities to meet the new demands of the student body and to remain competitive with the off-campus housing market.  The goal of the renovation process is to build on the success of the Reed Hall renovation. 

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Status: Built
Location: Athens, GA, US
Firm Role: Architectural, Interiors