Devin Bradbury

Devin Bradbury

Philadelphia, PA, US

Exterior Elevations
Exterior Elevations
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Starfinder Foundation

The Starfinder Foundation is a non-profit group that serves to educate underprivileged youths through after-school programs and camps.  This tremendous community group teaches children leadership and life skills through both soccer and classroom-type education activities.  Their foundation is looking to improve its facilities to increase their awareness and provide a better learning atmosphere for students and staff.  

The exterior renovations include new insulated metal panels to improve energy efficiency, an abundance of south-facing glazing to introduce daylight to the soccer field and reduce the need for electric lighting, and the creation of a more intriguing, attractive facility that increases public awareness to Starfinder and its goal of educating inner-city children.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Manayunk, PA, US
My Role: Volunteer - Architectural Intern
Additional Credits: Philadelphia Community Design Collaborative

Exterior Perspective
Exterior Perspective