Dakota Witte

Dakota Witte

Kent, WA, US


Ponderosa Grove

This project aimed to address the established needs of the U-District in Spokane, Washington, by providing residential, educational, and commercial programs to the area. Inspired by the native ponderosa pine, the design mimics how a forest adapts to accommodate its inhabitants. To engage pedestrians on the Gateway Bridge, the east half of the podium features extensive glazing with intriguing, interactive educational elements visible to the public. The south face extends towards E Riverside Ave, enhancing the streetscape with a lively and welcoming market space. Above, two residential towers offer a range of housing options for both rent and ownership, serving the community members of the U-District and downtown Spokane.

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Status: School Project
Location: Spokane, WA, US
My Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Rae Hendricks