Most architects are familiar with fabrication programs/machines. Monika Wittig has been very passionate about fabrication since it was first introduced to her during her college days. Fabrication software is primarily used because of the amount of time and effort it saves. However, with the loss of time and effort, comes problem solving. As Wittig mentioned in her lecture, fabrication softwares have limits and regulations, which the designer must work around. This is a challenge that sparks creative and cognitive thinking, which architects are good at. Fabrication is also helpful for designers be cause we already have a preconceived knowledge of what the result will look like, unlike the wonder and anxiety we feel when handcrafting. I believe that fabrication has taken us a long way, and will continue to do so.
Guest speakers visiting from different places coming together and lecturing about their projects, groups, and firms at the University of Hawaii Manoa: School of Architecture.
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the image above shows the NU:S Parametric Shoes by Alessio Spinelli, Maurizio Degni and Arturo Tedeschi.
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