Feb '13 - Jul '13
The wooden sheets of "pedals" have been attached - making Möbius 90% complete! Check out more photos after the jump. Martin Gsandtner, Martin Šichman, and Marie Davidová are pleased with the results :) View full entry
It's been a while since the blog has been updated, but the production team has been busy making the wood pieces at the workshops. Here's a quick update on our environmental pavilion, MÖBIUS. The production of the wooden panels have officially begun at the Eurodach, where the team has been... View full entry
In case you haven't noticed from the obvious title of the blog, we are designing and building an environmental pavilion in Prague. The project is led in cooperation of the Architectural Institute Prague (ARCHIP) and the University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences... View full entry
Blogging the process of designing and building the pavilion for the 2013 Prague ReSITE Festival. Lead by Marie Davidová with Martin Gsandtner, Martin Šichman and Lukáš Kurilla at ARCHIP and FLD - CZU. http://resite.cz http://archip.eu http://www.fld.czu.cz/en