Sorry to be so silent! Life has been a roller coaster going 500mph.Here I am in the last 10 days of my semester at Taubman College. I can't believe how time has flown, with two years down and one to go. There have been countless experiences, learned moments, new friends made, and brain fried.With... View full entry
When I last left off with my travel I had passed out from a mixture of exhaustion, timezone, and several of those original classic margaritas from the Kentucky Bar (lets be honest it was mostly the margaritas), getting a few hours of sleep until the morning came, and the single most epic road... View full entry
There is something fascinating when you hear about a particular place so much via the news, word of mouth, or cultural perceptions that when an individual finally gets the chance to visit, their preconceived notions are shattered and whatever they thought of that place before are proven entirely... View full entry
Beginning my fifth semester of my dual degree at Taubman College I have balloted several times for professors for different classes throughout my time here and one would think I would be used to this process. Yet, each time I ballot I get nervous that I would end up not getting one of my top... View full entry
The reflections, recollections, and insights from the viewpoint of a dual-masters student here at the University of Michigan's Taubman College of Architecture. My three year journey to obtain a Masters of Architecture and a Master of Urban Design has brought me, and will continue to take me, through some of the most incredible, toughest, happiest, and satisfying moments and experiences of my life. Please join me through the wanderlust that is my design and academic expedition.