Ben James

Ben James

Vienna, AT


iheartblob season 2

This project done with Aleksandra Belitskaja and Shaun McCallum explores the idea of the Architectural Object. It attempts to articulate both formally and verbally the crises of thought Architecture is encountering (for better and for worse). We express ideas through a new visual language - designs are rarely seen in plan and section and rather expressed using renders, mixed realities and animations in an attempt to reflect their Lagrangian derivations. 

Season Two Introduces architectural parameters into the visual aesthetic of the project, specifically with regards to scale and construction. The element of human scale is made explicit with use, spatiality and narrative inferred by the actions and placement of the figures. An abstracted plane forces the Architectural Objects to have an interaction with the ground and creates a juxtaposition and dilemma between the unique forms and an endless platonic solid. Lastly, a gradient colour scheme is introduced as a new design tool which is used to highlight and express a wider range of architectural and theoretical concepts. Overall, this second iteration of the research moves from abstraction to reality through the introduction of new constraints. 

The project has been exhibited at galleries and museums in New York, Los Angeles, Cape Cod, Malaga and Vienna. In addition, we have published works and received several grants for continuing research.

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Status: Unbuilt
Additional Credits: Shaun McCallum
Aleksandra Belitskaja